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Circles in Squares Animated

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first formz decimator gif

formz 3d photoshop gif

Real Snowflakes gif

Road Trip

Soup On

The Look Of Love

Al's Look Of Love


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The Eye

The City

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Fast View

The Solar Tiger

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Messages That Won't Ever Change

Leading News With Current, Continuing, Future Impact

Noteworthy News Page

RICO Verified Complaint Filed and Served

Albert L. Peia Affidavit Filed and Served

Rico Statement Filed and Served

The Declaration/Certification Filed and Served


RICO Verified Complaint

Albert L. Peia Affidavit

RICO Statement

FBI Agent Affidavit Re: u.s. Illegal Drug Trade/Fraud

CIA Agent Affidavit Re: u.s. Illegal Drug Trade

Bush Crimes

Clinton Crimes

Bushisms from bush the Brain Damaged Moron


The Bilderberg List

Inside a Very jewish "Law" Firm

The Great u.s. Fraud

The Great Wall Street Fraud

U.S. Files

More u.s. Gov't Fraud Revealed at Uncle Scam.Com

bush's Phantom Conversations

american Totalitarianism Communistic

FACIST america

War on the Media

Reporters Murdered

bush Drug Use

List Dead Microbiologists/Scientists 2009

american Animals

Dumbya bush Says"Chosen by GOD to Lead Nation"

Wall Street Fraud/Greed

Huge Fraud at the Pentagon

Criminal american Genocide/Indians

The Junior Senator Fraud of N.Y.

Trump files for bankruptcy due to $1.8bn debt

T_Rex_Rump Files

T_rump: The Mobster/Fraud

They're Killing the Microbiologists/Scientists

u.s. has worst crime rate in the world

The Unequivocal Decline/Fall Of Criminal america

The Great NASA Fraud

Fraud/Iraq War/Murder

Downing Street Memo and b.U.S.h War Crimes

Downing Street Minutes/Exhibits and the b.U.S.h War Crimes

The WTC Demolition

The 911 Criminal american Fraud/Murders

Meaningfully Lawless Fallen Criminal america

California/LA Files

Music/Video Files

Law and Media Files

Scientology/Dianetics Another Great american Fraud Starring Flakey Tom

Tom Cruise's Scary Movie

Cruise extols Scientology in 2004 video

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Al Peia Files

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Al Peia

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American presidents corrupt/criminal (bush, clinton, trump, biden, et als); america's highest court(s) (institutions) in the land corrupt/criminal

I've run down/fought against muggers, life threatening thieves/frauds/arsonists/mobsters...those who try to do the right thing are dead or has been; human nature, america to be sure from direct observation/experience, other nations by inference/data, is pervasively, inherently, predominantly corrupt/criminal.WHAT HAS BEEN? THIS WORLD, PARTICULARLY THAT SO-CALLED "LEADING NATION" AMERICA HAS BEEN AND IS A COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME AND ENERGY. ALL THAT'S IMPORTANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD IS 'CLEAR AS AN UNMUDDIED LAKE' ... UNDERSTOOD:



Brief Summary 'All About Al Peia'

Almost Now

  Headlines 911 Full Year 2024

trump is so sick!

A Closer Look At trump And Crew




New Record Insurmountable Debt - $35trillion!

Texas to Michigan, punishing month of 500 tornados


Year 2023

Year 2022
Fourth Quarter 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

News Summaries Full Year 2023
News Summaries 3rd Quarter Year 2023
News Summaries 2nd Quarter Year 2023
News Summaries 1st Quarter Year 2023

This is a timely good one from Seth Meyers. Trump is so sick!


News Summaries-2022

Headlines-The End-2023

  Year End 2023 Headless Headlines [In Time For Hallows' Eve]

  Headlines-1st Quarter 2024

  Headlines-1st Half 2024

  Headlines-1st Three Quarters 2024

  Headlines 911 Full Year 2024

  Headlines Fit To Print 2023

  Highlights 2023

  Music/Movies 2024

  Al Peia Facebook Posts

  Al Peia Twitter Tweets

Daily Kos Headlines 2024
Daily Kos Headlines 2023
Daily Kos Headlines 2022

  World News By News Organizations (History) Before, As, After It Happens [ HMMM...SOMETHING AWRY...SO HERE'S THEIR ALTERNATIVE SOURCE, FOR THE NONCE World News By News Organizations (History) ]

  Scratch Pad 2023

  S**thole World/America 2023

  Shameless Ads From american Past Harbingers Of american Insanity Today


  Day of Infamy/Thanksgiving/No Thanks Murderous american Thieves

*I know America

The Road to Dystopia

I was recently asked if I could choose any country in this world to move to and live in, what country would that be. (It should be noted that almost surprising to me was the ease with which I mastered and garnered an 'A' grade for both linear algebra and management science/decision theory/simplex algorithm which enabled for me, optimal decision making. Of course, information access was the crucial precondition to such optimization, particularly concerning banking, securities, law in america/state of the world such as it is.)
My reply, which I stand by was/is as follows:
*ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, RETRO, WATCHING/SAVING CALIFORNIA BEACH BABES THE OPTIMAL SCENARIO FOR ME; that said for then, it is not an endorsement of california or america, both now disasters in progress!
Albert Peia Resume

Specifically, much as would be so in an exclusively maximum security prison environment for convicts of the most serious crimes, the notion of laws, rules of law is preposterous. Beyond the propaganda, obfuscation, etc., lies the greatest fraud, certainly of the 20th and 21st centuries; viz., america. Anthropologically, america is unequivocally a total, unmitigated evolutionary disaster.
About Al


RABIN WAS A GREAT MAN! netanyahu is a corrupt, criminal piece of shit!

War In Gaza

Israel Bombs Hospital ( First: Chicken or Egg, 6 of 1/half dozen of other, ? )

Morocco Earthquake

Libya Flood

World Heat Wave ... Hmmm

trump effect ... ahah!

Burning Man Disaster ... 1 Dead, 73,000 Stranded

Excerpt: "Can you believe these are my customers? "Donald Trump once asked while surveying the crowd in the Taj Mahal casino's poker room. "Look at those losers," he said to his consultant Tom O'Neil, of people spending money on the floor of the Trump Plaza casino. Visiting the Iowa State Fair as a presidential candidate in 2015, he was astounded that locals fell in line to support him because of a few free rides in his branded helicopter. In the White House, he was sometimes stunned at his own backers' fervor, telling aides, "They're fucking crazy." Yet they loved him and wanted to own a piece of him, and that was what mattered most. Almost immediately after his defeat in 2020, Trump began fundraising off his claims of fraud, turning to his ardent fans for support..."

The american road

Crazy donald trump

alito/black santa/trump says terminate constitution

Fox News has to break up with Trumpt

Trump the Self-proclaimed "Stable Genius" aka DonTheCon

Scammer DonTheCon - The Sucker Is You!

Escalating Crime in the Crimea

All this bloodshed could have been avoided as per Pat Buchanan, hardly a Russia enthusiast/aficionado: Patrick Joseph Buchanan is an American political commentator, columnist, politician and broadcaster. Buchanan was an assistant and special consultant to U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan, and was an original host on CNN's Crossfire. Wikipedia Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022 - 11:20 AM Buchanan: Biden Should Declare NATO Membership Closed "Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and neither we nor our allies have any intention or plans to bring Ukraine into NATO or to give Kyiv an Article 5 war guarantee." Mentally ill mobster/criminal trump has been singing paeans of praise for Putin throughout this sordid but easily avoidable scenario. Knowing and hating trump as I do, it is tempting to join the throng in condemning Putin. THAT I CANNOT DO in good conscience! I also know that mentally infirm, corrupt, criminal america/americans who'll do literally anything for a buck cannot be trusted given the opportunity for 'fog of war' money sub rosa. Then there's the 'wag the dog' aspect to give mentally deficient Biden et als some breathing room. Bottom line, america's dirty dog of war paws are all over this tragic outcome which was totally avoidable as set forth above.

FACEBOOK/TWITTER POST (3-3-22): Are You Absolutely Certain That You Know Who The Good Guys Are In This War? "...But before I get into the details, I want to be very open about the fact that I do not consider either the Russians or the Ukrainians to be the good guys ..."
March 2, 2022 by Michael Snyder

The Latest: US/UKRAINE/NATO "Strategic" Gambit To Economically Drain Russia - All Is Quieter On The Eastern Front 7-6-22 ... Hmmm ... Some Plan!

Putin: The Man With The Plan Responds

I'm no cheerleader for Putin who seems endeared to mentally ill mobster/criminal trump; but, true is true, and consistent with my american experience, well stated by him as follows:
INTERNATIONAL MAN - Vladimir Putin recently gave a speech in which he said:
"The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the world, to plunder it thanks to the domination of the dollar and technology, to collect an actual tribute from humanity, to extract its primary source of unearned prosperity, the rent paid to the hegemon. The preservation of this annuity is their main, real and absolutely self-serving motivation. This is why total de-sovereignization is in their interest. This explains their aggression towards independent states, traditional values and authentic cultures, their attempts to undermine international and integration processes, new global currencies and technological development centers they cannot control. It is critically important for them to force all countries to surrender their sovereignty to the United States (of Thieves)."

ZEROHEDGE 8-Year CIA Program Helped Provoke Russian Invasion: Report CIA paramilitaries had been training Ukrainian forces... since 2014 and were only pulled out by the Biden administration last month... [Dumbo Joe] Biden: "Now Is A Time When Things Are Shifting. There's Going To Be A New World Order Out There, And We've Got To Lead It." March 21, 2022 by Michael Snyder "...The war in Ukraine has brought this great struggle for control of the world to the forefront. You see, the truth is that Ukraine has been one of the New World Order's pet projects. In 2014, they were able to successfully overthrow the democratically-elected government of Ukraine and install a completely fresh pro-globalist government. And since that time, the globalists have sunk their teeth deep into that deeply suffering nation of 44 million precious people and have been using it as a testing ground..."

Year 2023
Year 2022
Fourth Quarter 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Third Quarter 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Man turns hero after saving cat from floodwaters...

Second Half 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

First Half 2022, 5-9-22 to 6-30-22 Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

First Half 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

First Quarter 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Final Quarter, Full Year 2021, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Time to put 'law in america' in its proper perspective. Specifically, much as would be so in an exclusively maximum security prison environment for convicts of the most serious crimes, the notion of laws, rules of law is preposterous. Beyond the propaganda, obfuscation, etc., lies the greatest fraud, certainly of the 20th and 21st centuries; viz., america. Anthropologically speaking, america is unequivocally a total, unmitigated evolutionary disaster.

This is a Timely Good One from SNL

Year 2023
Year 2022
Fourth Quarter 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

italians are black - black hands

trump's 14 pages - hyped up

adderall - Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, two central nervous stimulants that improve focus and reduce impulsivity by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain serious side effects

donny says he didn't know him

Elon/Mars or Bust

Year 2023
Year 2022

First Three Quarters, 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Musk the Rainman

Mars Man Musk ... Hmmm

First Three Quarters, 2021, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

First Half 2021, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

First Quarter 2021, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Fourth Quarter 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Third Quarter 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Man turns hero after saving cat from floodwaters...

Second Half 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

First Half 2022, 5-9-22 to 6-30-22 Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets
First Half 2022, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

Headlines 202021

11-22-21 TRIBUTE TO JFK: america's not worth it! [Brief Summary]
cia-mob-lbj-hit-jfk Criminal america killed JFK. Note the first shot, JFK's throat (he clutches), then the kill shot (top/back of his head blown off   -  watch here) Marcello was a very powerful mobster. Bobby Kennedy, AG to brother JFK went after Marcello, Order for Deportation, forfeiture, etc.. (he was never deported, etc.). JFK was going to take LBJ off the ticket; JFK a shoe-in for re-election. FBI's Hoover hated the Kennedys, liked LBJ; hence, (the lie) lone gunman, no conspiracy (so local Texas/LBJ state) jurisdiction/ coverup effected. That's the real story!
Carlos Joseph Marcello was an American crime boss of the New Orleans crime family from 1947 until the late 1980s. Wikipedia - Carlos Marcello: The Man Behind the JFK Assassination Carlos Marcello: The Man Behind the JFK Assassination [Vaccara, Stefano, ... Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.
AMERICANS ARE CRIMINALLY, COWARDLY, CORRUPT AND BY A LARGE MARGIN, MENTALLY ILL/INFIRM (NOTE MENTALLY ILL MOBSTER/CRIMINAL TRUMP). Traits as, ie., integrity, honesty, courageous, honorable are maladaptive from an evolutionary perspective in america and have been so for quite some time.

Next Phase of 2020 Collapse

First Half 2021, Al Peia Facebook Posts and Tweets

The Oscars 2022 - Nominees/Winners
The Oscars 2021 - Nominees/Winners

'The Usual Suspects' 1971 Picture courtesy of 'The Fox'; such of mine fell victim to theft in jersey (most of them-scrapbook/medals/trophies/films) and theft/arson fire in California. That's the great Roger Sanders, Coach and NCAA National Champion. Yes, that is a black eye I was sporting, a metaphor for my (grueling but important) wrestling experience (OUCH!). Wrestling: Freshman Metropolitan Champion (137 pounds) 1969 - NYU Team Championship / Metropolitan Champion (142 pounds) 1972 / NYU Team Championship - Team Captain Wrestling Experience

Super Bowl LVI: LA Wins! Late TD Wins It!

The Kentucky Derby 2022

The Kentucky Derby 2021

The Preakness Stakes 2022

146th Preakness Stakes 2021

Belmont Stakes 2022

Belmont Stakes 2021

The Crash

Searing Supercut Counts Down Trump's '100 Most Tremendous Scandals' In Time For The Election

America's Global Nightmare On Pennsylvania Avenue

Rappin', Rapin', Psycho trump

What do you think Mark (Levin - on Twitter)? Your buddy hannity relentlessly pounded clinton on the Juanita Broaddrick rape: Conservatives Are Destroying Our Future [ trump's a con but not a con_servative. ] "I understood that both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew I was 13 years old. Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted. Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump's sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed."

The Cat Says: Read This File -

In The United States District Court Southern District Of New York

Why is this not in the news?

Tweety-birdbrain trump

I Warned, Told You So!

Comrade trump

Psychosociopath donnie trump

trump's a sick dude and a dangerous blowhard

Fact and Causal Reality Ominously Converge in the New Year For Fallen america

trump's space force/mars mission-Way Out-Spaced Out

Talk about space force/mars mission, how about Musk, Mars, and Chad:

Musk Moment: Named Time Person Of Year
Says he will fly Noah's ark spaceship packed full of animals to Mars

I invite attention to and strongly recommend 'Interstellar' by the great director Christopher Nolan.

One way or another, this is a dying planet in an already dead solar system
MAG: Humans doomed to go extinct ...
A (Very) Short History of Life on Earth (St. Martin's Press, 2021)

Tears in New England ... Tom Brady ... Wow!

The Kentucky Derby 2020


The Preakness 2020


[Actually, that's 5 American Pharoah, Belmont 147, 2015]

The Belmont 2020


The Fetus Will Defeat US


The Wizard Oz Alive and Well in Penn's Woods ... Ask Dorothy

Had to add this here - Yes, the effects of Covid are deep, unforgiving - SNL - Total hoot! Very funny!





5-22-20 Seth Meyers Delivers Major Takedown Of Right-Wing Coronavirus Conspiracy:
A Closer Look by Seth Meyers

St. Mary Magdalene by the Expressway High School holds a virtual graduation ceremony with special guest speaker President Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) [SNL]

5-7-20 Trump and His Allies Have a Plan for Protecting Themselves, Not You:
A Closer Look by Seth Meyers

Weekend Update Home Edition:
Trump Suggests Injecting Disinfectant

4-27-20 Trump Sinks in Polls, Claims Disinfectant Comments Were Sarcastic:
A Closer Look by Seth Meyers

Trump Blames WHO and Rushes to 'Open Up America Again': A Closer Look by Seth Meyers

4-16-20 Seth Meyers Takes A Closer Look To Date

4-12-20 Alec Baldwin's trump Calls In To 'Weekend Update' To Brag About His Stellar COVID-19 Job

4-4-20 A Blast From The Past as Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler Rejoin Hands and Take A Closer Look, REALLY!

4-2-20 Seth Meyers takes 'A Closer Look' at fox news/hannity/trump hoax lie

3-28-20 Seth Meyers takes 'A Closer Look' at a self-interested, incompetent, mentally ill trump whose contraindicated presence is not up to the job

Seth Meyers Exposes Fox News' Coronavirus 'Alternate Reality' of Blaming Democrats

Seth Meyers Takes A Closer Look at a somnolent, incoherent trump on coronavirus, etc...

Here's Stephen Colbert on trump the corona man...

YAHOONEWS Politics 'Weekend Update' Does Epic Takedown Of Trump Over Impeachment, Attacks

trump an absolute smash at the NATO Summit

Seth Meyers Baits Donald Trump Over His Dumbest Obsession Yet

The Impeachment Trial That Wasn't
[SNL Sketch]

Here's a good one from Stephen Colbert on mad-man mobster trump's latest ralley rant ...
trump is clearly, unequivocally insane!

[1-14-20: Stephen Colbert Monologue ]

6-11-20 trump Asked Stephen Miller to Write a Speech About Race Relations:
A Closer Look by Seth Meyers

6-10-20 Trump Sinks in Polls, Protesters Call to Defund the Police:
A Closer Look by Seth Meyers

6-3-20 Seth Meyers Critiques Trump's Photo Op
'A Closer Look'


2020 News Topics By Month  Past Months - October, 2018 thru September, 2020

Impeachment Resolution - In Re donald john trump

Al Peia Tweets-Facebook Posts 12-31-20

Al Peia Facebook Posts

Al Peia Tweets

The Belmont 2020

Triple Crown 2019

The Oscars 2020

Encore! ... Bravo! ... Do Not Miss The Great New 'CATS'!

Past Months - October, 2018 thru December, 2019

The Whistleblower Complaint

[ Though not set forth specifically in Judge Dorsey's factual background synopsis, Defendant Coan (Ch.7 trustee) was sued individually for having missed a filing deadline for adversary proceedings parallel to the RICO action causing dismissal with prejudice and substantial damages thereby.
Order Page 1 Order Page 2 ]

Peia v. United States, 152 F. Supp. 2d 226 (D. Conn. 2001)

U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut - 152 F. Supp. 2d 226 (D. Conn. 2001)
May 22, 2001

152 F. Supp. 2d 226 (2001)

Albert L. PEIA, Plaintiff,
UNITED STATES of America, et al., Defendants.

No. Civ. 3:00cv2310 (PCD).

United States District Court, D. Connecticut.

May 22, 2001.

*227 *228 *229 Albert L. Peia, Reseda, CA, pro se.

Ann M. Nevins, U.S. Attorney's Office, Bridgeport, CT, for U.S.

Timothy D. Miltenberger, Coan, Lewendon, Royston & Gulliver, New Haven, CT, for Richard M. Coan.


DORSEY, Senior District Judge.

The United States moves to dismiss all Plaintiff's claims. The motion is granted.


Plaintiff, pro se, sues under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act ("RICO"), 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-1968, and the Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA"), 28 U.S.C. §§ 1291, 1346, 1402, 2401-2402, 2411-2412, 2671-2680. This court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1964(a) and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1346(b) (1).


The facts are taken as alleged in the complaint[1]. Plaintiff alleges a broad-ranging conspiracy involving the United States of America, the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, various U.S. District Court Judges, various U.S. Bankruptcy Trustees, the U.S. Attorney's Office, Donald Trump, the FBI, and fifteen John Doe defendants. The scheme involves the United States laundering proceeds from illegal drug sales through the New Jersey casinos of Donald Trump and systematically defrauding bankruptcy creditors and debtors through the theft of property and surplus funds generated through bankruptcy sales. Plaintiff further alleges fraud and a massive cover-up, effected by misrepresenting court proceedings and removing court documents, as part of the underlying crimes that give rise to his civil RICO claims.

In 1987, Plaintiff commenced an action alleging civil RICO violations in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey to recover money owed to him by a Mr. Dilena. The case was assigned to District Judge Maryanne Trump Barry[2]. The thrust of his claim was that Mr. Dilena diverted funds owed to Plaintiff and comingled them with illicit drug profits that were then laundered through the Trump casinos. Contemporaneous to the 1987 RICO action, Plaintiff claims that he informed Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Lacey of the RICO scheme and provided him with documents to support his theory. After no answer from Mr. Lacey for several months, Plaintiff learned Mr. Lacey was no longer with the U.S. Attorney's office and that his documents could not be found. Plaintiff delivered another package of the same documents several months later to U.S. Attorney Sam Alito.[3] After no contact for several months Plaintiff learned that Mr. Alito was no longer working in the U.S. Attorney's office and that his documents could not be located. Plaintiff then attempted to tell his story to agents of the FBI, but they were not receptive.

As a result of deliberately slow proceedings in his 1987 RICO action, Plaintiff filed for bankruptcy in New Jersey in 1988. Later in 1988, he sought to recuse Judge Barry because she was the sister of Donald Trump, owner of the Trump Casinos involved in the RICO scheme. At this time Plaintiff met with then U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee Hugh Leonard to convince him to join Plaintiff's motion to recuse. Mr. Leonard declined. The 1987 RICO action was dismissed in 1989.

In March 1989, Plaintiff filed a petition for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Connecticut. In September 1989, this action was dismissed. Also in September 1989, prior to when his 1989 Connecticut bankruptcy action was dismissed, Plaintiff initiated a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition in Virginia.

*231 The 1989 Connecticut proceedings were not consummated according to law, causing Plaintiff an undisclosed yet substantial financial loss. As a result, Plaintiff sent a notice of claim, pursuant to the FTCA, to the U.S. Attorney General sometime in late 1991.[4] Apparently, the United States did not respond to Plaintiff's notice of claim.

In April 1992, Plaintiff filed a second RICO action against Mr. Dilena and others in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut. That action eventually was dismissed without prejudice sometime in 1996. Also in 1992, Plaintiff filed two more separate Chapter 13 bankruptcy actions in Connecticut.

In January 1993, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Chief Judge Alan H.W. Shiff made false representations regarding a hearing date for one of Plaintiff's two 1992 Connecticut bankruptcy actions. This happened during contempt proceedings against Plaintiff for violating a ban on filing bankruptcy petitions. The contempt charges were eventually dropped, but not before Plaintiff suffered financial loss due to fines imposed and due to his inability to proceed with bankruptcy actions. Judge Shiff's use of fraudulently misdated notices of hearings was in furtherance of the scheme to conceal money laundering activities, theft, and bankruptcy fraud.

On December 5, 1996, Judge Shiff dismissed Plaintiff's Connecticut Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedings.[5] He did this in furtherance of the RICO conspiracy. As a result of Judge Shiff's false statements, a separate Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceeding begun in California was also dismissed.

In May 1996, Mr. Richard Coan was appointed U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee to Plaintiff's bankruptcy estate. Mr. Coan, as part of a cover-up for the RICO scheme, sold real property belonging to Plaintiff and in doing so unlawfully withheld surplus funds from the sale. Mr. Coan was also responsible for the theft of personal property belonging to Plaintiff.

In 1999, Plaintiff commenced an action in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, Peia v. United States, No. CV 99-02633 (C.D.Cal. Nov. 24, 1999), aff'd, 246 F.3d 675 (9th Cir. 2000) (unpublished), cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 121 S. Ct. 1737, 149 L. Ed. 2d 661 (2001), alleging the facts and injuries above. The action was assigned to District Judge A. Howard Matz. All claims against the United States were dismissed on the merits with prejudice. Plaintiff appealed. The appellate court affirmed the dismissal. Plaintiff now alleges Judge Matz, as part of the RICO conspiracy, fraudulently misrepresented the proceedings in Plaintiff's California case.

Plaintiff's final allegation is that fifteen John Doe defendants, presumably employees of the United States, acted in a negligent manner in furtherance of the RICO scheme.

On December 4, 2000, Plaintiff filed the present complaint. Plaintiff's claims include violations of RICO, theft, fraudulent concealment, fraudulent misrepresentation[6], and failure to supervise. The United *232 States now moves to dismiss. Plaintiff opposes the motion.

A. Standard of Review

The United States improperly moves to dismiss all Plaintiff's claims under FED.R.CIV.P. 12(b) (6), arguing in part the statute of limitations and res judicata. A motion to dismiss under FED.R.CIV.P. 12(b) (6) looks to the sufficiency of the complaint only. Here the United States asks the court to consider other facts, namely, the date the present complaint was filed and the contents of the complaint in the 1999 lawsuit. When moving to dismiss based on facts beyond the bare face of the complaint, the motion is properly pursuant to FED.R.CIV.P. 12(c), judgment on the pleadings. The United States's motion is construed as such. Upon motion for judgment on the pleadings, pursuant to FED. R.CIV.P. 12(c), the court "appl[ies] the same standard as that applicable to a motion under Rule 12(b) (6)." Sheppard v. Beerman, 18 F.3d 147, 150 (2d Cir.1994).

A complaint may not be dismissed under Rule 12(b) (6) unless the movant demonstrates "beyond doubt that the plaintiff can prove no set of facts in support of his claim which would entitle him to relief." Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41, 45-46, 78 S. Ct. 99, 2 L. Ed. 2d 80 (1957); see FED.R.CIV.P. 12(b) (6). The factual allegations are presumed to be true, and all factual inferences are to be drawn in Plaintiff's favor. See Hishon v. King & Spalding, 467 U.S. 69, 73, 104 S. Ct. 2229, 81 L. Ed. 2d 59 (1984). As a pro se party, Plaintiff is entitled to some deference in meeting pleading requirements. See Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520, 92 S. Ct. 594, 30 L. Ed. 2d 652 (1972) (per curiam).

B. Dismissal Due to Statutes of Limitations

The present action was filed on December 4, 2000. The statute of limitations for civil RICO claims is four years. Agency Holding Corp. v. Malley-Duff & Assocs., Inc., 483 U.S. 143, 156, 107 S. Ct. 2759, 97 L. Ed. 2d 121 (1987). All of the activity in all counts of the complaint, with the exception of Judge Matz's 1999 alleged misrepresentation of the record and Judge Shiff's 1996 order of dismissal, occurred on or before December 4, 1996. Accordingly, all civil RICO claims, other than arising from either of these two events, are time-barred[7].

The statute of limitations for FTCA claims is two years. 28 U.S.C. § 2401(b). All of the activity in all counts of the complaint, with the exception of Judge Matz's 1999 alleged misrepresentation of the record, occurred on or before December 4, 1998. Accordingly, all FTCA claims, other than arising from this dismissal, are time-barred.

Plaintiff argues that the doctrines of fraudulent concealment, equitable estoppel, and equitable tolling preclude any of his claims from being time-barred. As to the doctrine of fraudulent concealment, "[t]he doctrine is properly invoked only if a plaintiff establishes affirmative conduct upon the part of the defendant which would, under the circumstances of the case, lead a reasonable person to believe that he did not have a claim for relief." Pincay v. Andrews, 238 F.3d 1106, 1110 (9th Cir.2001) (quoting Volk v. D.A. Davidson & Co., 816 F.2d 1406, 1415 (9th *233 Cir.1987)). While Plaintiff does allege separate acts of fraud and concealment of documents by the United States, those acts serve as the basis for establishment of his claims, rather than conduct that led Plaintiff to reasonably believe he did not have a claim as the exception requires.

As to the doctrine of equitable estoppel, "equitable estoppel is invoked in cases where the plaintiff knew of the existence of his cause of action, but the defendant's conduct caused him to delay bringing his lawsuit." Dillman v. Combustion Eng'g, Inc., 784 F.2d 57, 61 (2d Cir.1986) (quoting Cerbone v. Int'l Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 768 F.2d 45, 50 (2d Cir. 1985)). Plaintiff does not allege that any of the United States's actions prevented or delayed him from pursuing any claims. Indeed, Plaintiff seems to be anything but prevented from pursuing his claims. His own complaint lists no less than nine separate actions commenced since his discovery of the RICO conspiracy in 1987.

As to the doctrine of equitable tolling, "[a] statute of limitations may be tolled as necessary to avoid inequitable circumstances. Equitable tolling applies as a matter of fairness where a [party] has been prevented in some extraordinary way from exercising his rights." Iavorski v. INS, 232 F.3d 124, 129 (2d Cir.2000) (internal citations and quotation marks omitted and second alteration in the original). Plaintiff does not allege any circumstances that would have prevented him from filing any claims at any time.

C. Dismissal Due to Res Judicata

The United States moves to dismiss Plaintiff's entire complaint on the basis of res judicata because all his claims have previously reached a final judgment on the merits. "Res judicata ... makes a final, valid judgment conclusive on the parties, and those in privity with them, as to all matters, fact and law, [that] were or should have been adjudicated in the proceeding." Waldman v. Village of Kiryas Joel, 207 F.3d 105, 108 (2d Cir.2000) (citation omitted and alterations in the original). Prior suits involving the same claim or common nucleus of operative facts have a claim preclusive effect on all subsequent suits, barring further litigation. Waldman, 207 F.3d 105. "To ascertain whether two actions spring from the same `transaction' or `claim,' we look to whether the underlying facts are related in time, space, origin, or motivation, whether they form a convenient trial unit, and whether their treatment as a unit conforms to the parties' expectations...." Id. at 108 (citation omitted).

Upon examination, Plaintiff's first amended complaint in his 1999 California action, Peia v. United State, No. CV 99-02633 (C.D.Cal. Nov. 24, 1999), alleged that Judge Shiff's 1996 order of dismissal was the basis for civil RICO claims. This common nucleus of operative facts between the suits (and indeed common legal claims) precludes his present civil RICO claim against the United States and the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts based on Judge Shiff's 1996 order of dismissal.[8]

*234 Plaintiff asserts that the pendency of his petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court from the Ninth Circuit's affirmation of the dismissal of his California action precludes it from being a final judgment[9]. His argument fails. The pendency of an appeal does not suspend the claim-preclusive effect of a final judgment from a lower court. Prager v. El Paso Nat'l Bank, 417 F.2d 1111, 1112 (5th Cir.1969) (per curiam).

Plaintiff further asserts that "a federal court's dismissal of suit `on the merits' based on statute of limitations doesn't necessarily have claim-preclusive effect in another state." Plaintiff cites to Semtek International Inc. v. Lockheed Martin Corp., 531 U.S. 497, 121 S. Ct. 1021, 149 L. Ed. 2d 32 (2001), in support of his assertion. While this proposition is true in limited instances, Plaintiff's reliance on this case is misplaced. The present case is distinguishable from Semtek International, which dealt with state law claims brought to federal court under diversity jurisdiction. When claims are brought under diversity jurisdiction, the statute of limitations period may vary in districts located in different states. However, when claims are brought under RICO the statute of limitations period will not vary from district to district.[10]See Agency Holding Corp., 483 U.S. at 149, 107 S. Ct. 2759. In the present case all Plaintiff's claims are brought under RICO and the FTCA, making Semtek International inapplicable.

D. Dismissal Because the United States is Not Proper Party to a Civil RICO Action

Plaintiff alleges that the United States, acting through the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Connecticut, engaged in a pattern of conduct that included inter alia money laundering, obstruction of justice, bribery, racketeering, theft, fraud, and misrepresentation. Plaintiff further alleges that these actions give rise to a private right of action against the United States under 18 U.S.C. § 1964. His argument fails. The civil remedy provision of RICO, 18 U.S.C. § 1964, grants a private right of action to a person whose property is injured by reason of a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1962. Violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1962 must be committed by a person, as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 1961(3). The United States is not considered a person under RICO and therefore as a matter of law is not a proper party to Plaintiff's RICO claim. See United States v. Bonanno Organized Crime Family of La Cosa Nostra, 879 F.2d 20, 21-27 (2d Cir.1989). Plaintiff's civil RICO claim against the United States arising out of Judge Matz's 1999 alleged misrepresentation of the record is dismissed.[11]

*235 E. Dismissal for Judicial Immunity

With the dismissal of many of Plaintiff's claims due to the statutes of limitations, the dismissal of the civil RICO claim arising out of Judge Shiff's 1996 order of dismissal due to res judicata, and the dismissal of the civil RICO claim arising out of Judge Matz's 1999 alleged misrepresentation of the record because the United States is not a proper party to a civil RICO claim, the only remaining claim is the FTCA claim against the United States arising out of Judge Matz's 1999 alleged misrepresentation of the record.

"[J]udicial immunity is an immunity from suit ... not overcome by allegations of bad faith or malice...." Mireles v. Waco, 502 U.S. 9, 11, 112 S. Ct. 286, 116 L. Ed. 2d 9 (1991) (per curiam) (internal citations omitted). "This immunity applies even when the judge is accused of acting maliciously and corruptly...." Pierson v. Ray, 386 U.S. 547, 554, 87 S. Ct. 1213, 18 L. Ed. 2d 288 (1967), overruled on other grounds by Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800, 102 S. Ct. 2727, 73 L. Ed. 2d 396 (1982).

Judicial immunity may only be overcome if the actions complained of are nonjudicial in nature or are performed in "the complete absence of all jurisdiction." Mireles, 502 U.S. at 11, 112 S. Ct. 286. Judge Matz's representation of the record of proceedings in Plaintiff's California case, even if fraudulent and in furtherance of a massive cover-up, was clearly a judicial act performed within the jurisdiction of the court. Since Judge Matz's acts cannot be tortious, the United States cannot be held liable for the result flowing from them. Plaintiff's final FTCA claim against the United States arising out of Judge Matz's 1999 alleged misrepresentation of the record is dismissed.[12]


Defendant United States's motion to dismiss, (Dkt. No. 10), is granted. All claims against the United States and against the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts are dismissed.


* The coverup was appealed to the second circuit court of appeals, and the u.s.supreme court petitioned for certiorari ... Coverup Sustained ... Petition for Cert. Denied
Plaintiff's RICO Statement of Damages as required and by way of appended exhibit to the RICO Verified Complaint was an Estimated Grand Total $26,500,160 .

[ america's (non-governmental) criminal acts do not fall within the ambit of governmental/sovereign immunity (as america has posited many times as a rule to hold other nations liable for wrongful conduct). ]

The Following Links For Clarity; the first, a brief summary of the case provided to the FBI field office in New Haven, Connecticut pursuant to their request; the second provided to the FBI field office in Los Angeles, California as set forth therein as referenced in my reply email to Congresswoman Roybal-Allard; Hearing: U.S. District Court on U.S. Default; Reply Email to Madam Speaker Pelosi incorporating responsive emails/requests for assistance to Senator Feinstein and Congresswoman Royball-Allard referencing FBI referral/court documents-disks/stonewalling/coverup:

Rico Summary to FBI Under Penalty of Perjury

FBI field office in Los Angeles, CA

The Hearing (in pertinent part - usdcj matz presiding) in the U.S. District Court in LA, CA concerning defendant USA's default and trump, trump sister involved coverup

Email to Madam Speaker Pelosi incorporating responsive emails/requests for assistance to Senator Feinstein and Congresswoman Royball-Allard



Next Phase of 2020 Collapse

Wall Street sloth taking some holiday down time tending to some gardening
but, come Monday, back to the 'ole churn-and-earn'


FOMO ... Don't Miss Out ... The Bridges On Wall Street Are Dirt Cheap

And ... There's this ... hmmm

Yes, the beat goes on. The great fraud continues. The great fraud, fallen america.         Topical Index

9-26-19 - Synopsis

Synopsis (text no links)

    Current ... Donald Trump might be the stupidest President ever It should come as no surprise - and it has not - that he is sorely lacking in sophistication, knowledge of the world, understanding of government and a rudimentary grasp of economics. President Donald Trump does not read - except in small doses and when his own name appears prominently. Prior to the presidency, his only activities were work and golf. He does not mingle with intellectuals, cultural trend-setters or artists. 'DONNIE WAS NEVER A SMART BOY, NO MATTER WHAT HE TELLS YOU. THE NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS, USED TO CALL HIM, DONNIE DIMWIT', SAID MARYANN TRUMP BARRY, TRUMP'S OLDER SISTER, WHO IS A JUDGE. TRUMP'S OLDER SISTER WORRIES ABOUT HIM: 'DONNIE'S ACTING LIKE A NUTJOB' [ That's because he is a nutjob! ].

WOW! MARKETWATCH: Trump has reportedly suggested nuking hurricanes headed toward the U.S.

America's Global Nightmare On Pennsylvania Avenue

Donnie Dimwit

  On the Eve of Destruction

  Don't they know it's the end of the world as we know it

  And, that ELE ain't no lady, but is a total wipeout

  4-22-19 Update: Politics USA TODAY Opinion I've warned that impeachment talk is dangerous, but the time has come: Laurence Tribe The consequential decision to impeach should not be made lightly. But Mueller's damning report is an invitation that Congress shouldn't refuse. [ Laurence Tribe knows something about constitutional law. Some improvement ( PELOSI WANTS TRUMP IN PRISON ... But appears to be hoping he'll voluntarily sign himself in on his own accord; and, not to forget the nostalgia she feels for 'the donald' who reminds her of mussolini, that fellow italian hero of yesteryear...), but for pelosi it should be his (Tribe's) way or the highway! ] ... Even the most pragmatic legal practitioners tip their hats in respect for the otherwise esoteric 'Laurence Tribe' (ie., those law school/paper chase days)

'Obstruction of justice-the statute making obstruction criminal-prohibits interfering, or attempting to interfere, with a criminal prosecution or an investigation the government's conducting' Napolitano said. The Mueller Report, Napolitano believes, lays out a number of presidential acts that constitute obstruction of justice including:

'...Donnie Trump's Attorney General Bill Barr gave his first congressional testimony in the wake of the release of the Mueller report this morning and it revealed why Trump was in panic mode this morning. During her line of questioning, Senator Dianne Feinstein, ranking Democratic judiciary committee member, managed to get Barr to reveal the exact law Trump broke per the evidence in Mueller's report..... Feinstein simply described the evidence in Mueller's report that details Trump's efforts to get White House counsel Don Mcgahn to lie about Trump ordering him to fire Mueller. Feinstein then asked if it is illegal to try and get a witness to lie (duh), to which Barr answered, 'Uh, yes.' She then asked him to cite the exact law, to which Barr said,


Timeline of trump Obstructions of Justice

Coast to (West) Coast (Beach)

COMPLETE MUELLER REPORT (pdf) (recommended)
MUELLER REPORT (18 page summary) (pdf)

Musically Accompanied Pictorials of America's Mentally Ill Mobster/Thief in Chief

[ ***Note: From a definitional perspective, 'current' necessarily includes that which is inextricably tied to, and affects, current actions, events, motivations, etc.; examples would include trump's mob ties, trump's 'mentorship/apprenticeship' under mob-connected homosexual-McCarthyite roy cohn, william barr's longstanding quasi-government role in coverups, among other significant things more conveniently for the criminals/perpetrators kept sub rosa. ]

I HAD BEEN, PRE-ELECTION, CONSTRAINED TO CREATE THIS SEPARATE PAGE DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE RAVINGS/ACTS OF THE PSYCHOTIC TRUMP ... Great thanks should be accorded Mitt Romney for his courage in stating the factual reality that trump's a fraud and cites merely some of trump's great business failures/cons/scams to back up his true statement 'a business genius he (trump) is not' ... Why courage? Because trump's at most a typical new york/new jersey mobster, mingling/coddling/intertwined with the proverbial gangs of new york/new jersey/waterfront ... he just recently threatened no less than Speaker of the House Paul Ryan ... then there are the racist rants/alignments; and as well, that 'great wall of trump's 'hina , etc.'


I Warned, Told You So!

Musically Accompanied Pictorials of America's Mentally Ill Mobster/Thief in Chief


t_rump mocks Carly Fiorina's looks [note the complete absence of substantive (debates, etc.) contribution by t_rump who in one interview assures all, ridiculously in response, that he 'has a good brain' and 'consults himself' on foreign affairs, etc.] ... What, don ... your pelt/wig is better? ... You wear more make-up? ... Haven't we seen this guy, historically, somewhere before?

Yes, the beat goes on ... the great fraud continues ... Christian, Biblical, among other scholars refer to the great fraud, whore, fallen america ... Topical Index

I Warned, Told You So!

America's Global Nightmare On Pennsylvania Avenue


Australia considers tougher movement restrictions ... [ Preoccupied with their war on feral cats, former penal colony australia focuses on the transition from vegetarians to meat-eaters including primarily the now readily available fare as (from wild fires) fried ‘roo, ko a la frickassee, etc..] [australia the overt penal colony, a microcosm of america the (implicit penal) colony, is an example of evolutionary disaster in the making when breeding populations are scrutinized. trump's inherent criminality is egregious proof of this anthropological disaster called america, the haven for the criminally insane.] [ I believe that to fully comprehend this horrific american scenario encompassing decline and fall, the following are helpful and instructive. First, an understanding of biological anthropology is helpful, particularly as pertains to breeding populations as regionally exist throughout america. Second, a thorough grasp of psychology is crucial given the alarming prevalence of severe mental illness throughout america and at all levels of society. Third, command of the subject generally denoted as criminology is necessary to fully enable successful approach to the uniquely pervasive levels of criminality throughout the united states. I believe word pictures in the minds eye of america's devastating plight can be derived from such profound literary works as: ‘Lord of the Flies’-Golding; ‘1984’, ‘Animal Farm’-Orwell; and, given the wall obsession of mental case mobster thief in chief trump, the film, ‘Escape From New York’ (america - full wall enclosure/containment of american criminality to america)-Carpenter.(The irony is not lost on the Mexicans - Drudgereport: Mexico holds big music festival...Taunts Trump: 'The wall is to protect Mexicans!') ]

[ DUH! trump is such a pathetic piece of s**t! trump’s a total joke/embarrassment in addition to mentally ill mobster/criminal! That makes america a buch of jokers/accomplices! ]

Seth Meyers takes 'A Closer Look' Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 3-12-20

“… He sounded very much like what one suspects he is: a tired and confused senior citizen…..” [ How about mentally ill, mobster/criminal, tired and confused senior citizen ….. Seth Meyers Takes A Closer Look at a somnolent, incoherent trump on coronavirus, etc.. Seth Meyers Exposes Fox News’ Coronavirus ‘Alternate Reality’ of Blaming Democrats ]

FACEBOOKNEWS Robin Brown Quist
The Atlantic’ The Trump Presidency Is Over It has taken a good deal longer than it should have, but Americans have now seen the con man behind the curtain. by Peter Wehner

TRUE! Except for the shouting, as in the truism, ‘ALL OVER BUT THE SHOUTING!

Seth Meyers Exposes Fox News’ Coronavirus ‘Alternate Reality’ of Blaming Democrats

Seth Meyers Takes A Closer Look at a somnolent, incoherent trump on coronavirus, etc..

america is a total fraud!

We are truly, unequivocally in uncharted american insanity courtesy of mentally ill mobster/criminal trump

Jean Chretien says rise of Donald Trump heralds end of the American empire [Email to Nancy Pelosi re: emails to Sen. Feinstein and Rep. Royball-Allard, docs. To FBI, Coverup, etc.] [ america’s (non-governmental) criminal acts do not fall within the ambit of governmental/sovereign immunity (as america has posited many times as a rule to hold other nations liable for wrongful conduct). ] $21 TRILLION DOLLARS IS MISSING FROM THE US GOVERNMENT
Jean Chretien says rise of Donald Trump heralds end of the American empire Trump’s Russian Laundromat

The Ultimate Question, As A Matter of Sanity/Rationality and Intelligent Historical Perspective, If You Were A Nation/State, Would You Be On This List of Great Nations That Predominantly Hate America/Americans?

Including DOJ/FBI ie., and here and here and look here, generally for what everyone knows among many other filings, covered up making pervasive corruption in america, etc., possible.
September 13, 2018 to September 17, 2018
Think about it!......Let's Get It Right This Time!
September 17, 2018 to September 20, 2018
September 20, 2018 to September 26, 2018
September 26, 2018 to September 30, 2018

News, Headlines, Comics, Commentary by Month

November 1, 2018 to November 1, 2018
November 1, 2018 to November 15, 2018
November 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018
December 1, 2018 to December 3, 2018
December 1, 2018 to December 15, 2018
December 31, 2018 - Closing Out 2018
January 1, 2019 to January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019 to January 15, 2019
January 1, 2019 to January 26, 2019
January 1, 2019 to February 2, 2019
January 1, 2019 to February 5, 2019
January 1, 2019 to February 13, 2019
January 1, 2019 to February 14, 2019 (happy valentine teflon don)
January 1, 2019 to February 22, 2019
January 1, 2019 to March 5, 2019
January 1, 2019 to March 11, 2019
January 1, 2019 to March 19, 2019
January 1, 2019 to March 23, 2019
January 1, 2019 to March 26, 2019
January 1, 2019 to March 31, 2019
January 1, 2019 to April 7, 2019
January 1, 2019 to April 13, 2019
January 1, 2019 to April 22, 2019
January 1, 2019 to April 27, 2019
January 1, 2019 to May 3, 2019
January 1, 2019 to May 6, 2019
January 1, 2019 to May 8, 2019
January 1, 2019 to May 9, 2019
January 1, 2019 to May 13, 2019
January 1, 2019 to May 20, 2019
January 1, 2019 to May 26, 2019
January 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019
January 1, 2019 to June 5, 2019
January 1, 2019 to June 13, 2019
January 1, 2019 to June 22, 2019
January 1, 2019 to June 26, 2019
January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019
January 1, 2019 to July 6, 2019
January 1, 2019 to July 14, 2019
January 1, 2019 to July 26, 2019
January 1, 2019 to August 3, 2019
January 1, 2019 to August 9, 2019
January 1, 2019 to August 15, 2019
January 1, 2019 to August 26, 2019
January 1, 2019 to August 31, 2019
January 1, 2019 to September 11, 2019
January 1, 2019 to September 20, 2019
January 1, 2019 to September 26, 2019
January 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019
January 1, 2019 to October 5, 2019
January 1, 2019 to October 10, 2019
January 1, 2019 to October 26, 2019
January 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019
January 1, 2019 to November 9, 2019
January 1, 2019 to November 22, 2019
January 1, 2019 to November 30, 2019
January 1, 2019 to December 13, 2019
January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 - Closing Out 2019
January 1, 2020 to January 13, 2020
January 1, 2020 to January 31, 2020
January 1, 2020 to February 29, 2020
January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020 (scroll down for most current)
January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020
January 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020

January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020

January 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020

January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020

The Latest Insult To Intelligence


YAHOO NEWS Politics The Daily Beast Fox's Judge Napolitano: Seems Trump 'Is Prepared to Commit a Felony to Get Re-Elected'   Duh!   Trump Is a Walking, Talking National-Security Danger The Daily Beast   Donald Trump says he would 'want to hear' foreign dirt on 2020 election rivals The Telegraph  

Though Indisputably Mentally Ill, trump Is(Was) Still Lucid Enough To Recognize/Admit(knowing the extent of his criminal activities) Upon Appointment Of Special Counsel 'This is the end of my Presidency. I'm f***ed.'[Yes, don trumpboloni, you are!]

  Yes, the beat goes on ... the great fraud continues ... Christian, Biblical, among other scholars refer to the great fraud, whore, fallen america ... Topical Index

When Mueller was appointed, Trump said 'This is the end of my Presidency. I'm f***ed.' [ In a rational non-corrupted country of meaningful rules of law that would be true; but, then there's reality ... there's this: CIAAgentAffidavit1 ... william barr (emphasis added!).....' Russia Says 'New World Order' Being Formed... [ Indeed, no joke; and, guess what nation is no longer at the top of the New 'New World Order' as had been promulgated once upon a time by poppy bush (deceased) ... Borrowing the words of Timothy Dalton's Prince Baron to Sam Jones' Flash at the close of (underrated) 'Flash Gordon' they say ... 'We owe it all to you', (flash in the dust pan of history) Don! ..... Hmmm! ] Barr Has a History of Writing Summaries That Obscure the Truth A 1989 memo Barr wrote summarizing the 'principal conclusions' of a D.O.J. ruling apparently left out several of those principal conclusions. [ Duh! ... CIAAgentAffidavit1 ... william barr (emphasis added!).....'..... that's what he does This country, america's a total fraud! .....' 'HARDBALL' Matthews Fumes: How Could They Let Trump off Hook? [ How? That's what they do ..... That's all that they do ... Their raison d'etre america the great fraud Politics FOX News Videos Mainstream media stunned as Mueller report filed with no new indictments planned The mainstream media is stunned as the Mueller report is filed with no new indictments planned. [ Stunned? Suddenly they're interested in the truth? ... america's a fraud ... ... About Me ... ]

  First This: Memory/Remember/Living

The Kentucky Derby 2019


The Preakness Stakes 2019


The Belmont Stakes 2019


The Kansas City Chiefs' 31-20 victory over the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LIV means that Reid is no longer the winningest head coach without an NFL title. Reid is sixth on the NFL's all-time wins list. He has 207 regular-season wins and now 15 in the postseason


  The Big Hurt

  The t_rump Effect

  They Don't Care

  They Really Don't Care

  Yes, Something's Bound To Go Wrong

  t_rump Lighting Our Fires

  Civilized, Educated, Intelligent People In U.S. Say It's Time To Go Now

  They Say Lightning Striking

  There's Smoke On The Water

  There's Smoke In Their Eyes

  HUFFPOST: Alan Dershowitz Predicts Mueller Report Will Be Very Devastating For Trump - trump breaks into this tune

  Meanwhile, Civilized, Educated, Intelligent People In U.S. Conclude For Their Own Safety From Psychopath trump- We Got To Get Out Of This Place

  Yes, Civilized, Educated, Intelligent People In U.S. Are Right - It's Time To Go Now

  Trump tells crowd in birthplace of Elvis he looked like the singer growing up ... WOW ..... What next?.....Oh yeah ... trump's Moscow Heartbreak Hotel ..... Yeah that one don ... that you lied about (including Putin's $50 million gift penthouse from you ... hmmm)..... trump breaks into the tune

  A courageous reporter/journalist (name witheld for reporter's protection) documents the following lamentable reality: 'He's a monster, a sick lingering evil that knows no end - it's clear when you see this clip donald trump keeps topping his own repugnance, hatred and lack of compassion. It's as if he doesn't know how to stop. And when speaking about 'him' and such adjectives, one needs not mention his name anymore..... In the short clip below, Trump is asked how he feels watching children run from tear gas. His answer is that of a monster.' ..... As trump defiantly breaks into one of his theme songs


  trump ... the impeachment [SNL Sketch]

  trump ... the impeachment cont'd [SNL Sketch]

Before 9-26-19

  Meanwhile, south of the border down Argentina way, trump ponders the ill winds of his own making swirling around him ... [SNL Sketch]

  People Including Especially Women and Children Seek Shelter from trump's Malevolence

  Meanwhile, trump Ignores and Hides his Immigrant Underpinnings/Descent

  trump Cries Real Crocodile Tears As The December 7, 2018 NYPost Reflects His Self-Created Deserved Dilemma While People Here and Abroad Weep for the Damage he Has Done

  trump's Self-styled Reiteration/Version of 'Black Like Me' [SNL Sketch]

  Meanwhile, 'Dumb and Dumber' in 'Here Comes Mr. Mueller' [SNL Sketch]

  Trumpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall

  trump Shows Holiday Spirit in 'It's a Blunderful Life' [SNL Sketch]

  Pity america as t_rump takes the nation for a ride

  Don't Pity trump, Pity Those Impacted/Wiped Out By his Failed Businesses, Flawed Strategies, Blind Loyalty

  Yes ... trump's a lad insane ..... Was there ever any doubt?

  The Police Are Coming For The Materialistic Criminal trumps

  Christians for trump ..... have they no shame ..... What Would Christ Say To and Of The Likes Of trump ..... Damage Done, Sunday Church Will Never Be The Same

  trump thumbs his nose as a taunt to Mueller's posse pursuing him to enforce the rule of law, flailingly scorning what he terms witch hunt, then breaks into this tune while Mueller responds saying the obvious; viz., so many witches, so little time ...

  trump Says China, Reality Says Porcelain

  Putin's Message, Reminder, and Love Song to trump

  Where's Bond, James Bond, When You Need Him?

  No James Bond ... traitorous trump crime family ..... no hope ... but wait ..... up in the sky ... it's a bird ... a plane ... no, it's

  Rational People, Pressed, Endangered, and Ever Decreasing In america, Think Beyond The Sea and Escape From The Greedy, Heartless, Criminal trump et als' amereeka with the Solution Applicably Common To Solve Both ..... Go Now

  trump Owns The Shutdown...Yes, his plucky (laundered money's like play money) entrepreneurial, capitalistic, mobster spirit on display ( failed trump enterprises ), on advice of son-of-a-mafia consigliere rudy ghouliani t_rump gives them an offer they're duty-bound to refuse [SNL Sketch]

  A Lot of Disappointed Conservatives, Including Matt Drudge Are Singing This Song To Their Sweetheart

  Different drums beating along the Potomac where apologies abound for that disaster called trump

  Lots of weeping,tears and tribulation abounds in the trump camp now referred to as the cave ..... as in caveman trump

  Cheers in Russia for their little darlin trump

  trump dancin (lying like a baseturd), not presidenting

  CNN: Anderson Cooper: Make-believe is fine if you're a kid, but not president

  Historically crazy time for america

  trump s in way over his head

  Jesus Save Us


  This is now an unprecedented realistically, historically frightfully dangerous time for america and the world

  Stephen Colbert Is So Shocked By trump's NYT Interview That He Does An Extra Monologue ... In a mini-monologue, the host of 'The Late Show' says the president was incoherent.


  Vladimir Putin's State Of The Union Response

  More State Of The Union COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT Regarding trump Threats Therein

  As per presidential tradition, for good reason, trump tax returns back in the cross hairs, commentary by STEPHEN COLBERT


  As per presidential tradition, for good reason, trump tax returns back in the news as Corden, Kimmel, Colbert Weigh in .....

  COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT - STEPHEN COLBERT is again compelled to comment on trump's fast declining mental state as trump demands investigation of 'oranges'

  Fake National Emergency - The End Is Near [SNL Sketch]

  Search Is On for White Padded Room for Mental Case Don

  trump Mental Deterioration Significantly Worsens ... This is no joke!

  Who is this windy bag of s**t?

  Yes, he's don the con!


  Encore ... Ripples, Reverberations, Reflecting

  barr - cover-up's what he does, cover-up's what they do! Summarizing the mueller report ..... hmmm ... [SNL Sketch]

  Cecily Strong's Jeanine Pirro Gets Her Rocks Off Over Mueller Report On 'Weekend Update' [HuffPost] Mary Papenfuss HuffPost March 31, 2019 ... [SNL Sketch]

  COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT - STEPHEN COLBERT is again compelled to comment on trump's fast declining mental state as trump demands investigation of oranges

  Secret Agent Orange Man trump

  'I'm The Captain,' Bill Barr Tells Senators, Calling Robert Mueller Report 'My Baby' ... 'It's Pointless. We're in Crazytown': General John Kelly Complains Trump is an 'Unhinged Idiot' in Bob Woodward Book ... Yes bill barr ... Since you're in trump's crazytown, you can be the captain and the mueller report can be your baby ...

  STEPHEN COLBERT Barges In On William Barr's Testimony

  Trump Has Been Living A Double Life


  trump claims he knows a lot about wind - COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT ... he says just call him WINDYBAG or D-BAG or WINDY

  REPORT BY STEPHEN COLBERT on the mueller report

  Yes, he's sick psycho trump!

  Yes, he's the very sick don the con!

  Yes, don the con is sick/very mentally ill!

  Had to include this one, though somewhat off the mark, still in the spirit of americarazy ... Very funny! [NBC SNL Sketch courtesy Facebook]

  The Late Show has obtained this exclusive audio recording of President Donald Trump's call with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky - BY STEPHEN COLBERT

  Seth Meyer Takes 'A Closer Look' ... Well done, very funny!

  trump's weak end on Weekend Update [SNL]

  Had to include this one, though somewhat off the mark, still in the spirit of americarazy ... Very funny! [SNL Sketch]

  Seth Meyer Takes Yet 'Another Closer Look' ... Well done, very funny!

  STEPHEN COLBERT: Donald Trump Is A Diagnosed Narcissist

  Nutcase trump!

  Alec Baldwin's Trump and friends sing 'Don't Stop Me Now' in 'SNL' season finale [CNN Courtesy Intro of SNL Sketch]

  Don't Stop Me Now Cold Open [SNL Sketch - Complete ]

  Competition 2020 for trumpzilla

  The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - More World Leaders Reveal They Were Pressured By Donald Trump - The Shakedowns

  Trump-Ukraine Call Log Clearly Demonstrates Quid Pro Quo Demand

  Yes, he's don the con!

In his investigative biography, Trump: The Deals and the Downfall, reporter Wayne Barrett wrote that Trump's life "intertwines with the underworld," and he outlined the real-estate developer's numerous alleged ties to organized crime, including that Trump:

  Then this as well 
There's just no excuse for the FBI/DOJ ..... Pathetic!

 [ El Chapo for president, or any of the heads of the numerous american crime families as trump - what a sick, fraudulent, pathetic, meaningfully lawless nation america surely is:

 '...In his investigative biography, Trump: The Deals and the Downfall, reporter Wayne Barrett wrote that Trump's life "intertwines with the underworld," and he outlined the real-estate developer's numerous alleged ties to organized crime...' ]

  As In Looks Like A Duck, Acts Like A Duck, Quacks Like A Duck ... Logic Requires We Conclude trump et als Are Criminals Requiring Prosecution, Not Just More Meaningless Rhetoric ..... There's Plenty Of Embarrassment [and hence their coverups] To Go Around DOJ / Judicial / Political Circles, ie., , , , etc., etc., But No More Excuses

three strikes, usare out

  The Final Decline and Fall of america in Pictures

Yes, the beat goes on ... the great fraud continues ... Christian, Biblical, among other scholars refer to the great fraud, whore, fallen america ... Topical Index

 Barr: I won't be bullied into doing anything I think is wrong [ Anything he thinks is wrong ..... wow ... talk about a low bar (pun intended); viz., ]

 William Barr: Vitally important Mueller finishes investigation

 Trump AG nominee William Barr says Mueller wouldn't be involved in a 'witch hunt' [ Nor a bitch hunt as historically/traditionally the fbi norm promulgated by closet compromised homosexual j.edgar hoover (he hated those heterosexual Kennedys, liked johnson; hence, the lone gunman/no-federal jurisdiction assassination coverup) trump mentor/mccarthyite/ homosexual roy cohn, pussy-grabber trump ..... what a total fraud and sick nation america truly is! ]

  Talk About Deep State ..... But Note: These Major League Illegal Drug Importers/Dealers Are Not Undocumented Illegal Immigrants


  Yes ... That's The Same William Barr Up For Another Stint As Attorney General In Meaningfully Lawless america ...Pathetic!

  Take Note: Referenced william barr Emphasis Added

Just Before, Then Just After The Coverup ... How?...Where's The Outrage?


  This is now an unprecedented realistically, historically frightfully dangerous time for america and the world


  Who is this windy bag of s**t?

  he's don the con!



 three strikes, usare Out

  The Final Decline and Fall of america

America's Global Nightmare On Pennsylvania Avenue



  trump Mental Deterioration Significantly Worsens ... This is no joke!

  Seeing the light ..... better late than never!

MIDNIGHT IN MOSCOW ... THE SLEEPER AGENT (defacto or dejure matters little) TRUMP AWAKENS ... The sleeper has awakened ... no, not Maudib of Frank Herbert's fictional 'Dune' fame; but rather, more in the genre of Fred Forsythe, John LeCarre (David Cornwall), and Robert Ludlum ... as in Moscow's sleeper agent has awakened [(for the benefit of trump's 'informed, learned, intelligent, educated and unwavering core supporters' ...hmmmm..., Moscow is the capital of Russia (and the former Soviet Union)] ... One, and only one nation benefits from the exit of america from NATO as advocated by 'the donald' ... If you guessed Russia ... you guessed right ... maybe deal-meister/artist trump has rights to new berlin wall/iron curtain construction contracts ... WOW! ... Then there's (trump fan) denny rodman's bro, kim jun ill of No.Korea, whom trump says he'll court saying that South Korea and Japan could also get nukes ... sounds like a plan, don ... NOT! ... america's nukes will work just fine on north korea ... Yes, Russia's sleeper agent trump has awakened - 'Redrum' dawn? (that's murder spelled backwards ... 'the shining', sea to shining sea, hmmm) ... If THEY don't take trump the mobster down, if THEY let the 'say anything dissembler' get away with what he has already gotten away with, no citizen, nor leader in america or any other affected nation should even minimally follow much less sacrifice for misguided, misdirected american policy.


These 27 Psychiatrists Felt Compelled To Weigh In On 'The Dangerous Case Of Donald Trump'
An Important Read!

America's Global Nightmare On Pennsylvania Avenue


I Personally Believe trump is a Certifiable Psychopath Clearly of the hitlerian Variety...
Charitably, trump's at the Very Least, a Classic Narcissist

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Yes, the beat goes on ... the great fraud continues ... Christian, Biblical, among other scholars refer to the great fraud, whore, fallen america ... Topical Index

The Ultimate Question, As A Matter of Sanity/Rationality and Intelligent Historical Perspective, If You Were A Nation/State, Would You Be On This List of Great Nations That Predominantly Hate America/Americans?



The Kentucky Derby 2019


The Preakness Stakes 2019


The Belmont Stakes 2019


  trump's shithole countries?

Each State Perfectly Portrayed By One Photograph ... editorial ...December 14, 2018 Emily Smith


CNN/CBSNews Gun Ownership Rank By State


From Hollywood, Woody Allen Brought Us The Story of the Omnipresent Zelig ... From Crazytown USA, The trump Whitehouse Brings Us, Ivanka the Rapper


America's Global Nightmare On Pennsylvania Avenue



COMPLETE MUELLER REPORT (pdf) (recommended)
MUELLER REPORT (18 page summary) (pdf)

Interim Updates 02-16-15 to 9-30-16


National Debt - These real-time numbers are unsustainable and insurmountable!



Analysis Mapping America’s wicked weather and deadly disasters By Tim Meko
In 2018, it’s estimated that natural disasters cost the nation almost $100 billion and took nearly 250 lives.
Mapping data reveal that there’s nowhere in the United States that’s particularly insulated from everything.
[ Then, of course, there's that unnatural disaster named trump, et als! ]

  The Species Worthy Of A Greater Planet ...


Some Personal Positions Set Forth Elsewhere In This Website Summarized Here For The Record To Preclude Accusation Of Hypocrisy ...


11-26-17: Ravaging, raging fires ... blame it on 'climate change/global warming' ... riiiiiight! ... wrong! ... I personally believe the vast majority of these life/property altering/destroying wildfires are the result of arson ... hardly a new phenomenon for america where a vast majority of people are criminals or mentally ill ... from an anthropological perspective, breeding populations at their worst, a manifestation of evolution/devolution in real time ... I've experienced two arson fires here in california (but plenty of criminality in the mob infested regions back east), the last of which occurred in san diego county where my 39 foot holiday rambler was set ablaze with all my belongings, ie., computers(10 - 1 apple/mac,2 laptops,7 desktop pcs.), printers/scanners, storage drives, documents/disks, appliances, clothes, id's, an elliptical exercise machine, a combo multi-exercise weight machine (total 250 pounds), pair 35 pound solid chrome/rubberized dumbells, 26 inch tv, dvd player, 2 microwaves, etc.. I barely escaped with my life ... Of course, the fire department did their usual laudable competent best though it was a total loss ... But, it was the Red Cross that provided the most immediate assistance thereafter ... a few scars, singed hair, I survived ... with hindsight seeing what should have been obvious signs of my impending peril ... an existential experience, to be sure, as I reached in to save/retrieve my laptop and wallet which seemed safely within reach since though burning my arm/hair did not seem lethally hot ... adrenalin at work, I deferred to an intellectual assessment 'not worth it' which, looking back, saved my life when the 'rv blew' ... [ For clarity, it should be noted that mine, I (not even a tree) was the only arson (fire) casualty, as intended. ] Mission accomplished ... for quite some time rico defendants and their ilk/sympathizers/facilitators and typically corrupt goverment people (state/local/federal) have sought the same ... coverup/corruption/criminality/insanity, thy name is america ... Yes, trump is correct in stating the truth about the pervasive corruption/criminality in america/american government which he knows directly having been part of same as pointed out elsewhere on this website, ie., (hopefully he'll do the right thing and resolve this as set forth therein since, his sister played a significant role for the mob defendants who were laundering substantial sums through trump casinos and refused to recuse herself in light thereof ... and, do not look for a formal commitment of bookkeeper peter baratta inasmuch as in ie., new jersey/new york particularly, if the mob tells you to voluntarily commit yourself to discredit statements/testimony, you commit yourself which upon information he did at their direction), ... When you think San Diego, you think Camp Pendleton Marines, ships, Navy ... Reality check ... Did you know of san diego's rich mob history? ... wop al capone's home away from home (corrupt criminal land chicago) and loads of mafia wannabes ... As surprising was the totally backward nature of the county where their own breed of hillbillies who like mafia wannabes will do anything for a buck ... shortly before the torching I was paid a visit by sheriff's deputies in swat regalia including serious weaponry, in search of a serious hillbilly fugitive (yes, they got him) ... and yes, at night you can hear serious gunfire ... nothing like putting me in the line of fire ... accidentally on purpose? that would be typical americana ... lies, fraud, corruption, criminality ... yes don, thy name is america! (I'll be further adding to/updating this...)

Why buy an rv? My LA rent was going up by over $400/month. Interestingly, pulitzer prize-winning author John Sanford had a snobbish, despicable character in one of the many books of his I had read, albeit after the fact of my purchase of my holiday rambler. Said character lauded and loved his holiday rambler. The succinct takeaway by Sanford, he states: regardless of the rv model/make, ultimately you're still in a trailer park (and all that entails) (ie., for electric/water/sewage/garbage, etc.). As with boats, I posit that the only happier day than the day you buy the rv is the day you sell it.
Indeed, it was always something. And, they could easily make it something (sabotage). One of the local hillbillies, an alleged so-called 'certified rv tech', greg mingle diagnosed a need for a new carburetor. Well, after paying for same and labor, it turned out to be not the carburetor. He brought a strong arm with him who said his last name meant mafia in italian. Mingle confessed he didn't like LA or San Francisco because unlike san diego, the people there were snobby (that hillbilly inferiority complex). This was around the time of Clint Eastwood's 'american sniper' and in passing he stated is service experience was that of a sniper, rated/good for 1200 yards (riiiiight 'american mental case', you belong with thousand trails san diego county).
I did secure the services of an honest former military man shortly thereafter who was an absolute genius for such things which included a degree in computer science. To litigate this rather small case against mingle in court would not be worth my time and would still require a leap of faith by me in the american system ... which based on direct experience I do not have.

Why San diego county? Never been there ... had no idea ...

The couple from whom I bought the rv lived in lakeside in san diego county. Then the problem of what park/availability/in proximity, etc.. The only available slots were at a large park run by chicago-based thousand trails (yes, a nationwide chicago company run by a guinea as I later learned ... how very "capone". ) I did a month-to-month rental of $550 including all utilities. I was ahead from a rent perspective. Problem: thousand trails did not have the proper permits/zoning for such rentals. Other options became suddenly encumbered by politically contrived/motivated problems despite prior acceptance and hence, waiver. I had bought an additional rv for the mountain location but got resistance as follows. Many employees, particularly regional employees, had real self-esteem (inferiority complexes) problems; some, as in one related mountain park, having been born and raised in such (ie., hillbillies, etc.). Then there was the nearness to the border and the defensive attitudes of hispanics as a consequence of the enforcement emphasis by the new administration.
The person from whom I purchased the second rv for the required week out stay (3 in 1 park and then 1 in the other park)(and returned because the same was rejected by the mountain park manager/hillbilly. I had to remove same and returned it to the hillbilly from whom I bought the 24 foot itasca rv and took the financial hit. Ultimately, through another contrived scenario I was required move the 39 ft. holiday rambler, and moved same to another part of jamul (hillbillyland) where the hillbilly who owned the itasca owned 40 acres and was setting up an rv park. This hillbilly, carl dykema, seemed to be a hard worker; and, having a misshapen chest/deformity, etc., engendered my sympathy (never again). He also did not have the proper permits ( see letter from county here). Moreover, it turned out that as is so for many of the hillbillies, pot was his hidden crop for which he served jail time. He was a lying scumbag and threatened to lie to the sheriff which all seemed "set to music"/contrived/set me up. He also had other minor fugitives (confessed to me along with dykema's prior pot growing history)hiding out in rvs on the premises who provided manual work in lieu of rent. Don't think same an act of mercy/charity ... these people were used and abused by dykema (hours, "hiding out", camouflaged rvs to avoid detection, conditions, etc.). There were nights subsequent to the deputies' search for the hillbilly fugitive that I lay awake concerned that if they did their worst, being in the hills of hillbilly land, the same would defy detection. This has been among the worst experiences of my life and there should be warning signs throughout san diego county.
[ Upon reflection, in sum, dykema was a sly, elusive, combination of unconflicted liar, criminal, mental case, sorely in need of psychiatric analysis/therapy he has for quite some time needed but never could nor was inclined to get; a hillbilly, to be sure, but also a cancerous affliction to those whose misfortune it was to be around him ... bad news!]
[While doing updates here, let me further correct a prior posted personal belief; viz., that Edward Snowden was lamenting his choice of russia vs. the u.s.. Specifically, he's now worth almost $10 million, all post u.s.. Similarly, trump's russia ties have not hurt him ... Former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper: Putin is handling Trump like a Russian 'asset' Business Insider , Forget Trump's national security 'strategy.' Pay attention to Clapper instead. Washington Post ]

The SAG Awards 2020

2020 Golden Globes Winners and Nominees

The Oscars 2019


The Kentucky Derby 2019



The Preakness Stakes 2019



The Belmont Stakes 2019



Superbowl 2016 Commentary


Some inside views - Disaster Afoot



Jim Rogers On Opportunities In Russia & Other Hated Markets

'I'm optimistic about the future of Russia. I was optimistic before this war started in Ukraine, which was instigated by the US, of course. But in any case, I bought more Russia during the Crimea incident, and I'm looking to buy still more. Unfortunately, what's happening is certainly not good for the United States. It's driving Russia and Asia together, which means we're going to suffer in the long run - the US and Europe. Another of the big four Chinese banks opened a branch in Moscow recently. The Iranians are getting closer to the Russians. People are starting to reexamine the propaganda that comes out of Washington. Even the Germans are starting to reassess the situation.';


The US' Suicidal Strategy On Ukraine

Ukraine is back in the news cycle and for good reason as shelling continues even after the Minsk 'truce' deal. So what? The average American might ask. Ukraine is half a world away. Who cares what happens there? Putting aside the humanitarian reasons for not prolonging or intensifying a regional conflict, we risk not just only America's century-long ties with western Europe, but possibly the next world war. We are pushing our agenda and armaments right up against the Russian border -- for reasons that are still completely opaque at this time -- and Russia, understandably, will simply not stand for that.


Barbara Bush: 'I changed my mind' about Bush dynasty { bush league disease is contagious her lips, no new bushes ... I have to take back the credit I previously gave her which is the reason for this post ... but, which position sounds more true ... Lots of lobbying/pressure in the bush league which is part/parcel of being bush league ... decades ago I referred to her as poppy's 'Picture of Dorian Gray', wearing the innumerable bush crimes (poppy's confessor), in large part inherent to bushes as well as being indicative of their total lack of talent, ability, competence and essentially vegetable status except when they're enabled for destructiveness/venality/and check out poppy's cocaine connection/high end imports (along with clinton et als) and, of course, cocaine, etc., use by obama, dumbya bush, clinton already widely known/documented - fluff 'jobs' (money to jenna, chelsea, et als for something like nothing at/from, ie., that bastion of journalistic 'excellence', viz., ie., brian williams' nbc, etc. ). And, don't forget l'il jebby, his 'own man', but with all the bush parasites, ie., neo cons, lobbyists, bureaucrats, hangers on, military industrial complex opportunists, etc... riiiiight! l'il jebby, your own man ... your *ss ... RAND PAUL CALLS OUT JEB BUSH ON MARIJUANA By Katie Brinn 'Sen. Rand Paul slammed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for hypocrisy on marijuana in an interview Wednesday with Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric. Responding to recent revelations that Gov. Bush smoked pot during his teen years at Phillips Academy, Paul pointed out the flaws in Bush's opposition to medical marijuana in his home state. Sen. Paul, who has hinted about his own wild college days, was quick to clarify that he did not fault Bush for having 'made mistakes growing up.' Instead, he took issue with Bush's inconsistent views on the drug. 'If you've got MS in Florida, Jeb Bush voted to put you in jail if you go down to a local store or a local drugstore and get medical marijuana ... and yet he was doing it for recreational purposes.' To Paul, it was Bush's privileged upbringing that spared him the harsh penalties many Floridians still face when they entangle with marijuana. 'It was a different standard for him,' the presidential hopeful explained, 'because he was from a wealthy family, going to a very wealthy school, and he got off scot-free.' ' } Washington Post | ... former first lady Barbara Bush said there had been 'enough Bushes' in the White House... { INDEED, THERE HAVE BEEN! ... TOO MANY ... BY A COUNT OF TWO! ... She was right the first time she addressed the issue from heart and mind! }


Inside the Beltway: Scott Walker inherits the 'Mitt Romney vote' Washington Times The catcalling press continues to trail after Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, hoping to make an issue over his lack of a college diploma, among other things. { Diploma? ... Dumbya bush has 2 diplomas and can't think his way out of a paper bag and barely can speak his (one and only) native language bushisms from bush the brain-damaged moron ('gentleman's Cs'? ... I think it was Milton Friedman who once said that dumbya bush would have flunked out of the University of Chicago ... I believe that)... I respect education ...have three degrees (etc.) myself (NYU B.S. Bus.Adm. 1973, eves NYU GBA MBA Finance 1977, eves NYLS J.D. Law 1981) and I can honestly say given the pervasively corrupt/fraudulent state of this meaningfully lawless nation, Finance along with Law have been rendered irrelevant (to ie., valuations, etc.) and meaningless ( see, ie., ) ... What can he do must be the fair question for these dire/perilous times ... }



11 Predictions Of Economic Disaster In 2015 From Top Experts All Over The Globe


Another View from Harry Dent - Disaster


More Pictures From The Windmills Of William Banzai's Mind





The following references the corrupt u.s.district court judge matz who ultimately covers for the asst. u.s. attorney robert lester who, in light of defendant usa's default, misstates the legal rule at the court hearing (4 pages in pertinent part):

The criminal defendant usa defaults and covers same (among other including RICO crimes, ie., illegal drug-money laundering, (bankruptcy) fraud connected with a case under Title 11, u.s.c., bribery including u.s. attorneys/assistant u.s. attorneys, obstruction of justice, retaliation against a witness/victim/informant, etc.) with collaboration of the corrupt j. matz, the corrupted 9th circuit, the corrupted u.s. supreme court, the criminally corrupt j. maryanne trump(barry) and j. sam alito of the corrupted 3rd circuit, and the corrupt j. dorsey, j. schiff of the corrupted 2nd circuit; and as well, federally employed criminals as "trustee" hugh leonard and independent contractor/u.s. agent/criminal, defendant coan, all of whom should be criminally prosecuted for their documented crimes

page1 page2 page3 page4

(2-26-15) But, I did make clear in a response to Senator Boxer that there are Honorable Judges who uphold their sworn duty to honor constitution and rule of law as follows in pertinent part:

Dear Senator Boxer:

Thank you for thinking of me. It's good to hear of your goal of making sure your grandson knows you and your retirement plans to assure same and I wish you well. That said, let me allay your current concern:

The vast majority of the Department of Homeland Security is considered by previous applicable determination to be 'essential' and hence, would continue regardless of shutdown. What follows is my most recent email to Senator Wyden which also references my responding emails to Senators Feinstein, Warren, and Sanders and as well, an email to former FBI Director Louis Freeh pursuant to a request from a current client of Mr. Freeh (now in private practice); and parenthetically, seeking Mr. Freeh's retention on my behalf toward the end of resolving the referenced RICO matters of which he had some knowledge (at least in part). I was 'led to believe' you had some awareness of my presence before the federal district court in United States District Court for the Central District of California, LA (The Honorable Dean Pregerson, USDCJ, who 'amazed' me by saying to LA on a perfunctory motion to dismiss that in light of the properly pleaded complaint, he was constrained by LAW to deny their motion. He certainly deserved consideration if not nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, particularly as an alternative to the corrupt/inept Sam Alito who figured prominently in the RICO coverup (see infra, attachments). There was concurrent jurisdiction so I 'let him out' of a very 'dicey situation' (federal v. states' rights type of thing) and concluded the case in state court. I believe his father (Circuit Court of Appeals) would properly recommend him.

Can you help get the RICO matter resolved. A small but not insignificant sum would go to LA/CA as set forth in the  

and likewise, to the U.S. treasury.


L. Peia

EXIT: Holder Blames Race for Criticisms { Criticisms? ... How 'bout documented criminal cover-ups, corruption, venality, and anti-white racial bias ... then the complicity in the wall street scams/frauds/crimes when as pointed out by a mark levin caller, the pennies on a dollar 'settlement' (cut) for documented drug money laundering by HSBC and no prosecutions (so, why is the money laundering so significant, deleterious, and NOT desirable as Bloomberg, the 'anti-soda king of nyc' implies? ... The short answer is that in a nation as corrupt and venal as america's become where the 'color of all money is green' regardless of source/motive/quid pro quo, the recipients of or those benefiting from the illicit funds are no longer objective and have essentially ceded the nation/national interest to some very brutal, nefarious, criminals/criminal interests compromising, corrupting if not ultimately controlling the highest levels of authority/government decision-making processes and as well, the courts - bribery is one of those pervasive eyes wide shut realities, particularly in NY/NJ, etc., USA.) ... the irresistible race card oft used by him and typical blacks like him ... How pathetic! ... A positive for holder, as Levin, the jewish lobby apologist can't help but sluff off/cut-off the caller elucidating the obvious wall street modus operandi (Why did levin do that?) so evident in the levin-hannity world of nyc/washington finance in which they operate with eyes wide shut ... Now I can say, thanks for the Milton Friedman talk/recording but I won't be listening to Levinnity anymore ... he bores me to tears! }


Interim Updates 02-16-15 to Current Date


Note 4-27-14: I'm here in San Diego County in my new/old 39 foot Chevy Motorhome. I can't get a signal for my Verizon LG smartphone (I'll be taking a spin in my Ford Explorer in search of a signal; my VOIP phone, magicjack requiring a broadband connection, is currently not up except for voicemail). The wifi internet connection also limits the uploading of files so not all the images in the folders/directories to interim updates are included (I'll create a separate complete update page later with broadband connection). The following are currently the updates with said limitations:

Interim Updates 102613-012515

Today's Business Summary / Links


Today's Daily News / Topics

The radio reception is also limited which led me to 'sample' some limited AM offerings which included shallow sean hannity the hallmark of insanity, and 'rush revere' [limbaugh ... he's totally burnt out (the consequence of his being 'tired of carrying the water for the republican party'? - his own words), relegated now to authoring children's illustrated books of a simplistic nature]. Shallow sean's latest 'crusade' (beyond the same note/key obvious debacle of wobamacare) was defense of the indefensible mobster but friend of sean's, donald trump (trump should be in jail ... or a mental institution in light of his documented enthrallment with/by the speeches/orations of none other than adolph hitler which he would repeatedly play ... for inspiration? ... kindred spirit? ... { as per Ivana trump as set forth by author O'Donnell } ) . In defense of t_rump, he offers up the itsy-bitsy, teeny weeny wohlman skating rink project as evidence of t_rump's contribution to NYC (too small for high new york priority given the magnitude of New York substantial problems, some largely the result of trumpish tastes, ie., solid gold trump tower fixtures, etc., that trump's 'pre-packaged bankrupcies' seem to fail to touch, and which extravagance must be paid for by someone, but not him). Shallow sean's excoriation of new york city never seems to link the obviousness of t_rump's grandstanding responsibility for same. After all, someone ultimately has to pay for trump's disproportionate non-value-added livin' large. No talk of trump's ingratiating bribe strategy for protection ( ie., 'retainers' to law firms linked to state attorney generals, viz., {kimmelman} wolf and sampson, chris droney's brother, his sister's protection/corruption and quid pro quo from the federal bench, etc., and as well, protection of drug-money laundering through his now nominal only casinos ... See, ie.,

RICO Summary to FBI Under Penalty of Perjury

Filed RICO Docs

Correspondence to FBI Former LA Field Office ADIC Martinez (Waylaid Twice by USPS and Ultimately Delivered by Courier UPS) .

Trump's a fraud! I won't be listening to 'rush revere' or shallow sean prospectively. They're a waste of time and preposterous given their unbridled support of war criminals bush, cheney, etc., and the failed debacles they created, etc. ..... 10-22-14, I personally believe, whether overt, covert, or defacto, that america, pervasively corrupt as it is, has effectively (through no prosecutions whatsoever of gargantuan frauds of 'too big to fail magnitude by inaction'), essentially become a willing accomplice in the 'paper fraud booty', taking their cut while looking the other way and ignoring the longer term dire consequences and implications! Moreover, 10-26-14, I further believe, though not new but certainly more prevalent, that the 'clandestine services' have moved further 'off the grid' and beyond oversight, governmental and otherwise, by way of 'independent' LLCs with domestic presence by way of economically parasitic 'securities (ie., bonds, stocks, etc.) trading' firms with shell within shell corporate presence internationally with offshore accounts for primary ops far beyond the reach of the 'law' as a matter of practicality and will (keep in mind the sense of 'entitlement' these jokers have despite a lack of any real constructive skills, knowledge, talent, abilities, to the point where under such a joker/war criminal, viz., ie., dumbya bush, they actually brazenly flew 360 tons of $100 bills, $13 billion, into Iraq during their self-created, chaotic 'fog-of-war' which they made 'disappear'... guess where to ... and, kid yourself not, they do it for the money, in part, because they really can't do anything else of value ... Beyond the 'cover-story', 'patriotism' has nothing to do with it (as per the age-old adage, the flag being the last refuge of a scoundrel) ...

11-30-14 Though it should be obvious from that set forth within, let me be clear and not disingenuously obfuscate: I WOULD BE AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION EVEN IF AMERICA WAS NOT BROKE/BROKEN/DEFACTO BANKRUPT! (america is broke/broken/defacto bankrupt). Truth be told, however, I no longer even care given the protracted corruption of the process ( this is long-standing, entrenched, pervasive, even blatant corruption and 'known to all', but covered up ) and am concerned only with the resolution in accordance with law as set forth in the RICO summary set forth above and herein [ a current client of Louis Freeh (now in private practice) fairly recently this year called me seeking my help concerning common defendants (shiff/coan/miltonberger) and in communicating (email) with former FBI Director Freeh regarding same I also inquired of/sought Mr. Freeh's retention as my attorney concerning the RICO matters (the documents/links as filed, including the RICO Summary, nunc pro tunc, FBI/CIA agent affidavits were sent to him as they were also sent to Senators Feinstein and Warren in reply to their emails to me) ].

That trump is a mental case should be obvious to anyone. Yet, as a matter of fairness and balance, so as not to appear biased, I also agree with Marc Le Vin (760 am radio) that obama's a mental case [ I had no idea that as pointed out by LeVin, by self-admission, obama used to be whipped/beaten by his white grandpa; having been 'pawned off on them' by his wanderlust white mom and abandoned by his drunken, philandering black father who had returned to kenya ( shades of neil young's 'Southern Man' - southern hawaii man? ... , I personally always preferred Lynnard Skinnard's playful retort to same in 'Sweet Home Alabama'.) ] As LeVin points out ( once a lawyer), LeVin's cuts to actual words much like one would cite legal precedent in a legal brief is persuasive. I invariably turn him off when he gets into the pro-israeli propaganda/rants which cannot be reconciled with america's interests and has been detrimental to same with israel making their often self-created problems/provocations/illegal acts america's problems. I particularly welcomed LeVin's playing of Milton Friedman's discussion of the ill effects of (illegal) immigration. I had read quite a bit of Friedman in my MBA studies, agreeing with only some, not even nearly all, of his monetarist positions (neither am I a Keynesian); but, for the first time hearing (in his actual voice) his recorded view regarding immigration, I was astounded by his eloquence and command of persuasive facts. And, as I've previously pointed out, such irrational, race-baiting rants as from the likes of sharpton, jackson, farrakhan, holder, et als, as encouraged by obama do not comport with the realities of crime, crime stats, black on black crime, black on white crime, etc.. 2-26-15 Another position (if I recall correctly, having heard some decades ago) of Milton Friedman I agree with is the localization of legislative mandate, the rationale being the maximization of liberty, freedom of choice, and facilitating a thriving, successful democracy (democratic republic). Specifically, the logic is that if one disagrees with such legislative approach/imposition, one may move to another locale, state, municipality, etc., more consonant with legally and constitutionally based notions of 'life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness'. Such an approach/logic has been key to america's past success as opposed to the contraindicated centralized, misguided, politically motivated, often unlawful tyrannical/despotic approach which is key to america's current decline and failure.

The following in correspondence by me upon query in pertinent part so as not to appear hypocritical: 'Newly appointed judge, Maryanne Trump Barry, Donald Trump's sister, was assigned the RICO case despite the conflict of interest in light of hundreds of thousands of dollars of illegal (drug) money being laundered through the Trump casinos by the RICO defendants and despite my motion to recuse her which motion she heard herself and denied, and U.S. Trustee Hugh Leonard with whom I met personally refused to join or file a separate motion to recuse and not long thereafter left said office for private practice at Cole, Shotz, et als on retainer with the RICO defendants as his primary client. One FBI agent here in Cal with whom I met quipped he had a multitude of drug-money laundering cases (he was transferred not long thereafter). I was 'painted' as anti-Italian, which was ridiculous. A seasoned, respected lawyer I went to see said 'they' were 'trying to paint me black', which was equally preposterous [ I had around this time successfully zealously represented a black man recently out of the service/army, first in federal court, and then at (state court) trial regarding an accident and consequent mortgage arrearage/default]. Parenthetically, my grandparents, both of whom I loved and respected , Elsie/Nanny, Bari, Italy (she didn't particularly like italians) and Martin/Mario/PopPop (Peia), Lake Como, Italy (but, ancestrally Greek), were thoroughly modern in all respects relative to time and extremely civilized in a manner to be emulated'. I saw my grandparents after church each Sunday and on major holidays, ie., Christmas Eve, etc., events, ie., confirmation, etc., and 'special fishing trips'.

Horrific Torture Report Shows Why Much Of The World Considers America To Be The Nazis Of The 21st Century Michael Snyder  { Me: Yeah ... it's really quite amazing (but predictable) that Senator Feinstein would be the 'bad guy' in all of this ... What was she supposed to do ... cover it up? ... pretend she didn't do a job entrusted to her? ... make the expenditure of time, resources, and energy compiling this reality a mere folly and hence, a typical government boondoggle? ... Is anybody so foolish as to believe anything the rebuttal /cia /bureaucratic cheerleaders say? (Oh well, cheerleaders, drunken ones at that is something dumbya bush did at yale ... not to be sexist but, really, how embarrassing for a guy!) . As far as worsening the perception of america in light of this report ... WAKE UP! ... can't get worse than it already is, is (the meaning of what is, is). Look ... bush, cheney, et als are war criminals; and, as in nazi germany, that 'just following orders thing' just doesn't cut it ... Does anybody recall dumbya bush making a joke of the non-existent wmd's (one of those Washingtonian special dinner events, I don't recall which one ... we're talking certifiable socio-psychopathic behavior as was true of the nazis ... 2-10-15: So, if torture is almost invariably unreliable (according to the vast majority of non-partisan experts) since THEY ALL BREAK (ask McCain, the Vietnam 'songbird') and say whatever the torturers want them to say or what they're led to believe or think the torturers want them to say, why do they persist in the use of torture ... I believe the answer is quite simple: viz., such 'confessions' (recorded and proffered most often sub-rosa) often provide their cover for the inside jobs (ie., sought after 'pearl harbor events' to rally demand for military industrial complex ramp-ups and fog of war opportunities for self-enrichment ... don't forget, 911 is one among many in a history replete with many other such 'war-rallying ('false flag') events' and provided even a 'stand-down' order to assure effectiveness ... who can give such an order and why ... Wake up! ... The latest from the 'Windmills of William Banzai's Mind' }

Good guys do not sadistically torture people.  Good guys do not threaten to sexually abuse the family members of their prisoners, and they certainly do not forcibly ram things up the rear ends of those in their custody.  One of the greatest dangers that our country is facing is the fact that we are not passing on what it means to be 'American' to future generations.  Once upon a time, Americans were the good guys.  But now, instead of fighting the Nazis we are behaving just like them.  The details of the Senate torture report that was just released are almost too horrifying to talk about.  We must talk about them though, because we are losing our soul as a nation.  So please be warned ... this article is going to be quite graphic.  The reason for this is so that we can all take a long, hard, honest look at what we have become.  After everything that has happened, top politicians from both political parties are still standing up and defending those that conducted and authorized this torture.  The rest of the world is watching this, and the number of people that are absolutely convinced that America is pure evil is growing by the day.  By not loudly condemning this torture and bringing the perpetrators to justice, we add fuel to the fire of those that hate this country, and we make it more likely that Americans will be targets of violence all over the planet. (Read More...)




New Law Would Make Taxpayers Potentially Liable For TRILLIONS In Derivatives Losses Michael Snyder   { Me: Yeah ... it's really quite amazing (but predictable) that Senator Warren would be the 'bad guy' in all of this for standing against this wall street enriching paper/digital fraud bailout /debacle ... again ... though promised by Washington, 'never again' ... Remember, as previously set forth innumerable times in this site, only a small fraction of what wall street does is a net economic positive in real economic terms (less than 5 percent) ... Think of these technologically enabled lightning-fast worthless paper/digital commissioned bubble frauds as 'liquidated babies' down the drain (wall street) with the bath water, termites eating away at the foundation/fabric of the nation, etc.. They must be prosecuted, disgorgement imposed for their gargantuan frauds, not rewarded/bailed out/positively reinforced/conditioned for further nation-destroying behavior ... }

If the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble implodes, who should be stuck with the bill?  Well, if the ... too big to fail ... banks have their way it will be you and I.  Right now, lobbyists for the big Wall Street banks are pushing really hard to include an extremely insidious provision in a bill that would keep the federal government funded past the upcoming December 11th deadline.  This provision would allow these big banks to trade derivatives through subsidiaries that are federally insured by the FDIC.  What this would mean is that the big banks would be able to continue their incredibly reckless derivatives trading without having to worry about the downside.  If they win on their bets, the big banks would keep all of the profits.  If they lose on their bets, the federal government would come in and bail them out using taxpayer money.  In other words, it would essentially be a ... heads I win, tails you lose ... proposition. (Read More....)


I strongly recommend the (by necessity) independent film, 'Killing the Messenger', the story of journalist Gary Webb who documented cia/government involvement in the illegal drug trade and was killed execution style for his laudable but thankless efforts ... Well done and highly recommended by those close to the truth, the film stars Jeremy Renner of, ie., 'Hurt Locker'/'Jason Bourne', etc., fame ...}


CIA Agent Affidavit

FBI Agent Affidavit

*** Please Note: This is an interim update page, chronologically based with important articles noted since 5-31-13 ......... *** Please Note: As of this day, 5-31-13, there will be a hiatus in updates to this website owing to matters that for quite some time have required and continue to require my substantial attention; and, as a matter of candor, the same includes a long overdue fishing trip; so, in the words of those famous american poets/philosophers, quoting: 'See you, in September, see you, when the summer's through, Here we are, saying goodbye for the summer, summer vacation, is taking you away, Have a good time, but remember, there is danger, in that summer moon above ...' ... Danger indeed, the lunacy of fraudulent wall street having spread nation-now-world-wide, the now ubiquitous consequent disaster afoot, I hope you sold in May and go away ..... *****


This is the San Diego County desert campsite (yes, there are hot showers, swimming pools, hot tubs, bathrooms, running water, electric, ball field, basketball court, laundry, general store, jogging trails, etc. ...); and as well, Venice Beach where I spent a good amount of time the past two summers:

Desert/Venice Beach, WMV file, 3 minutes, 17mb

Desert/Venice Beach, AVI file, 3 minutes, 13mb

'Room With a View' ... NOT ... 'To Live and Die in LA' , The Desert , Venice Beach

Downtown LA/Desert/Venice Beach, avi file, 5 minutes, 58mb

3 (Plus) Days in the Valley ... 'Hurt Locker' , 'Room With a View' ... NOT ... 'To Live and Die in LA' , The Desert , Venice Beach

3+Days in the Valley/Downtown LA/Desert/Venice Beach, avi file, 7 minutes, 97mb


The Desert Gym

The San Diego Desert Gym, avi file, 2 minutes, 6.9mb

The San Diego Desert Gym, wmv file, 2 minutes, 63mb

3 (Plus) Days in the Valley ... 'Hurt Locker' , 'Room With a View' ... NOT ... 'To Live and Die in LA' , The Desert , Venice Beach, The Desert Gym

3+Days in the Valley/Downtown LA/Desert/Venice Beach/Desert Gym/Updated Venomous Creatures Killed Count, avi file, 9 minutes, 193mb


10-26-15:Desert Gym/Updated Venomous Creatures Killed Count (wmv file 59mb)

10-26-15:Desert Gym/Updated Venomous Creatures Killed Count (mp4 file 34mb)



'The Obama Deception':This well researched / produced video tells the real story and is well worth a look.

EPITAPH FOR AMERICA: Nothing quite succeeds like failure in america. I had tried to help underdog (and outsider and former missionary and hard worker and straight shooter) Mitt Romney by coming out early and unequivocally in support of him and change in the disastrous direction of america, unequivocally in decline. Importantly, that also gave me 'license' to say what needed saying but what everyone considers politically incorrect, impolitic, or brutally honest and/but are afraid to say. The key(s) to the election debacle here were the threat of riots and violence by the typical uncivilized niggers. After all, americans generally are without doubt an inherently cowardly people and war-mongering bullies as indicated by past and recent history. I saw this first hand by particularly that screaming old lady lying on the ground, blood streaming from her mouth, purse stolen by the nigger who calmly walked away as whites among others walked past her by in fear (see immediately infra). Truth be told, I bit my tongue and cringed at every Romney link to corrupt, venal war criminals/criminals/mobsters bushes, cheney, trump, kean, (republicans alito, et als) etc., who have substantially damaged me (along with referenced democrats, to be fair). Then there's that contra-indicated love-fest with war mongering/war crimes nation, illegal nuke totin' israel (almost more than I could bear). On the positive side, trusting in GOD only as I do, I must confess I was happy to see the destruction of the jersey shore and appropriately, rockaway beach, queens, new york (jersey mob and gambino crime family connection). A lesson to all, Romney particularly, never trust a half-breed sicilian former federal government slug, that rotund humpty dumpty christie of jersey infamy. Amazingly, the very people who've been and will be prospectively damaged by nothing more than a mentally troubled fraud, grifter, jive-talking b***s*** artist obama, gave him the blind support he needed to prevail regardless of his unequivocally failed four years of prior broken campaign promises, reality, and rationality. Self-destructive, mentally challenged/troubled losers? That fits! That america is a hopelessly failed, bankrupt nation in decline, there is no question!

MSNBC Yet Again Implies Criticism of Obama Is Racist Paul Joseph Watson | General Electric-owned (49%) network is earning its federal bailout money. [Yet, it's holder / wobama who're the racists ... Robinson: King's dream remains unrealized (Washington Post) [ Yeah! That 'content of their character' thing's a b***ch to live up to ... just don't measure up! What's a white person to do, especially when black atty. General Holder with fellow black Obama's tacit approval is racist himself (themselves) UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE...'ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims '. Drudgereport: 'Mob' beatings at WI state fair... 'Hundreds of young black people beating white people'... [ Typical ... ] Fairgoers 'pulled out of cars'... 'They were just going after white people'... Heightened security...

[ .. (the following incident is my personal experience: black perps, white victims)' ... while walking through Military Park (a sliver of a 'park' - more a pedestrian thoroughfare/cement walks) in newark, new jersey on the way to the bank during lunch hour, I heard the clearly audible screams/cries of what turned out to be an old lady on the ground with blood streaming from her mouth. I ran toward the sound of the cries, the source of which I could not see because there were so many people in and about this thoroughfare so as to block any vision of the source of the cries. When I came to the woman, on the ground, blood streaming from her mouth, I asked what happened, to which she responded she had been hit in the mouth and knocked to the ground, her purse stolen/put inside her shopping bag, and she pointed out the criminal casually now walking across the main street. Nobody stopped to help her, many having passed her by. I slammed the thug to the ground so hard that, in light of all the blood and confusion (limbic system / adrenalin flow) I thought I had been stabbed (the blood was from his elbows hitting the pavement so hard - no one helped / a crowd gathered / an undercover cop happened along). When I testified at the Grand Jury Proceeding I made sure his threat on my life was set forth in prima facie fashion so as to maximize the DA's position with both felonies ( he went to prison - pled out ). The other case I wrote about here ( This was included on my website in the Psychology forum discussion of 'bystander effect' / diffusion of responsibility. ) - Having had occasion to have run down a mugger in newark, n.j. who apparently had followed a girl from the bank on her way to the bursar to pay tuition, though in pretty good shape, I was astounded by how totally exhausting such a pursuit was, how much like rubber my arms were when I traded punches with the perpetrator, and truth be told, if I had a flashlight on my belt, I have little doubt that I would have probably used it to subdue the perp (a police officer here in California was the object of intense criticism for having used a flashlight to subdue a criminal after a long chase so I included that here) . The girl was not that seriously injured, did get her pocketbook and tuition back, and the criminal went to jail (where they belong). The other thing about such a pursuit that amazed me was that no one else assisted the girl or me despite being in a position to do so. I was also mugged by 4 blacks and 2 hispanics in an incident here in Los Angeles, CA. But, to be fair and balanced, the RICO litigation involves those uncivilized who consider themselves 'whites' (predominantly but not exclusively jews / romans-italians / mobsters / government slugs). ]

Barack Obama: The Naked Emperor Shocking but true revelations from David Icke (a must read) | Vast numbers of people across the world, including many who should know better, have been duped by the mind-game called Operation Obama... (excerpts) Obama has been the chosen one for a long time, a fact known only to a few in the deep inner circle, and his relationship with Brzezinski almost certainly goes back to the start of the 1980s when he attended the Ivy League, and big-time Illuminati, Columbia University where Brzezinski was head of the Institute for Communist Affairs. Obama simply will not talk in any detail about this period. He has been covertly funded and supported ever since by the Trilateral Commission and its network of foundations connecting into the Ford Foundation, for whom Obama's mother worked. And a question: Does anyone really believe that someone, a 'man of the people', would simply appear from apparently nowhere to run the slickest and best-funded presidential campaign in American history? He was chosen long ago by those who wish to enslave the very people that Obama says he wants to 'set free'. The sources of Obama funding read like a Wall Street Who's Who - Goldman Sachs, UBS, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and so on. No wonder he went back on his pledge to accept the limitations of public funding for his campaign and instead took the no-limit option of 'private fundingThen there is the Jewish financier, George Soros, the multi-billionaire associate of Brzezinski and closely involved with the funding and marketing of Obama. Soros is a former board member of the Illuminati's Council on Foreign Relations and funds the European Council on Foreign Relations. In short, he is a major insider' You can certainly see the Soros/Brzezinski techniques in the Obama 'revolution' in the United States. It was the complex and secretive network of Soros foundations and organisations, connected to the intelligence agencies of the US and Israel, that trained and funded students in the Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere in the art of mass protest and overthrowing governments. These manufactured protests were sold to the world as peoples' revolutions, but it just so happened that when they were over and the old regime was removed the new leaders were those waiting in the wings all along - the puppets of Soros, Brzezinski and their associated networks. Obama is just more of the same, a big smile with strings attached, and controlled completely by the Illuminati networks that chose him, trained him, sold him and provided his record funding. It was they who kept his many skeletons under wraps, like the gay sex and crack cocaine allegations of Larry Sinclair (from affidavit: 1. Who is Ron Allen that claims to be with your Presidential camp, who is alleged to claim that someone claiming to represent me called asking for $100,000, to keep me from coming forward about our (Obama and I) November 1999 encounter of sex and cocaine use?), and they will continue to do so as long as he jumps to their bidding. Obama is just another Banksters' moll prostituting himself for fame and power, and that's why he supported the grotesque bail-out of the banking system and why he will always put their interests before the people. His financial advisors are straight from the Wall Street 'A' list, including Paul Adolph Volker (Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group), the head of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987 and Illuminati to his fingertips. Obama has made him head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board, which is dominated by insiders, including its staff director and chief economist, Austan Goolsbee, a close Obama associate from the University of Chicago. Goolsbee is an initiate of the infamous Illuminati Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, which also includes Boy and Father Bush. It was Goolsbee who told the Canadian government not to worry about Obama's attacks on the economic effects of free trade agreements because his words were just to win votes in the election campaign. Another Wall Street insider, the Zionist Timothy Geithner (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations), was appointed by Obama to be his Treasury Secretary. Geithner was the President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the most powerful in the private Federal Reserve cartel that masquerades as America's central bank, and he is a former employee of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the appalling Kissinger Associates. Obama's Treasury team locks into the inner circle around the Zionist Robert Rubin, the Director and Senior Counselor of Citigroup, co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, and economic advisor to Obama. Rubin, a member of the Illuminati Bilderberg Group, was the man behind Citigroup's strategy of expanding its risk in debt markets which forced it to be rescued by taxpayers' money. The very people who caused the financial crisis are being appointed by Obama to decide how to respond to it (more taxpayers' money for them and their friends)

Impeach Obama 2012. Join the National Campaign | Now is the time to put an end to Obama's treasonous and tyrannical behavior.

The $540 sneakers. What typical jivetalkers the obamas are! Everybody has to sacrifice...riiiiight obama! Except...He just loves those mannish arms of hers, latent gay that he is!

Birthers Gone Wild

Birthers Not So Wild After All!

Wasn't Born in the USA!

Impeach Obama!

Think about this! By wobama's own criteria in his last total b***s*** campaign, he should be stepping down; having failed on all counts and then some. He also promised to cut the nation's deficit in half by the end of his term; yet, he has increased the nation's deficit by a record amount greater than all the presidents since Eisenhower COMBINED ($5 trillion). He has done this to help cover up his unequivocal failure by any standard by which you measure a presidency, including his own. People in america must show the Washingtonians they are not doormats! They must stand up and let these politicos know that results count; particularly promised results. Absent positive results as with unmitigated failure, choom-gang-banger wobama, they get the boot. President Romney deserves the 4 years he'll have to turn this disaster called america around. If President Romney doesn't cut the mustard in 4 years as promised, then he will be out. Results Count! I believe that people in the final analysis will choose self-respect; that is, choose NOT to be wobama's doormat. Despite and contrary to wobama's spin/propagandameisters' desperate spin/outright falsity which addresses anything but wobama's clear record of failure, President Romney is smart enough, flexible enough, and with a record of concrete results behind him as compared to wobama choom fantasy/b***s***, President Romney will be a hands-on President to the entire nation in the most positive sense. As such, I believe people will choose self-respect, reality, real results which will make President Romney's election a substantial margin blowout victory! Friday Humor: "I Am Pledging To Cut The Deficit We Inherited By Half By The End Of My First Term In Office" Tyler Durden { Wobama the b for b***s*** speaks ... on the prior pre-election campaign trail ( The Real Obama Budget Deficit For 2011: 5 Trillion Dollars (Related: 34 Shocking Facts About U.S. Debt That Should Set America On Fire With Anger ) America's debt woe is worse than Greece's News (CNN) - 'Our government is utterly broke. There are signs everywhere one looks...The government's total indebtedness is $211 trillion' ... ) Obama's Five Trillion Dollar Lie

Drudgereport: 'SHE HAS NEVER WORKED A DAY IN HER LIFE' [ So what! Five boys raised properly, housewife to a successful husband, I'd call that a full-time job to be praised and emulated! I'd also say her composure reveals an individual secure enough to do what was best, optimal for her family. It certainly had a salutary effect on Mitt Romney's earning capacity! Would it have been preferable for her to have been a working wife as michelle obama to con-man, sometime gayster obama, who was about to be disbarred when she surrendered her law license; or, hilarious hillary clinton who conducted seances on the roof of the whitehouse purportedly with Eleanor Roosevelt? I think Ann Romney will be a great first lady who won't as moochell obama try to squeeze out every penny of tax-payer funding she can as has moochelle in ie., her (their) over-traveled/vacationed position(s). People are weary of the typical obama(s) schtick/jive/b***s***! ]

Parker: Rosen vs. Romney - A faux 'girl fight' (Washington Post) [ Faux 'girl fight'? Hardly! Fully intended as a slight, the unintended consequences are significant! The Plum Line : The Morning Plum...over Hilary Rosen and Ann Romney triggered reams of analysis echoing the GOP spin that this... (WP) [ This is more than just GOP spin although the wobama spinmeisters would like you to believe otherwise. It was a typical cheap shot meant to draw contrasts with such as hillary clinton, michelle obama (see supra) which is specious and foolhardy since on close inspection and analysis, such scrutiny favors the honorable Ann Romney as it does hardworking housewives, mothers everywhere. To coin a new phrase: 'Housewife/Mother, the Oldest HONORABLE Profession in the World'! Congratulations President Mitt Romney and First Lady Ann! I disagree that this will be a close election which I believe will be a blowout. Why? Because this is truly an existential moment for other than wobama's 'black voting (for b.o. no matter what) block' and the nation as we once knew it and as well because of those legal / factual bases upon which the sound call for wobama's impeachment is predicated ; in addition to the reality that wobama's failed miserably having been given the chance to do what he said he would do but didn't, which if he did do would have been the right course as we well now know!

The above pictures are making their way around the internet courtesy of that desperate, failing, guinea-dog company Bennetton of that desperate, failing, insolvent nation italy. After their bankruptcy along with that of italy itself, you might be able to pick-up negatives of these digitally manipulated (faked) pictures at a fire sale or two. I'm keeping them up for 'wobama gayness illustrated' purposes only; as with, 'who's Ron Allen?', the in jeopardy answer, 'wobama's gay lover', you'll find not a picture nor trace courtesy of the 'shovel brigade' which also handles the plethora of b***s*** emanating from the whitehouse; the only shovel-ready jobs wobama's produced.

IF IT WAS ONLY ONE THING ABOUT WOBAMA THAT MAKES HIM SO WRONG. YET, IT'S A MULTITUDE OF REALITIES; FROM INVARIABLY BROKEN CAMPAIGN PROMISES (Roche 'The worst part of it...Obama, who vowed change, has done almost nothing to fix any of it and in fact continues most of the policies that helped get us here in the first place''INSIDE JOB' Ferguson wins Oscar for Documentary on the unprosecuted massive extant fraud in the (many) TRILLIONS by the frauds on wall street ( and declares with oscar in hand that not one high level wall street exec has been prosecuted ... despite 'earning' billions from the fraud ) Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder's vows to target financial fraud WP Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. 'THE OBAMA DECEPTION' , etc.) , TO VERY REAL BIRTH ISSUES (WHAT PERSON FAILS TO GET THEIR PLACE OF BIRTH CORRECT - THE FRAUDULENT WOBAMA KIND , , ) , TO THE CURRENT OBFUSCATING FRAUD, Obama's Five Trillion Dollar Lie { the economy is already in depression in real terms when taking into account real inflation numbers. Financial Crisis Phase II Is Ahead at Forbes Bert Dohmen ' In late 2007, I wrote the book Prelude To Meltdown, predicting the global crisis that occurred the following year.  I now see a similar confluence of events .. 'the new recession has started.'...Over the past 33 years, we have called the start of every recession..Currently, the GDP deflator is 1.8%, which hardly reflects the true rise in prices. Therefore, what is counted as 'growth', is actually price increases. Actual now more than 11%. Using that to adjust GDP for inflation, would show that the economy is now in a very sharp contraction...' } , WOBAMA ET ALS' DISINGENUOUS ATTACKS AGAINST ROMNEY ON WHAT WAS PRIZED AND LAUDED AS LEGAL, COMPETENT MANAGEMENT INCREASING SHAREHOLDER WEALTH (THE TASK OF COMPETENT MANAGEMENT) IN THOSE BLOATED, NON-COMPETITIVE TIMES CONTRASTED WITH WOBAMA'S UNPRECEDENTED FURTHER BANKRUPTING OF THE NATION AND INDISPUTABLE FAILURE AS PRESIDENT ( Obama's Legacy: A Failed Recovery & Double-Dip Recession Forbes / Mariotti '...There will be no significant recovery in the United States of America while Barack Obama is President.  The evidence is overwhelming:  everything Obama has tried to fuel a recovery (with his Democratic allies in Congress) has failed.  Statistics claiming jobs saved by the stimulus package were mostly fiction, and cost American taxpayers about $275,000 each.  Nearly 2-1/2 million fewer Americans have jobs than before the stimulus. Barack Obama has been President for 30 months - 2-1/2 years. He spent the first year obsessed with passing Obamacare, a program that doesn't create jobs, but might destroy a lot of them.  He 'bailed out' GM, but many believe that his interference didn't save GM; it merely cost taxpayers an extra $15-20 billion, and stole from legitimate investors to buy off the UAW.  His broken campaign promises are too numerous to list...'). IT IS NOTHING SHORT OF TRAGEDY TO SEE PEOPLE DELUDE AND MAKE FOOLS OF THEMSELVES IN SUPPORT OF JIVE-TALKING GRIFTER/CON-MAN OBAMA. GOOD-BYE FORMER FAILED PRESIDENT WOBAMA ... GOOD RIDDANCE!

People must keep in mind, as they're played for fools by the jive-talking grifters, the wobamas, that there's virtually nothing that can be said negatively of Romney that wobama's already meretriciously proven to be. Though not a perfect analogy, people must step back and view the nation in a manner of speaking as a corporation, with each citizen a shareholder possessing one equal share per person. Who is more likely to enhance the value of your share? Wobama, who has literally to obfuscate his actual failure, increased deficit spending more than all presidents since Eisenhower combined, rendering your share worthless (actually minus $50,000 per capita, more government debt per capita than Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland or Spain) and the corporation (nation) hopelessly insolvent. Or Romney, who has a clear record of financial success, acumen, and competence. At best, the failure obama has no idea what he's doing. He's totally clueless; in way over his head. His new b***s*** campaign rhetoric, teleprompted speeches, new campaign promises to be broken as was so of the last, will not change the reality that he has failed, in large part because he failed to keep the last campaign promises upon which basis he was previously elected. He's continued dumbya bush's policies (war, etc), null prossed the big wall street frauds he promised to prosecute (including the newest, mf global and his fund raiser former jersey gov and mfglobal head jon corzine), while impinging on constitutional liberties like never before as if it was his mission to do so. What man would misstate / lie (which misstatement continued for years though easily corrected and certainly highly visible and in a law publication of all places) about his place of birth? He said it and his african grandmother confirmed / pointed to the african hospital in kenya in which obama was born. Liar / fraud, or illegal oval office occupant; either way, one or the other are the realities; and jive-talking wobama the con-man should be ridden out of washington on a rail! The new 'byword' from highly vacationed / traveled on taxpayer dime moochell obama is that 'change takes time'; oh yeah, infinite amounts of time if you don't do as promised to effect that change. Don't be their fool! Stand up for yourselves! Let them, obama et als, know that they'll pay at the polls for their lies! Obama's 5 Trillion Dollar Lie , Impeach Obama!

How Does that Song Go, 'Working on the Choom Gang'?
That's the sound of Wobama's waterpipe
While working on the Choom Gang!
Yeah, that 'total absorption thing'! Wow! Heavy, O!

Wobama and his Choom Gang Bangers on their Magic Total Absorption Bus (Well done animated video, 11 mb, WMV / Windows format)

Wobama and his Choom Gang Bangers on their Magic Total Absorption Bus (11 mb, FLV format)


Doesn't Wobama somewhat remind you of that stereotypical character, 'Superfly', of yesteryear?

Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers)Covering Up for Other Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers). In Productive Societies as China, Japan, etc., Fraudulent Liars (sic-lawyers) and the Fraudulent u.s. System They're a Part of Are Unheard Of/Non-existent. List of Files Regarding Filed Attorney Grievance Against Fraud coan et als

Or Here For A Clearer View Of Filed Grievance Complaint, Response, Exhibits, and Related RICO Filings

Note the Committee of Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers). Included are DOJ Rep., State Court Rep., State Atty. General Office Rep., and even a Vegetable Garden yale law prof who probably never practiced law in his life. How Pathetic!

(5-2-09)Even the Most Minimal of Precautions to Protect americans from such as the Swine Flu Would Necessarily Require Sealing the Border With mexico Which Would Accomplish Much, Much More!

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For whatever reason, my recent test-sampling of public domain films on this website with windows 8 revealed an error/no-play/corrupted file prompt for the mp4 films which format is more than sufficient for films of that genre/time period; and hence, easy on memory/hard drive space. The mp4 format is not brain surgery and one may only surmise that, in a manner consistent with that 'brilliant planned obsolescence strategy' that worked so well for GM (Hmmmm! Riiiiight! ), hopes were leaping for unnecessary, redundant trips to the app store to which one's directed would be the outcome (hmmmmm!). I recommend the following though I'm sure there are many other free apps available to play mp4 files, etc. ... :


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This is the MP4 Version Which is Smaller file size / Faster and also great with Ipods, Iphones, etc.


Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed A treasured piece at the Dutch national museum - a supposed moon rock from the first manned lunar landing - is nothing more than petrified wood, ...BBC News BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealedPrized moon rock a fake - A PIECE of moon rock given to an overseas politician by the United States is actually a lump of petrified wood, museum authorities revealed yesterday. ... 'Moon Rock' in Dutch Museum Is Just Petrified Wood Aug 27, 2009 ... Fake moon rock at Dutch national museum. Rijksmuseum / AP. This rock, supposedly brought back from the moon by American astronauts, ...



In reality it is just a piece of petrified wood ... Another piece of evidence that shows again that Apollo program is indeed a fake and a fraud


Esoteric Agenda: A Well Produced, Well Researched, Very Informative and Worthwhile Public Domain Video
[These are VOB Video Files 4.20 GB Total Which Can Be Burned Directly to DVD]

If You Have Difficulty Downloading VOB /MPG Files Then View here By Clicking Or

Here Web Site Archived FLV Version of Esoteric Agenda

For Greater Perspective Regarding the Increasingly Less Rational Actions, Decisions, and Events We're Witnessing, Some Background Material

Paper: The Psychoanalytic Method   [PDF Formatted Version]

Concise Powerpoint Presentations on Central Topics in General Psychology

The Evolutionary Trend for Mankind as All Things Old Are New Again - Some Things Never Change

Such Humble Beginnings for that Elite Family Called Man and Friends

To Learn More About From Whence Man Came, This Link's For You

       10-5-09 Postscript: Professor *****,
I felt compelled to thank you again for the add; not to curry your favor but indeed to express profound thanks inasmuch as this is probably the last formal course at a formal educational institution I'll ever take; and among the most important. While I had bought at discount a library-discarded 1993 Anthropology by Embers text, though meaning to read same never quite got to it. I am astounded by the substantial amount of time involved in the evolutionary process, not that I ever stopped to think about it, and one must come away with the sense of 'and all that...for this?'. This course should be required curriculum along with psychology, sociology, etc., but probably won't be owing to what is, as it should be, a very humbling educational experience for any member of the human race.
                                  Al Peia

Birthers Gone Wild

My Eye Site

Wall Street Lunacy 2006

Current Topics 2006

Financial Lunacy 2006

The New Century Phenomenon of Online Dating's Here, and There's A Website Dedicated to the Ins and Outs (no pun intended) and Do's and Don't's That's Worth a Look!

Congress is currently considering CISPA - the Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act - a bill that purports to protect the United States from 'cyber threats' but would in fact create a gaping loophole in all existing privacy laws. If CISPA passes, companies could vacuum up huge swaths of data on everyday Internet users and share it with the government without a court order. I oppose CISPA, and I'm calling on Congress to reject any legislation that:
*  Uses dangerously vague language to define the breadth of data that can be shared with the government.
*  Hands the reins of America's cybersecurity defenses to the NSA, an agency with no transparency and little accountability.
*  Allows data shared with the government to be used for purposes unrelated to cybersecurity

Join me in opposing this bill by posting this statement on your own page and using this online form to send a letter to Congress against CISPA:
I'm writing today to urge you to oppose dangerously vague legislation like H.R. 3523 and any similar cybersecurity bill that would give unfettered immunity to companies to monitor and share sensitive user data with the government and one another.
Congress has enacted privacy legislation to protect the sanctity of our electronic communications, but bills like H.R. 3523 and similar " cybersecurity " proposals eviscerate these well-constructed privacy protections.
The sweeping language around " purposes " is so overbroad and vague that it:
* Would allow companies to monitor and collect any kind of data, no matter how sensitive it was, even private emails and text messages.
* Would give companies a free pass to share data with anyone at all, including other companies and the federal government.
* Gives companies total immunity from being held liable for their actions, no matter how many peoples' privacy is violated.
* Hands the keys to this data to intelligence agencies, which lack transparency and public accountability.
Don't trample on our civil liberties in a rush to pass " cybersecurity " legislation.Oppose H.R. 3523 and any other dangerously vague and overbroad " cybersecurity " bill that would give immunity to companies to share almost any information with the government and one another and threaten civilian control of cybersecurity

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Comprehensive Daily Summary/Links To News/Headlines Courtesy of Yahoo

They're Killing the Microbiologists/Scientists List by Quayle Updated August, 2009

Summary Chronology of News Events in 2005

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The Reality Box

Filed 10-16-08 and served:

Documents Filed/Served/Provided to FBI also on Disk (PDF format)

While my priority remains as it should as to the very large and substantial RICO action venued in the Second Circuit, District of Connecticut, involving far more egregious wrongful and unlawful conduct than that involved in the relatively small california case, plaintiff/appellant does not intend to roll over in what remains of this californiamatter (although plaintiff/appellant has substantially compromised the amount demanded to the sum-certain reduced amount requested herein to facilitate resolution hereof).

As a show of good faith and in the interest of comity toward resolution of the federal RICO action and even this simple and relatively small action, I had refrained from updating and disseminating my site [interestingly, Sam Alito, who has committed RICO violations in burying inculpatory RICO related documents while u.s. attorney, is apparently being "rewarded" yet again for his protective complicity (see RICO documents in U.S. Files herein: The Verified Complaint , The Affidavit , The RICO Statement , Letter To Local Police With Documents Regarding Criminal Referral Of RICO Crimes In Accordance With Federal District Court Order - Delivered By Hand , The ADDENDUM , The Declaration/Certification , , RESPONSE AND SUPPLEMENTAL PROFFER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S CROSS-MOTION FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS IN THE SUM CERTAIN AMOUNT OF $5 MILLION DEMANDED IN THE VERIFIED COMPLAINT. ) despite statements as, ie., "nobody is above the law" which obviously don't ring true. I wonder what FBI Agent Barndollar (sent documents) is thinking (FBI are the only federal employees that don't take bribes, one way or another, and whom I based upon experience, and others should, trust)]. Polling suggests the people trust neither republicans (11% approval) nor democrats (15%) with 73% saying there's little difference (note democrat senate minority leader harry reed refuses to return the abramoff money. What about u.s."top gun", "The Duke" - aptly played by mental case scientologist cruise). I wonder about the probably unanimous vote of a raise (congress) for jobs poorly done; ie., deficits, trade and budget, $2 trillion price tag on the illegal, criminal war in Iraq (including prospective vet.admin. payouts, etc.), etc. That $21.5 billion in bonuses (plus profits, costs, expenses, salaries, etc.) to the wall street frauds (that money) has to come from some place [Only A Small Fraction Of What wall street Does Is A Net Positive For The Economy (New Investment Capital), The Rest Is Tantamount To A (Economically) "Wasteful Tax" (On The Economy) via 'churn and earn' computerized programmed trades]. Note the suckers' market rally to suck them in in january, 2006 (for the supertitious "january effect"), despite the reality of this secular bear market, the end of the bull cycle therein, and half the corporate profits in coming year 2006 (as compared to 2005), with 2005 sustained by unsustainable deficit spending, etc., and now, as in final pre-election result push for bush (2006 mid-terms), which fell very short, but has provided the same pump-priming of the market as most recently in 1999 which ended quite badly even without the exacerbating effects of huge unsustainable and debilitating debt/deficits deferring/prolonging the inevitable reality even as entire domestic u.s. industries are rendered defunct and with corporate welfare unwisely spent (war crimes, etc.).However, this latest "california/la distraction" requires elucidation as follows:

2007: Little glamour in L.A., 'gang capital of America'...

With All the Talk and Focus on "Homeland Security", the Fact is that California is the Lawless 'Homieland' (negroe, hispanic gangs/criminals, radical jews/criminals(ie., irv rubin, etc.), that is Neither Fit for Life, Investment, Nor Business (new jersey and other parts of the northeast are similarly bad). California, like the aforesaid denizens, is obscene; that is, utterly without redeeming social value (legal definition). Rational people would be crazy to come and stay in this diseased, mismanaged, lawless and home to the uncivilized, "bubble/bubba/b**l s**t" state (the california, among other numerous states real estate bubble)

Dateline: 11-22-02 - A New Distinction for Los Angeles: 'Murder Capital of the Nation' (In light of that set forth herein, how could they not have seen that coming? LAPD Chief Bratton has described this disgusting california scenario as worse than any crime scenario he has ever seen in his life)

3-3-06: The gangs (ie., negroe, hispanic) are using molotov cocktails, automatic weapons, etc., in ie., Compton, CA, etc.. (8-12-06) Before the officers could even open their doors, a passenger got out and started raking the car with gunfire from an AK-47," said police spokesman Lt. Paul Vernon. Officer James Tuck was hit twice in the stomach, and a third bullet nearly severed his hand. Although Tuck, 26, was wearing a bulletproof vest, it offered little protection from the high-powered weapon at close range, police said. The LAPD cruiser was riddled with bullet holes the gunman opened up with the ak47. They actually segregate prisoners in prisons for prisoner safety. Law abiding people outside the prisons should be so lucky! That little incompetent macaque/brown monkey villagairosa (reports indicate he failed the bar exam 4 times) keeps pushing for a takeover of the school district when everyone knows that the dumb sp**ks can't understand a word the teachers are saying, and he still is afraid of the "illegal alien" word that has added to crime and strained resources beyond limit, etc.. Can you believe that they even railed at police in pursuit of hispanic felons for not warning in spanish.

MENU TITLE: Gang Crime Recordkeeping Series: NIJ Research in Brief Published: June 1994 (NCJ 148345) 20 pages Gang Crime and Law Enforcement Recordkeeping by G. David Curry, Richard A. Ball, and Robert J. Fox ------------------- EXCERPT 'Of the police departments reporting gang crime problems, almost all said they recorded the race or ethnicity of gang members. As with other types of data noted above, there was a difference between recording information and being able to report that information in summary form. Of the 72 large city police departments reporting gang crime problems, only 25 (35 percent) provided statistics on the ethnicity of identified gang members; of the 38 smaller cities, only 12 (32 percent) provided statistics on ethnicity. The ethnic composition of gang members in these cities remains predominantly black (48 percent) and Hispanic (43 percent). The black groups were made up primarily of African-Americans but also included Jamaicans and blacks of other countries.'
The Color of Crime: a report on 1994 crime statistics, the most recent available. Major Findings:
  • There is more black-on-white than black-on-black violent crime.
  • Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.
  • Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate. Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate, and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate.
  • Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes.
  • Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category. Hispanic offenders are classified as whites, which inflates the white offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes.
  • Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous than women.
  • Copyright 1999 by New Century Foundation

Conquest of the Southwest (California) by Any Means.

The ravings of Al Quaeda or other terrorists? No. Should you be alarmed? A resounding YES.

"They (MEChA) stand for Chicano power, the 'reqonquista' for Aztlan that's their little phrase for the Southwest United States and that the United States was stolen from Mexico, and they're going to reconquer it."

"General membership shall consist of any student who accepts, believes and works for the goals and objectives of MEChA, including the liberation of AZTLAN, meaning self-determination of our people in this occupied state and the physical liberation of our land."

California politicians who have never renounced their membership in the organization include Lieutenant Governor and current ex-officio UC Regent Cruz Bustamente, former State Assembly Speaker and Los Angeles mayoral candidate Antonio Villaraigosa (failed the bar exam 4 times), State Assemblyman Gil Cadillo and State Sen. Joe Baca.

The Time Has Come For Action and Not Words Regarding The Criminals Ab Initio Illegal Immigrants Including the Much Needed Funding and Building of The Wall to Bar These Clearly Negative Third World Banana Republic Scourges On american Society Including the Pump and Dump Anchor Babies For Whom Citizenship Should Be Outlawed. 10-4-06

View Pravda Posts [Most Recent]
[1-25] [26-50] [51-75] [76-100] [101-125] [126-150] [151-175] [176-200] [201-225] [226-250]
[How Pathetic The russians Are! This Contrived Glaring Instance Of Censorship Typifies The Lost Days of a Failed, Oppressive, and Repressive Soviet Communist Regime, Much Like The Leftist Losers In Criminal America (Bureaucrat bushes Included, along with Hillbilly Buddies clinton, et als). Their Regressive Longing For The Bygone Days of Failed Ideologies, Systems, Bureaucratic Inefficiencies, Meaningfully Lawlessness and Economic Waste, Fraud, and Bribery is Fast Becoming The Deleterious Norm In america. Where Was Pravda Regarding The Felled Future of Russia In the Persona of Alexander Lebed Who Was Murdered By Putin and His Thugs? Lunatic Murderous Madmen As lenin and stalin and Now (the kgb lightweight-brainwashed) putin Have, Much Like in america Under Criminal Hillbilly bushes and clintons, Cost Their Respective Nations and The World Immeasurably. What A Bunch of Losers The "Rooskies" are, Much Like Their Current Criminal american Counterparts! The foregoing links will be supplanted by a topically indexed page which is primarily what I used the posts for. I Will Also Subscribe To More International and Progressive Forums, Reproducing Said Posts and Prospectively Posting Anew. What a Bunch of Losers!]

"Great Lies of the American free press - 05/23/2005
The Bush dictatorship often uses Adolph Hitler's "great lie theory" - the political tactic where a leader fabricates "great lies" The Bush dictatorship also discovered a residual benefit of the "great lie theory": People are often so myopic or so embarrassed by their gullibility that, even after the "great lies" are exposed, they would rather reward the liar than acknowledge the lie....."
While I too Appropriately Disparage the american Press/Media, It Should Be Emphasized to the Pathetic/Dumb Russkies That the american Press/Media Is Not Free, Is Censored/Controlled Implicitly (Pressure, Economic and otherwise) and Explicitly, But that the Russian "Press/Media" Is Even More A Joke and A Fraud, If That Can Even Be Fathomed, With The Failed Communist Years, Which Cost the Entire World Substantially, Living Testament to that Reality!
I also agree that the dictator/war criminal(s) bush and company must be prosecuted and removed from office!
I Have Begun the Task of Creating a Topically Indexed Page Here.
3-3-06: As a show of good faith and comity (prior to the typical abomination of a ruling contrary to clear law) I briefly set forth the following optimal u.s. course and care little whether same is followed:
  • the criminal state of israel formerly led by king of the jews/terrorist sharon/ now vegetable as he should be, is not the ally of any nation but israel

  • by merely enforcing international law as to the Christ-killing jews, america would cut the anti-american sentiment in half; by enforcing the oslo accords and finalizing the palestinian nation state, an additional 25percent reduction; by eliminating israel, (ie., for killing 34 american sailors, illegally stockpiling nuclear weapons, spying on america, contriving america's anti-Arab conflicts, etc.), america's future in the most positive sense would be secured

  • as incompetent as the republicans are, the democrats (who voted for the war, etc.) were, are, and would fair worse for the nation if they were majority in congress (the terrorists/criminals within would love it - no position on presidency yet and premature) as they conveniently forget the very source of China's economic preeminence/surplus as payback by clinton for financing clinton (ie., John Huang, communist Peoples Party, etc.), squandering the cold war victory (peace dividend) and consequent goodwill/surplus, made u.s. a global laughing stock, covered up numerous crimes and even (had them) killed americans to do so, gave "terrorists" raison d'etre with 'wag the dog' bombings, etc..

  • Cheney should be forced to resign immediately and be replaced by George macacawitz Allen, VA ( latest reports indicate he is part jewish which makes his positions relative to the mideast highly suspect, thus disqualifying him from consideration 10-5-06) or Mitt Romney, MA, in that precise order of preference.

  • After the mid-term elections, bush should be forced to resign - he's a war criminal, brain damaged and excessively and embarrassingly dumb, incompetent, and never really wanted to be president in the first place (global criminal cabal daddy hoover bush's idea).

Some Iraqi Children "Liberated" By War Criminal american Cruise Missiles

More Recent Liberatees (among many others) at the Hands of War Criminal americans

US Marine falsified report on killings of Iraqi civilians Asked about the incident of US Marines killing of Iraqi unarmed civilians, US Deputy Director for Regional Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Brig. Gen. Carter Ham said "two investigations under way." Iraq-USA, Politics, 5/31/2006 U.S. troops kill pregnant woman in Iraq (AP) U.S. troops kill pregnant woman in Iraq By KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer Wed May 31, 11:03 PM ET BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. forces killed two Iraqi women one of them about to give birth when the troops shot at a car that failed to stop at an observation post in a city north of Baghdad, Iraqi officials and relatives said Wednesday. Nabiha Nisaif Jassim, 35, was being raced to the maternity hospital in Samarra by her brother when the shooting occurred Tuesday. Haditha inquiry finds false reports: Washington Post WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. military inquiry into whether Marines tried to cover up the killings of Iraqi civilians in Haditha will conclude that some officers gave false reports to their superiors, who then failed to scrutinize the information, according to a newspaper report on Thursday. The Washington Post, citing an unidentified Army official, said the three-month investigation was also expected to call for changes in how U.S. troops are trained for duty in Iraq. The investigation is one of two ongoing military probes into the November 19 killings of 24 men, women and children in the town of Haditha, 125 miles northwest of Baghdad in an area that has seen much activity by Sunni Arab insurgents. The newspaper reported that the Army official said there were multiple failures but declined to say whether he would characterize it as a 'coverup' as alleged by Rep. John Murtha (news, bio, voting record). The Pennsylvania Democrat, a decorated retired Marine, is a vocal critic of the war in Iraq..... US lawmaker John Murtha, pictured 22 May 2006, said that US Marines tried to "cover-up" the killings in November of some 24 unarmed civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha. Probe finds Haditha killings unprovoked Reuters - Wed May 31, 4:41 PM ET A video provided to Reuters on March 21, 2006 by Hamourabi Human rights group shows bodies being loaded onto a truck, which Hamourabi says is of bodies of a family of 15 shot dead in their home in Haditha, in western Anbar province. Report: False testimony in Haditha probe By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer Military investigators have evidence that points toward unprovoked murders by Marines in the Iraqi town of Haditha, a senior defense official said last week. A U.S. military investigation will conclude that some officers gave false testimony to their superiors, The Washington Post reported on its Web site Wednesday night. The superiors then failed to scrutinize reports adequately, the Post reported.

Meaningfully Lawless u.s. Slouching Toward Facism/Socialism/Totalitarianism. September 29, 2006 - Suspension of habaeus corpus, Geneva Convention abrogation, torture promoted, ignore meaningful rules of law the american way.....What, they worry? No. They work for the meaningfully lawless banana republic dictatorship america! What’s the democrat and republican excuse this time? They were fooled again? Criminals following incompetent war criminal and burnt out moron bush down ineluctable path of decline.

The Christ-killing jews have and continue to cost the world and america immeasurably and substantially:
In the middle of the 19th century, the jews created two new world movements: one, Communism, which was directed at Gentiles, preached internationalism and class warfare and was founded by the jew Karl Marx. The other, Zionism, which was specifically for jews, preached jewish nationalism and solidarity and the creation of a Zionist state -- israel.

All the Killings With All Those Weapons Given by Americans Essa bin Mohammed Al-Zedjali, Arab News
The US administration continues to provide Israel, its closest ally, with the most advanced weapons including the sophisticated Smart and Cluster bombs to be used in its continued war against Lebanon Editorial: Lebanon Holocaust31 July 2006
Israel's murderous bloody attack yesterday, using US-supplied laser-guided missiles, represents a new low in subhuman depravity. The target was a residential building in the Lebanese village of.....
(8-1-06) benjewman pet-us-am-yahoo, aka benjamin netanyahu, a zionist jew likud-nut-nic, speciously compares cuban missile crisis to the more nazi-like israeli aggression in Lebanon, conveniently forgetting in typical lying jew fashion that said crisis was solved diplomatically and without a shot being fired. Moreover, it is the lawless international law scofflaw israelies who have stockpiles of nuclear weapons, while the Lebanese have none, but in fairness and justice probably should have some to deter the lawless israelies.
Bloodthirsty Christ-killing jews bomb hospital and kill many civillians including women and children
UN 'shocked' by Qana raid which now has been revealed as not being in any proximity to missiles alledgedly fired at israel and which israeli lies were confirmed by israeli insiders who out of conscience revealed same.
New war criminals' terrorist israeli/american victims:

many such victims at the hands of war criminals' terrorist israelis/americans

Ineluctable Conclusion Based On Facts and Reality: criminal israel/israelis/america/americans Are The Lawless, Fraudulent, Criminal Scum of the Earth. If There Was No israel or america, This World Would Be A Better Place. Lawless terrorist nation israel is the provocator of war, global instability, and chaos. Fallen Criminal Nation america is Bankrupt, Financially and Otherwise. Any Ally (including taxpayers, they'll never see their squandered social security, pensions, etc.) of the Lawless Fraudulent War Criminal Corrupt americans Are Enemies of the Civilized World Founded Upon Meaningful Rules of Law and Civilized Behavior. I'm Finished With Lawless Criminal Fraudulent america, and Not the Other Way Around!

UFOetry: We Never Went To The Moon - The Award-Winning Documentary/Music/Video by John Lee [The $40 Billion Scam (More than $100 Billion in today's worthless dollars)]

This is the MP4 Version Which is Smaller file size / Faster and also great with Ipods, Iphones, etc.

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[Please Note: (3-3-06) This Site Had Been In Abeyance Abiding Resolution Of The Subject Substantial Litigation Referenced Herein In Light Of the Impact Of Same On Conclusions, Truths, And Realities, Current and Prospective. The Comprehensive Daily Summary/Links To News/Headlines Courtesy of Yahoo Set Forth by Link Hereinabove Are Provided and Updated With Regularity and Kept Current.] Updates and dissemination have begun in part.

UFOetry: We Never Went To The Moon - The Award-Winning Documentary/Music/Video by John Lee

This is the MP4 Version Which is Smaller file size / Faster and also great with Ipods, Iphones, etc.

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The Reality Regarding israel Box

Lest We Forget

This is #33 in AMEU's

Public Affairs Series

Americans for Middle East


March, 2006

Many of the events catalogued here have been

treated in depth in AMEU's bimonthly publication,

The Link. website: .

Lest We Forget

The Israeli lobby in Washington has successfully influenced

the U.S. Congress to give billions of non-

-repayable dollars each year to Israel on the premise

that Israel's loyalty and strategic importance to

the United States make it an ally worthy of such unprecedented


Is it ?

In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned

Americans to avoid a passionate attachment to any

one nation because it promotes "the illusion of an

imaginary common interest in cases where no real

common interest exists."

In 1948, U.S. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal,

an opponent of the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine,

warned that, even though failure to go along

with the Zionists might cost President Truman the

states of New York, Pennsylvania, and California, it

was about time that somebody should pay some

consideration to whether we might not lose the

United States.

Israeli actions over the past 53 years involving U.S.

interests in the Middle East seriously challenge the

"strategic asset" premise of the Israeli lobby. Some

of these actions are compiled in the list that follows:

September 1953: Israel illegally begins to divert the waters

of the Jordan River. President Eisenhower, enraged, suspends

all economic aid to Israel and prepares to remove the taxdeductible

status of the United Jewish Appeal and of other Zionist

organizations in the United States.

October 1953: Israel raids the West Bank village of Kibya,

killing 53 Palestinian civilians. The Eisenhower administration

calls the raid "shocking," and confirms the suspension of aid to


July 1954: Israeli agents firebomb American and British cultural

centers in Egypt, making it look like the work of the

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in order to sabotage U.S.-

-Egyptian relations.

October 1956: Israel secretly joins with England and France

in a colonialstyle attack on Egypt's Suez Canal. Calling the

invasion a dangerous threat to international order, President

Eisenhower forces Israel to relinquish most of the land it had


1965: 206 pounds of weapons grade uranium disappear from

the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation plant in

Pennsylvania. Plant president is Zalmon Shapiro, a former

sales agent for the Israel Defense Ministry. C.I.A. Director

Richard Helms later charges that Israel stole the uranium.

June 1967: Israel bombs, napalms and torpedoes the USS

Liberty, killing 34 Americans, wounding 171 others, and nearly

sinking the lightly armed intelligence ship. The Chairman of the

Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Thomas Moorer, charges that the

attack "could not possibly have been a case of mistaken identity."

June 1967: Against U.S. wishes Israel seizes and occupies

Syria's Golan Heights.

June 1968: Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir rejects U.S. Secretary

of State William Rogers Peace Plan that would have required

Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories; she

calls upon Jews everywhere to denounce the plan.

March 1978: Israel invades Lebanon, illegally using U.S. cluster

bombs and other U.S. weapons given to Israel for defensive

purposes only.

1979: Israel frustrates U.S.sponsored Camp David Accords

by building new settlements on the West Bank. President

Carter complains to American Jewish leaders that, by acting in

a "completely irresponsible way," Israel's Prime Minister Begin

continues "to disavow the basic principles of the accords."

1979: Israel sells U.S. airplane tires and other military supplies

to Iran, against U.S. policy, at a time when U.S. diplomats

are being held hostage in Teheran.

July 1980: Israel annexes East Jerusalem in defiance of U.S.

wishes and world opinion.

July 1981: Illegally using U.S. cluster bombs and other equipment,

Israel bombs P.L.O. sites in Beirut, with great loss of

civilian life.

December 1981: Israel annexes Syria's Golan Heights, in violation

of the Geneva Convention and in defiance of U.S.


June 1982: Israel invades Lebanon a second time, again using

U.S. cluster bombs and other U.S. weapons. President

Reagan calls for a halt of all shipments of cluster bomb shells

to Israel.

September 1982: Abetted by Israeli forces under the control

of Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, Lebanese militiamen massacre

hundreds of Palestinians in Beirut's Sabra and Shatila refugee

camps. President Reagan is horrified and summons the

Israeli ambassador to demand Israel's immediate withdrawal

from Beirut.

September 1982: Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin rejects

President Reagan's Peace Plan for the occupied territories.

JanuaryMarch 1983: Israeli army "harasses" U.S. Marines

in Lebanon. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger confirms

Marine commandant's report that "Israeli troops are deliberately

threatening the lives of American military personnel . . .

replete with verbal degradation of the officers, their uniforms

and country."

March 1985: Israeli lobby in Washington pressures the U.S.

Congress to turn down a $1.6 billion arms sale to Jordan, costing

the U.S. thousands of jobs, quite apart from the financial

loss to American industry. Jordan gives the contract to Russia.

A frustrated King Hussein complains: "The U.S. is not free to

move except within the limits of what AIPAC [the Israeli

lobby], the Zionists and the State of Israel determine for it."

October 1985: Israeli lobby blocks $4 billion aircraft sale to

Saudi Arabia. The sale, strongly backed by the Reagan administration,

costs the U.S. over 350,000 jobs, with steep financial

losses to American industry. Saudi Arabia awards contract to


November 1985: Jonathan Jay Pollard, an American recruited

by Israel, is arrested for passing highly classified intelligence to

Israel. U.S. officials call the operation but "one link in an organized

and wellfinanced Israeli espionage ring operating

within the United States." State Department contacts reveal

that top Israeli defense officials "traded stolen U.S. intelligence

documents to Soviet military intelligence agents in return for

assurances of greater emigration of Soviet Jews."

December 1985: U.S. Customs in three states raid factories

suspected of illegally selling electroplating technology to Israel.

Richard Smyth, a NATO consultant and former U.S. exporter, is

indicted on charges of illegally exporting to Israel 800 krytron

devices for triggering nuclear explosions.

April 1986: U.S. authorities arrest 17 persons, including a retired

Israeli General, Avraham BarAm, for plotting to sell

more than $2 billion of advanced U.S. weaponry to Iran (much

of it already in Israel). General BarAm, claiming to have had

Israeli Government approval, threatens to name names at the

highest levels. U.S. Attorney General of New York calls the plot

mind-boggling in scope.

July 1986: Assistant Secretary of State Richard Murphy informs

the Israeli ambassador that a U.S. investigation is under

way of eight Israeli representatives in the U.S. accused of

plotting the illegal export of technology used in making cluster

bombs. Indictments against the eight are later dropped in exchange

for an Israeli promise to cooperate in the case.

January 1987: Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin visits

South Africa to discuss joint nuclear weapons testing. Israel

admits that, in violation of a U.S. Senate antiapartheid bill, it

has arms sales contracts with South Africa worth hundreds of

millions of dollars. Rep. John Conyers calls for Congressional

hearings on IsraelSouth Africa nuclear testing.

November 1987: The IranContra scandal reveals that it was

Israel that had first proposed the trade to Iran of U.S. arms for

hostages. The scandal becomes the subject of the Tower Commission

Report, Senate and House investigations, and the

Walsh criminal prosecution inquiries.

April 1988: Testifying before U.S. Subcommittee on Narcotics,

Terrorism and International Operations, Jose Blandon, a

former intelligence aide to Panama's General Noriega, reveals

that Israel used $20 million of U.S. aid to ship arms via Panama

to Nicaraguan Contras. The empty planes then smuggled

cocaine via Panama into the United States. Pilot tells ABC reporter

Richard Threlkeld that Israel was his primary employer.

The armsfordrugs network is said to be led by Mike Harari,

Noriega's close aide and bodyguard, who was also a high officer

in the Israeli secret services and chief coordinator of Israel's

military and commercial business in Panama.

June 1988: Mubarak Awad, a Palestinian-American advocate

of nonviolence, is deported by Israel. The White House denounces

the action, saying, "We think it is unjustifiable to deny

Mr. Awad the right to stay and live in Jerusalem, where he was


June 1988: Amnesty International accuses Israel of throwing

deadly, U.S.-made gas canisters inside hospitals, mosques,

and private homes. The Pennsylvania manufacturer, a major

defense corporation, suspends future shipments of tear gas to


November 1989: According to the Israeli paper Ma?ariv, U.S.

officials claim Israel Aircraft Industries was involved in attempts

to smuggle U.S. missile navigation equipment to South

Africa in violation of U.S. law.

December 1989: While the U.S. was imposing economic

sanctions on Iran, Israel purchased $36 million of Iranian oil in

order to encourage Iran to help free three Israeli hostages in


March 1990: Israel requests more than $1 billion in loans,

gifts, and donations from American Jews and U.S. government

to pay for resettling Soviet Jews in occupied territories. President

Bush responds, My position is that the foreign policy of

the U.S. says we do not believe there should be new settlements

in the West Bank or East Jerusalem.

June 1990: Officials in the Bush administration and in Congress

say that Israel has emerged as leading supplier of advanced

military technology to China, despite U.S.'s expressed

opposition to Israeli-Chinese military cooperation.

September 1990: Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy asks the

Bush administration to forgive Israel's $4.5 billion military debt

and dramatically increase military aid. Israeli Defense Minister

Moshe Arens expresses concern over expected $20 billion in

U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia and asks for an additional $1

billion in military aid to Israel. Facing rising congressional opposition,

White House backs off from plan to sell Saudi Arabia

over $20 billion in military hardware. Bush administration

promises to deliver additional F-15 fighters and Patriot missiles

to Israel, but defers action on Israel's request for more than

$1 billion in new military aid. Arens questions U.S.'s commitment

to maintain Israel's military advantage in the Middle


October 1990: Aliya cabinet chair Ariel Sharon encourages

increase in settlement of Soviet Jews in East Jerusalem, despite

his government's assurances to the U.S. that it would not

do so. Bush sends personal letter to Prime Minister Shamir

urging Israel not to pursue East Jerusalem housing. Shamir

rejects appeal.

November 1990: In his new autobiography, former President

Reagan says Israel was the instigator and prime mover in the

Iran-Contra affair and that then-Prime Minister Shimon Peres

was behind the proposal.

January 1991: White House criticizes Israeli ambassador Zalman

Shoval for complaining that U.S. had not moved forward

on $400 million in loan guarantees and that Israel had not

received one cent in aid from allies to compensate for missile

damage (in Gulf War). U.S. says comments are outrageous

and outside the bounds of acceptable behavior.

February 1991: Hours after long-disputed $400 million loan

guarantees to Israel are approved, Israeli officials say the

amount is grossly insufficient. Next day, Israel formally requests

$1 billion in emergency military assistance to cover

costs stemming from the Gulf War.

March 1991: Israeli government rejects President Bush's call

for solution to Arab-Israeli conflict that includes trading land

for peace. In a report to Congress, U.S. State Department says

Soviet Jewish immigrants are settling in the occupied territories

at a higher rate than the Israeli government claims. During

tour of West Bank settlements, Housing Minister Sharon

says construction of 13,000 housing units in occupied territories

has been approved for next two years. Plans contradict

statement by Prime Minister Shamir, who told President Bush

that the Israeli government had not approved such plans.

April 1991: Prime Minister Shamir and several members of his

cabinet reject U.S. Secretary of State Baker's suggestion that

Israel curtail expansion of Jewish settlements in the occupied

territories as gesture for peace. U.S. calls new Jewish settlement

of Revava an obstacle to peace and questions Israel's

timing, with Secretary Baker due to arrive in Israel in two

days. Hours before Baker arrives, eight Israeli families complete

move to new settlement of Talmon Bet. U.S. ambassador

to Israel William Brown files an official protest with the Israeli

government about establishment and/or expansion of settlements

in the West Bank. Housing Minister Sharon says Israel

has no intention of meeting U.S. demands to slow or stop settlements.

Secretary Baker, in a news conference before leaving

Israel, says Israel failed to give responses he needed to put

together a peace conference.

May 1991: Israeli ambassador to U.S. Zalman Shoval says his

country will soon request $10 billion in loan guarantees from

Washington to aid in settling Soviet Jewish immigrants to Israel.

Secretary Baker calls continued building of Israeli settlements

?largest obstacle? to convening proposed Middle East

peace conference.

May 1991: President Bush unveils proposal for arms control in

Middle East. U.S. administration confirms that Israel, which

has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, has objected

to provision on nuclear weapons.

June 1991: Prime Minister Shamir rejects President Bush's

call for Israeli acceptance of a greater United Nations role in

proposed Arab-Israeli peace talks.

July 1991: Israeli Housing Minister Sharon inaugurates the

new Israeli settlement of Mevo Dotan in the West Bank one

day after President Bush describes Israeli settlements as


September 1991: President Bush asks Congress to delay

considering Israeli loan guarantee request for 120 days. Ignoring

pleas of U.S. administration, Israel formally submits its request.

Prime Minister Shamir says U.S. has a moral obligation

to provide Israel with loan guarantees, and that Israel

would continue to build settlements in the occupied territories.

October 1991: The Washington Post reports that President

Bush waived U.S.-mandated sanctions against Israel after U.S.

intelligence determined that Israel had exported missile components

to South Africa.

November 1991: Hours after concluding bilateral talks with

Syria, Israel inaugurates Qela, a new settlement in the Golan

Heights. Secretary of State Baker calls the action


February 1992: Secretary of State Baker says U.S. will not

provide loan guarantees to Israel unless it ceases its settlement

activity. President Bush threatens to veto any loan guarantees

to Israel without a freeze on Israel?s settlement activity.

March 1992: U.S. administration confirms it has begun investigating

intelligence reports that Israel supplied China with

technical data from U.S. Patriot missile system.

April 1992: State Department Inspector issues report that the

department has failed to heed intelligence reports that an important

U.S. ally widely understood to be Israel was making

unauthorized transfers of U.S. military technology to China,

South Africa, Chile, and Ethiopia.

May 1992: Wall Street Journal cites Israeli press reports that

U.S. officials have placed Israel on list of 20 nations carrying

out espionage against U.S. companies.

June 1992: U.S. Defense Department says Israel has rejected

a U.S. request to question former General Rami Dotan, who is

at center of arms procurement scandal involving U.S. contractors.

July 1992: General Electric Company pleads guilty to fraud

and corrupt business practices in connection with its sale of

military jet engines to Israel. A GE manager had conspired

with Israeli Gen. Rami Dotan to divert $27 million in U.S. military

aid with fraudulent vouchers. U.S. Justice and Defense

Departments do not believe that Dotan was acting in his own

interest, implying that the government of Israel may be implicated

in the fraud, which would constitute a default on Israel's

aid agreements with the U.S.

June 1993: U.S. House of Representatives passes bill authorizing

$80 million per year to Israel for refugee settlement; bill

passes despite $10 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to Israel and

against evidence from Israeli economists that Israel no longer

needs U.S. aid.

October 1993: CIA informs Senate Government Affairs Committee

that Israel has been providing China for over a decade

with several billion dollars worth of advanced military technology.

Israeli Prime Minister Rabin admits Israel has sold

arms to China.

November 1993: CIA Director James Woolsey makes first

public U.S. acknowledgement that Israel is generally regarded

as having some kind of nuclear capability.

December 1993: Time magazine reports convicted spy Jonathan

Pollard passed a National Security Agency listing of foreign

intelligence frequencies to Israel that later was received

by Soviets, ruining several billion dollars of work and compromising

lives of U.S. informants.

December 1994: Los Angeles Times reports Israel has given

China information on U.S. military technology to help in joint

Israeli-Chinese development of a fighter jet.

January 1995: When Egypt threatens not to sign the Nuclear

Non-Proliferation Treaty because Israel will not sign, the U.S.

says it will not pressure Israel to sign.

July 1995: U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk demands

Israel abolish import barriers that discriminate against U.S.


November 1995: Israel grants citizenship to American spy

Jonathan Pollard.

April 1996: Using U.S.-supplied shells, Israel kills 106 unarmed

civilians who had taken refuge in a U.N. peace-keeping

compound in Qana, southern Lebanon. U.N. investigators,

Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch condemn the

shelling as premeditated. The U.N. Security Council calls on

Israel to pay reparations. Resolution is vetoed by the United


June 1996: U.S. State Department hands Israeli defense officials

classified CIA report alleging Israel has given China U.S.

military avionics, including advanced radar-detection system

and electronic warfare equipment.

December 1996: Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies,

including tax breaks and business grants, for West Bank settlers.

U.S. says the move is troubling and clearly complicates

the peace process. Israeli government rejects President

Clinton's criticism of the settlements and vows to strengthen


February 1997: FBI announces that David Tenenbaum, a mechanical

engineer working for the U.S. army, has admitted that

for the past 10 years he has inadvertently passed on classified

military information to Israeli officials.

March 1997: U.S. presses Israel to delay building new settlement

of Har Homa near Bethlehem. Prime Minister Netanyahu

says international opposition ?will just strengthen my resolve.?

June 1997: U.S. investigators report that two Hasidic Jews

from New York, suspected of laundering huge quantities of

drug money for a Colombian drug cartel, recently purchased

millions of dollars worth of land near the settlements of

Mahseya and Zanoah.

September 1997: Jewish settlers in Hebron stone Palestinian

laborers working on a U.S.-financed project to renovate the

town?s main street. David Muirhead, the American overseeing

the project, says the Israeli police beat him, threw him into a

van, and detained him until the U.S. Consulate intervened.

U.S. State Department calls the incident ?simply unacceptable.?

September 1997: Secretary of State Albright says Israel?s

decision to expand Efrat settlement ?is not at all helpful? to the

peace process. Prime Minister Netanyahu says he will continue

to expand settlements.

May 1998: 13 years after denying he was not its spy, Israel

officially recognizes Pollard as its agent in hopes of negotiating

his release.

June 1998: Secretary of State Albright phones Prime Minister

Netanyahu to condemn his plan to extend Jerusalem?s municipal

boundaries and to move Jews into East Jerusalem, particularly

in the area adjacent to Bethlehem. Ignoring U.S. protests,

Israel?s cabinet unanimously approves plan to extend Jerusalem's

municipal authority.

August 1998: Secretary Albright tells Prime Minister

Netanyahu that the freeze in the peace process due to the settlement

policy is harming U.S. interests in the Middle East and

affecting the U.S.?s ability to forge a coalition against Iraq.

September 1998: Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad reports

that the Israeli airliner that crashed in Amsterdam in 1992 was

not carrying gifts and perfume, as the Israelis claimed, but

three of the four chemicals used to make sarin nerve gas. According

to the plane's cargo manifest, the chemicals were sent

from a U.S. factory in Pennsylvania to the top secret Israeli

Institute for Biological Research.

November 1998: Israeli Foreign Minister Sharon urges Jewish

settlers to grab West Bank land so it does not fall under Palestinian

control in any final peace settlement.

May 1999: U.S. denounces Israel's decision to annex more

land to the Ma'ale Adumim settlement.

June 1999: The Israeli company Orlil is reported to have stolen

U.S. night-vision equipment purchased for the Israeli Defense

Forces and to have sold it to Far Eastern countries.

April 2001: Prime Minister Sharon announces plans to build

708 new housing units in the Jewish settlements of Ma'ale Adumim

and Alfe Menashe. U.S. State Department criticizes the

move as provocative.

May 2001: The Mitchell Committee (headed by former U.S.

Senator George Mitchell) concludes that Jewish settlements

are a barrier to peace. Prime Minister Sharon vows to continue

expanding the settlements.

May 2001: U.S. is voted off the United Nations Commission

on Human Rights for the first time since the committee's establishment

in 1947. The Financial Times of London suggests

that Washington, by vetoing U.N. resolutions alleging Israeli

human rights abuses, showed its inability to work impartially in

the area of human rights. Secretary of State Colin Powell suggests

the vote was because we left a little blood on the floor

in votes involving the Palestinians.

September 2001: Six days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on

America, Secretary of State Powell, when asked why America

is hated in the Arab and Muslim world, acknowledges that the

deep resentment and anger toward the United States is due to

the Palestinian crisis.

November 2001: Secretary of State Colin Powell calls on Israel

to halt all settlement building which he says cripples

chances for real peace and security. Benny Elon, a right-wing

minister in the Sharon government, says the settlers aren?t

worried. America has a special talent for seeing things in the

short term, he says, explaining that what Powell said he said

only to get Arab support for America?s anti-terrorism coalition

against Afghanistan.

March 2002: U.N. Sec. Gen. Kofi Annan calls for immediate

withdrawal of Israeli tanks from Palestinian refugee camps,

citing large numbers of Palestinians reported dead or injured.

U.S. State Dept. says the United States has contacted Israel to

urge that utmost restraint be exercised in order to avoid

harm to the civilian population.

April 2002: President Bush repeatedly demands an immediate

halt to Israel's military invasion of the West Bank. Prime Minister

Sharon rebuffs the President's withdrawal demands, saying

the United States and other nations should not put any pressure

upon us.

April 4, 2002: President Bush demands that Israel halt its

March 29 incursion into the West Bank, withdraw immediately,

and cease all settlement building. Three days later, Secretary

of State Powell says Bush's demand was a request.

June 10, 2002: Prime Minister Sharon visits White House.

When reporters ask about Israel's ongoing incursions into Palestinian

towns, President Bush says Israel has a right to defend


September 30, 2003: President Bush signs the Foreign Relations

Authorization Act, which identifies Jerusalem as Israel's


November 25, 2002. Israel asks the U.S. for $4-billion in

military aid to defray the costs of fighting terrorism, plus

$10-billion in loan guarantees to support its struggling economy.

May 29, 2003: Israel announces construction of a new Jewish

settlement of 230 housing units in East Jerusalem.

July 29, 2003: Sharon rejects President Bush's appeal to halt

construction of a separation wall that Israel is building on occupied

Palestinian land.

October 22, 2003: Former Navy lawyer Ward Boston, who

had helped lead the military investigation into Israel's 1967

attack on the USS Liberty, files a signed affidavit stating that

President Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara

had ordered those heading the naval inquiry to conclude that

the attack was a case of mistaken identity, despite overwhelming

evidence to the contrary.

March 21, 2005: Prime Minister Sharon approves construction

of 3,500 new housing units in the Israeli settlement of

Ma?ale Adumin to link it to East Jerusalem. The U.S. State Department

has no comment.

May 2005: Newsweek reports that in the late 1990s, lobbyist

Jack Abramoff diverted more than $140,000 from charity contributions

by Indian tribes to the Israeli settlement of Beitar

Illit for sniper equipment and training of settler militias.

AMEU Board

of Directors

Jane Adas (Vice President)

Hugh D. Auchincloss, Jr.

Atwater, Bradley & Partners, Inc.

Edward Dillon

John Goelet

Richard Hobson, Jr.

Anne R. Joyce

Kendall Landis (Treasurer)

Robert L. Norberg


Hon. Edward L. Peck

Former U.S. Ambassador

Lachlan Reed

President, Lachlan International

Talcott W. Seelye

Former U.S. Ambassador to Syria

Donald L. Snook

James M. Wall

AMEU National Council

Hon. James E. Akins

Isabelle Bacon

William R. Chandler

David S. Dodge

Paul Findley

Dr. Cornelius B. Houk

Cynthia Infantino

O. Kelly Ingram

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The Reality Regarding Iraq War/Crimes Box (following the money/oil)

October 24, 2005 Issue
Copyright 2005 The American Conservative
Money for Nothing
Billions of dollars have disappeared, gone to bribe Iraqis and line contractors' pockets.
by Philip Giraldi When the final page is written on America's catastrophic imperial venture, one word will dominate the explanation of U.S. failure, corruption. Large-scale and pervasive corruption meant that available resources could not be used to stabilize and secure Iraq in the early days of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), when it was still possible to do so. Continuing corruption meant that the reconstruction of infrastructure never got underway, giving the Iraqi people little incentive to co-operate with the occupation. Ongoing corruption in arms procurement and defense spending means that Baghdad will never control a viable army while the Shiite and Kurdish militias will grow stronger and produce a divided Iraq in which constitutional guarantees will be irrelevant.
The American-dominated Coalition Provisional Authority could well prove to be the most corrupt administration in history, almost certainly surpassing the widespread fraud of the much-maligned UN Oil for Food Program. At least $20 billion that belonged to the Iraqi people has been wasted, together with hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars. Exactly how many billions of additional dollars were squandered, stolen, given away, or simply lost will never be known because the deliberate decision by the CPA not to meter oil exports means that no one will ever know how much revenue was generated during 2003 and 2004.
Some of the corruption grew out of the misguided neoconservative agenda for Iraq, which meant that a serious reconstruction effort came second to doling out the spoils to the war's most fervent supporters. The CPA brought in scores of bright, young true believers who were nearly universally unqualified. Many were recruited through the Heritage Foundation website, where they had posted their rsm. They were paid six-figure salaries out of Iraqi funds, and most served in 90-day rotations before returning home with their war stories. One such volunteer was Simone Ledeen, daughter of leading neoconservative Michael Ledeen. Unable to communicate in Arabic and with no relevant experience or appropriate educational training, she nevertheless became a senior advisor for northern Iraq at the Ministry of Finance in Baghdad. Another was former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer's older brother Michael who, though utterly unqualified, was named director of private-sector development for all of Iraq.
The 15-month proconsulship of the CPA disbursed nearly $20 billion, two-thirds of it in cash, most of which came from the Development Fund for Iraq that had replaced the UN Oil for Food Program and from frozen and seized Iraqi assets. Most of the money was flown into Iraq on C-130s in huge plastic shrink-wrapped pallets holding 40 cashpaks, each cashpak having $1.6 million in $100 bills. Twelve billion dollars moved that way between May 2003 and June 2004, drawn from accounts administered by the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The $100 bills weighed an estimated 363 tons. Once in Iraq, there was virtually no accountability over how the money was spent. There was also considerable money off the books, including as much as $4 billion from illegal oil exports. The CPA and the Iraqi State Oil Marketing Board, which it controlled, made a deliberate decision not to record or ?meter? oil exports, an invitation to wholesale fraud and black marketeering. Thus the country was awash in unaccountable money. British sources report that the CPA contracts that were not handed out to cronies were sold to the highest bidder, with bribes as high as $300,000 being demanded for particularly lucrative reconstruction contracts. The contracts were especially attractive because no work or results were necessarily expected in return. It became popular to cancel contracts without penalty, claiming that security costs were making it too difficult to do the work. A $500 million power-plant contract was reportedly awarded to a bidder based on a proposal one page long. After a joint commission rejected the proposal, its members were replaced by the minister, and approval was duly obtained. But no plant has been built. Where contracts are actually performed, their nominal cost is inflated sufficiently to provide handsome bribes for everyone involved in the process. Bribes paid to government ministers reportedly exceed $10 million. Money also disappeared in truckloads and by helicopter. The CPA reportedly distributed funds to contractors in bags off the back of a truck. In one notorious incident in April 2004, $1.5 billion in cash that had just been delivered by three Blackhawk helicopters was handed over to a courier in Erbil, in the Kurdish region, never to be seen again. Afterwards, no one was able to recall the courier's name or provide a good description of him. Paul Bremer, meanwhile, had a slush fund in cash of more than $600 million in his office for which there was no paperwork. One U.S. contractor received $2 million in a duffel bag. Three-quarters of a million dollars was stolen from an office safe, and a U.S. official was given $7 million in cash in the waning days of the CPA and told to spend it ?before the Iraqis take over. Nearly $5 billion was shipped from New York in the last month of the CPA. Sources suggest that a deliberate attempt was being made to run down the balance and spend the money while the CPA still had authority and before an Iraqi government could be formed. The only certified public-accounting firm used by the CPA to monitor its spending was a company called North Star Consultants, located in San Diego, which was so small that it operated out of a private home. It was subsequently determined that North Star did not, in fact, perform any review of the CPA's internal spending controls. Today, no one can account for billions of those dollars or even suggest how the money was spent. And as the CPA no longer exists, there is also little interest in re-examining its transparency or accountability. Bremer escaped Baghdad by helicopter two days before his proconsulship expired to avoid a possible ambush on the road leading to the airport, which he had been unable to secure. He has recently been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, an honor he shares with ex-CIA Director George Slam-dunk Tenet. Considerable fraud has been alleged regarding American companies, much of which can never be addressed because the Bush administration does not regard contracts with the CPA as pertaining to the U.S. government, even though U.S. taxpayer dollars were involved in some transactions. Many of the contracts for work in Iraq were awarded on a cost-plus basis, in which an agreed-upon percentage of profit would be added to the actual costs of performing the contract. Such contracts are an invitation to fraud, and unscrupulous companies will make every effort to increase their costs so that the profits will also increase proportionally. Halliburton, Vice President Dick Cheney's former company, has a no-bid monopoly contract with the Army Corps of Engineers that is now estimated to be worth $10 billion. In June 2005, Pentagon contracting officer Bunny Greenhouse told a congressional committee that the agreement was the most blatant and improper contracting abuse that she had ever witnessed, a frank assessment that subsequently earned her a demotion. Halliburton has frequently been questioned over its poor record keeping, and critics claim that it has a history of overcharging for its services. In May 1967, a company called RMK/BRJ could not account for $120 million in materiel sent to Vietnam and was investigated several times for overcharging on fuel. RMK/BRJ is now known as KBR or Kellogg, Brown and Root, the Halliburton subsidiary that has been the focus of congressional, Department of Defense, and General Accountability Office investigations. Defense Contract Audit Agency auditors have questioned Halliburton's charges on a $1.6 billion fuel contract, claiming that the overcharges on the contract exceed $200 million. In one instance, the company charged the Army more than $27 million to transport $82,000 worth of fuel from Kuwait to Iraq. Halliburton has also been accused of billing the Army for 42,000 daily meals for soldiers, though it was only actually serving 14,000. In another operation, KBR purchased fleets of Mercedes trucks at $85,000 each to re-supply U.S. troops. The trucks carried no spare parts or even extra tires for the grueling high-speed run across the Kuwaiti and Iraqi deserts. When the trucks broke down on the highway, they were abandoned and destroyed rather than repaired. Responding to complaints, Halliburton refused to permit independent auditing and inspected itself using so-called Tiger Teams. One such team stayed at the five-star Kuwait Kempinski Hotel while it was doing its audit, running up a bill of more than $1 million that was passed on to U.S. taxpayers. Another U.S. firm well connected to the Bush White House, Custer Battles, has provided security services to the coalition, receiving $11 million in Iraqi funds including $4 million in cash in a sole-source contract to supply security at Baghdad International Airport. The company had never provided airport security before receiving the contract. It also received a $21 million no-bid contract to provide security for the exchange of Iraqi currency. It has been alleged that much of the currency replaced by Custer Battles has never been accounted for. The company also allegedly took over abandoned Iraqi-owned forklifts at the airport, repainted them, and then leased them back to the airport authority through a company set up in the Cayman Islands. Custer Battles reportedly set up a number of shell companies in offshore tax havens in Lebanon, Cyprus, and the Cayman Islands to handle the cash flow. Two former company managers turned whistleblowers have charged that the company defrauded the U.S. government of at least $50 million. The Bush administration?s Justice Department has only reluctantly, and under pressure from a Newsweek expose supported the rights of the plaintiffs in the case. The White House has indicated that it is not interested in assisting other investigations of fraud in Iraqi contracting, preferring to regard the CPA as a multinational entity and thereby limiting its vulnerability in American courts. Another American contractor, CACI International, which was involved in the Abu Ghraib interrogations, was accused by the GAO in April 2004 of having failed to keep records on hours of work that it was billing for and of routinely upgrading employee job descriptions so that more could be charged per employee per hour. Both are apparently common practices among contractors in Iraq, and audits routinely determine that there is little in the way of paperwork to support billings. The GAO report also confirms that many private security contractors in Iraq have been charging the U.S. government exorbitant fees for their services, frequently because the contracts allow security costs to be rolled into the overall cost of the contract without being itemized. In one case, contract security guards were effectively being billed at $33,000 per guard per month while the average rate for a security specialist worked out to between $13,000 and $20,000 per month. The CPA also spread its largesse around the U.S. armed forces, distributing over $600 million in cash to four regional commanders to fund reconstruction projects as part of the Commanders? Emergency Response Program. An audit of one region disclosed that 80 percent of the funds could not be accounted for, and more that $7 million in cash was missing. It is widely believed that many of the contracting agents working under the regional commands literally stole the money. In one reported instance, an American contracting officer doubled the price of a multimillion-dollar contract and brazenly explained that the extra money would be for his retirement fund. Unfortunately, the corruption of the occupation outlived the departure of Paul Bremer and the demise of the CPA. A recent high-level investigation of the Iraqi interim government concluded that the corruption is now so pervasive as to be irreversible. One prominent businessman estimates that 95 percent of all business activity involves some form of bribery or kickback. The bureaucrats and fixers who live off of bribery are referred to by ordinary Iraqis as Ali Babas, named after the character in The Thousand and One Nights who was able to access riches from a treasure cave by saying open sesame. For the average Iraqi businessman, there was formerly only one hand out, that of Saddam's designated minion. Now every hand is out. The educated and entrepreneurial are leaving the country in droves, as is most of the beleaguered Christian minority. Huge government appropriations are approved by Iraqi lawmakers and then simply disappear. Meanwhile, life for the average Iraqi does not improve, and oil production, water supplies, and electricity generation are all at lower levels than they were when the U.S. took control in 2003. The only thing that everyone knows is that all the money is gone and daily life in Iraq is worse than it was under Saddam Hussein. The undocumented cash flow continued long after the CPA folded. Over $1.5 billion was disbursed to interim Iraqi ministries without any accounting, and more than $1 billion designated for provincial treasuries never made it out of Baghdad. More than $430 million in contracts issued by the Petroleum Ministry were unsupported by any documentation, and $8 billion were given to government ministries that had no financial controls in place. Nearly all of it disappeared, spent on payroll, wages for ghost employees in the Ministries of the Interior and Defense. In one case, an Army brigade receiving money to support 2,200 men was found to have fewer than 300 effectives. 602 actual guards at the Ministry of the Interior were billed as more than 8,200 for payroll purposes. Iraqi Airways carried 2,400 employees even though it had not operated for over a year and had no planes. The airline itself was sold to an unidentified buyer without any paperwork to show for how much it was sold and what assets were included. It has been alleged that the buyer might well have been Pentagon favorite Ahmad Chalabi. Nearly all payrolls in the national guard and national police were also inflated, leading to uncertainty over how large the security forces actually were still an open question. Absentees from the nominal rolls of police and soldiers provided by government ministries are believed to number in the tens of thousands, and as the United States Congress has figured out, frequently cited figures on available trained manpower are largely imaginary. Even the coalition of the willing partners have been quick to cash in. Polish helicopters purchased as part of a $300 million deal with arms maker Bumar Ltd. were found to be obsolete, largely unflyable, and were actually rejected by the Iraqis. Bullets purchased from Poland by the Defense Ministry cost three times the normal international price. Five Polish peacekeepers have been arrested for demanding $90,000 in bribes. Both British and American soldiers have also demanded bribes from shopkeepers and travelers. In yet another instance of take-it-while-you-can, a senior Interior Ministry official flew to Beirut in a helicopter accompanied by $10 million in newly printed Iraqi dinars. He has yet to return. Interim Iraqi President Iyad Allawi's Defense Minister Hazem Shaalan transferred $500 million to a bank account in Lebanon, allegedly to buy weapons, in a case that continues to be murky. Shaalan is reportedly vacationing abroad and has not returned to Iraq. A Bremer favorite at the Defense Ministry, Ziad Tareq Cattan, was responsible for a number of shady arms-procurement deals. A warrant has been issued for his arrest, an unusual occurrence, and he is avoiding detention by staying with family in Erbil in Kurdistan. Countless billions will never be accounted for, and the full cost of corruption has yet to be tallied. Sources report that much of the money that was designated for the development of a national army and police force is actually going to units that are exclusively Kurd or Shiite in expectation of a day of reckoning over the country's oil supplies. The Kurds have made no secret of their desire to continue their autonomy-bordering-on-independence and have stated that they regard Kirkuk as their own. The Shiites have possession of the oil-producing region to the south and are using their control of the Interior Ministry to fill police ranks with their own pro-Iranian Badr Brigade members as well as militiamen drawn from radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army. The Sunnis are the odd men out, virtually guaranteeing that, far from becoming the model democracy the U.S. set out to build, Iraq will descend deeper into chaos aided in no small part by the culture of corruption we helped to fortify. 

NH: Pre-Election Polls Wildly Different Than Clinton/Obama Results January 9, 2008
Ten polls had Obama ahead of Clinton by double digits the day before NH primary:
The Spin: the humane connection with the (female) voters.
Reality: the contrived (there's always a reason) coffee klatch, the crocodile tears (were real but for herself given lady macbeth's perceived reality of loss), but not to fear (we'll just have to win say criminal clintons again which means america and the world loses again as has been so since bush/clinton/bush) and remember, the diebold voting machines are the bush/clinton friends. Indeed, in New Hampshire approximately 45% of the vote is hand-counted (hard to rig) while 55% of the vote is diebold machine tallied (by tech manager/contractor with narcotics trafficking conviction, prospective clinton pardonee)...You guessed it. Obama won the hand-counted vote and whoops, the pollsters were right, the criminal clintons won the machine tallied vote. Time to put the bushes/clintons in jail where they belong. What a failed, corrupt, banana republic criminal america is.

Diebold Voting Machine Contractor Executive Has Criminal Background January 10, 2008
Company responsible for machines throughout New Hampshire directed by convicted drug dealer.
It has been revealed that a high ranking executive at the company that was contracted to program all of New Hampshire's Diebold voting machines has a criminal record and has previously defended the illegal act of "swapping out" memory cards for the machines during live elections.

Kucinich seeks NH Dem vote recount
Kucinich: Surprise Hillary Victory A "Mystery That Needs To Be Solved"
Friday January 11, 2008 The election integrity community is abuzz with news that candidate Dennis Kucinich will ask for a recount in New Hampshire, and Ron Paul fans have been pushing him to recount as well. Careful.
NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION INTEGRITY ADVOCATE NANCY TOBI IS CORRECT: "We have no control over the ballot chain of custody and we have learned the pain from the 2004 Nader recount, in which only 11 districts were counted, chosen by a highly questionable person, and then nothing showed up. Now all we hear is how the Nader recount validated the machines." As Tobi says, "A candidate asking for a recount may well be a tool used to 'prove' everything was okay and then that candidate will be further discredited." I'll go further than that. The only way a recount makes any sense at all in New Hampshire is AFTER an assessment is made of the chain of custody issues. If the chain of custody isn't intact the recount won't be worth a cup of warm spit'..

The answer to the question posed by Bev Harris is: YES.
The criminal clinton/bush team/operatives are seasoned professionals (criminals) with their lives, liberty (they should be in jail), and huge prospective amounts of money at stake. They are relentless, ruthless, and not entirely stupid; just lacking true inspired talent/ability, and hence, america's unequivocal decline in their rein. For the same reason that the machines are the touchstones for the vote fraud, the answer is unequivocally: YES.


Clinton Speaks: He Did It Because He Could - There Are Serial Killers On Death Row Who Have Killed Fewer People Than Unconflicted, Pathological Liar/Perjurer, Rapist, and Murderer, Psychopath criminal american clinton

Remarkably similar threatening tactics have been directed at other women who, like Mrs. Browning, have personal knowledge of Clinton’s misconduct and were sought as witnesses in official proceedings against Clinton. See id. at 134. Plaintiffs referred in their Amended Complaint to the threats and retaliation by Clinton and his agents against Kathleen Willey and Linda Tripp when they were called to testify in the Jones case and the Independent Counsel’s investigation of the Lewinsky affair. Indeed, the number of women who have suffered from these "Clintonian" tactics is significant. On March 11, 1999, Investor’s Business Daily reported that at least nine (9) women have now charged that Clinton "personally assaulted them or, through his ‘agents’ or ‘people,’ threatened to do them or their families physical harm." The list includes Dolly Kyle Browning, Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Corbin Jones, Kathleen Willey, Monica Lewinsky, Linda Tripp, Sally Perdue, and Elizabeth Ward Gracen. "And all of them say they’re afraid for their safety so long as he remains in power."

Lewinsky, who told her own account of the affair in the 1999 book "Monica's Story," said she reluctantly spoke out about Clinton's tome "My Life" because he tried to rewrite history. "He says he was proud of the way that he defended the presidency, at my expense," she said. "In the process he destroyed me, and that was the way he was going to have to do that, to get through impeachment," Lewinsky added. "I was a young girl and to hear him saying some of the things he was saying today -- it's a shame."

John F. Kennedy Jr.
Potential Candidate for Senator from New York.
died: 7/16/99
Within days of an NBC Dateline story hinting at a possible run for the Senate seat currently assumed to be the property of Hillary Clinton, JFK Jr. and his wife and sister-in-law died when the Piper Saratoga II TC JFK Jr. was piloting crashed in to the ocean just short of Martha's Vineyard. The NEWSWEEK issue for the following Monday, which NBC Dateline had reported would announce JFK Jr's candidacy, was yanked from distributors and destroyed.

Even before the wreckage of the plane had been found, the media was saturated with news stories declaring the weather to have been very hazy (the weather was VFR conditions, and 8 mile visibility, plus weather radar and witnesses on Martha's Vineyard all reported clear skies) making it impossible for JFK Jr. to know which way was up (he also had working instruments in the aircraft).

As was the case when TWA 800 was shot down, the United States Navy took control of the crash site, ordering an unprecidented 5 mile wide no-fly zone while the wreckage of the aircraft was recovered and taken to a military base.

Reporters Cindy Adams and Andrew Goldman have documented the planting of false information about JFK Jr. in the media in the days following his crash. The feeding of false information to the press proves there is a cover-up. The existance of a cover-up is why JFK Jr. gets an entry on the Dead Bodies List.

According to some reports, Mrs. Kennedy was pregnant.


By: Ether Zone Staff

Here is the latest body count that we have. All of these people have been connected with the Clintons in some form or another. We have not included any deaths that could not be verified or connected to the Clinton scandals. All deaths are listed chronologically by date. This list is current and accurate to the best of our knowledge as of January 13, 1999 August 1, 2000.

Susan Coleman: Rumors were circulating in Arkansas of an affair with Bill Clinton. She was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head at 7 1/2 months pregnant. Death was an apparent suicide.

Larry Guerrin: Was killed in February 1987 while investigating the INSLAW case.

Kevin Ives & Don Henry: Initial cause of death was reported to be the result of falling asleep on a railroad track in Arkansas on August 23, 1987. This ruling was reported by the State medical examiner Fahmy Malak. Later it was determined that Kevin died from a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks. Don had been stabbed in the back. Rumors indicate that they might have stumbled upon a Mena drug operation.

Keith Coney: Keith had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. Died in a motorcycle accident in July 1988 with unconfirmed reports of a high speed car chase.

Keith McKaskle: McKaskle has information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He was stabbed to death in November 1988.

Gregory Collins: Greg had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He died from a gunshot wound to the face in January 1989.

Jeff Rhodes: He had information on the deaths of Ives, Henry & McKaskle. His burned body was found in a trash dump in April 1989. He died of a gunshot wound to the head and there was some body mutilation, leading to the probably speculation that he was tortured prior to being killed.

James Milam: Milam had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He was decapitated. The state Medical examiner, Fahmy Malak, initially ruled death due to natural causes.

Richard Winters: Winters was a suspect in the deaths of Ives & Henry. He was killed in a "robbery" in July 1989 which was subsequently proven to be a setup.

Jordan Kettleson: Kettleson had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup in June 1990.

Alan Standorf: An employee of the National Security Agency in electronic intelligence. Standorf was a source of information for Danny Casalaro who was investigating INSLAW, BCCI, etc. Standorf's body was found in the backseat of a car at Washington National Airport on Jan 31, 1991.

Dennis Eisman: An attorney with information on INSLAW. Eisman was found shot to death on April 5, 1991.

Danny Casalaro: Danny was a free-lance reporter and writer who was investigating the "October Surprise", INSLAW and BCCI. Danny was found dead in a bathtub in a Sheraton Hotel room in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Danny was staying at the hotel while keeping appointments in the DC area pertinent to his investigation. He was found with his wrists slashed. At least one, and possibly both of his wrists were cut 10 times. All of his research materials were missing and have never been recovered.

Victor Raiser: The National Finance Co-Chair for "Clinton for President." He died in a airplane crash on July 30, 1992.

R. Montgomery Raiser: Also involved in the Clinton presidential campaign. He died in the same plane crash as Victor.

Paul Tully: Tulley was on the Democratic National Committee. He was found dead of unknown causes in his hotel room on September 24, 1992. No autopsy was ever allowed.

Ian Spiro: Spiro had supporting documentation for grand jury proceedings on the INSLAW case. His wife and 3 children were found murdered on November 1, 1992 in their home. They all died of gunshot wounds to the head. Ian's body was found several days later in a parked car in the Borego Desert. Cause of death? The ingestion of cyanide. FBI report indicated that Ian had murdered his family and then committed suicide.

Paula Gober: A Clinton speech writer. She died in a car accident on December 9, 1992 with no known witnesses.

Jim Wilhite: Wilhite was an associate of Mack McClarty's former firm. Wilhite died in a skiing accident on December 21, 1992. He also had extensive ties to Clinton with whom he visited by telephone just hours before his death.

Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Todd McKeahan & Conway LeBleu:   Died Feburary 28, 1993 by gunfire at Waco. All four were examined by a pathologist and died from identical wounds to the left temple. All four had been body guards for Bill Clinton, three while campaigning for President and when he was Governor of Arkansas.They also were the ONLY 4 BATF agents killed at Waco.

Sgt. Brian Haney, Sgt. Tim Sabel, Maj. William Barkley, Capt. Scott Reynolds: Died: May 19, 1993 - All four men died when their helicopter crashed in the woods near Quantico, Va. - Reporters were barred from the site, and the head of the fire department responding to the crash described it by saying, "Security was tight," with "lots of Marines with guns." A videotape made by a firefighter was seized by the Marines. All four men had escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier Roosevelt shortly before their deaths.

John Crawford: An attorney with information on INSLAW. He died from a heart attack in Tacoma in April of 1993.

John Wilson: Found dead from an apparent hanging suicide on May 18, 1993. He was a former Washington DC council member and claimed to have info on Whitewater.

Paul Wilcher: A lawyer who was investigating drug running out of Mena, Arkansas and who also sought to expose the "October Surprise", BCCI and INSLAW. He was found in his Washington DC apartment dead of unknown causes on June 22, 1993.

Vincent Foster: A White House deputy counsel and long-time personal friend of Bill and Hillary's. Found on July 20, 1993, dead of a gunshot wound to the mouth -- a death ruled suicide. Many different theories on this case! Readers are encouraged to read our report in Strange Deaths.

Jon Parnell Walker: An investigator for the RTC who was looking into the linkage between the Whitewater and Madison S&L bankruptcy. Walker "fell" from the top of the Lincoln Towers Building.

Stanley Heard & Steven Dickson: They were members of the Clinton health care advisory committee. They died in a plane crash on September 10, 1993.

Jerry Luther Parks: Parks was the Chief of Security for Clinton's national campaign headquarters in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car on September 26, 1993 near the intersection of Chenal Parkway and Highway 10 west of Little Rock. Parks was shot through the rear window of his car. The assailant then pulled around to the driver's side of Park's car and shot him three more times with a 9mm pistol. His family reported that shortly before his death, they were being followed by unknown persons, and their home had been broken into (despite a top quality alarm system). Parks had been compiling a dossier on Clinton's illicit activities. The dossier was stolen.

Ed Willey: A Clinton fundraiser. He died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on November 30, 1993. His death came the same day his wife, Kathleen, was sexually assaulted in the White House by Bill Clinton.

Gandy Baugh: Baugh was Lasater's attorney and committed suicide on January 8, 1994. Baugh's partner committed suicide exactly one month later on February 8, 1994.

Herschell Friday: A member of the presidential campaign finance committee. He died in an airplane explosion on March 1, 1994.

Ronald Rogers: Rogers died on March 3, 1994 just prior to releasing sensitive information to a London newspaper. Cause of death? Undetermined.

Kathy Furguson: A 38 year old hospital worker whose ex-husband is a co- defendant in the Paula Jones sexual harassment law suit. She had information supporting Paula Jone's allegations. She died of an apparent suicide on May 11, 1994 from a gunshot wound to the head.

Bill Shelton: Shelton was an Arkansas police officer and was found dead as an apparent suicide on kathy Ferguson's grave (Kathy was his girl friend), on June 12, 1994. This "suicide" was the result of a gunshot wound to the back of the head.

Stanley Huggins: Huggins, 46, was a principal in a Memphis law firm which headed a 1987 investigation into the loan practices of Madison Guaranty S&L. Stanley died in Delaware in July 1994 -- reported cause of death was viral pneumonia.

Paul Olson: A Federal witness in investigations to drug money corruption in Chicago politics, Paul had just finished 2 days of FBI interviews when his plane ride home crashed, killing Paul and 130 others on Sept 8 1994. The Sept. 15, 1994 Tempe Tribune newspaper reported that the FBI suspected that a bomb had brought down the airplane.

Calvin Walraven: 24 year on Walraven was a key witness against Jocelyn Elder's son's drug case. Walraven was found dead in his apartment with a gunshot wound to the head. Tim Hover, a Little Rock police spokesman says no foul play is suspected.

Alan G. Whicher: Oversaw Clinton's Secret Service detail. In October 1994 Whicher was transferred to the Secret Service field office in the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Whatever warning was given to the BATF agents in that building did not reach Alan Whicher, who died in the bomb blast of April 19th 1995.

Duane Garrett: Died July 26, 1995-A lawyer and a talk show host for KGO-AM in San Fransisco, Duane was the campaign finance chairman for Diane Fienstien's run for the senate, and was a friend and fundraiser for Al Gore. Garrett was under investigation for defrauding investors in Garrett's failed sports memorabilia venture. There was talk of a deal to evade prosecution. On July 26th, Garrett canceled an afternoon meeting with his lawyer because he had to meet some people at the San Fransisco airport. Three hours later he was found floating in the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Ron Brown:. The Commerce Secretary died on  April 3, 1996, in an Air Force jet carrying Brown and 34 others, including 14 business executives on a trade mission to Croatia, crashed into a mountainside. The Air Force, in a 22-volume report issued in June of 1996, confirmed its initial judgment that the crash resulted from pilot errors and faulty navigation equipment At the time of Brown's death, Independent Counsel Daniel Pearson was seeking to determine whether Brown had engaged in several sham financial transactions with longtime business partner Nolanda Hill shortly before he became secretary of commerce.

Charles Meissner: died: UNK - Following Ron Brown's death, John Huang was placed on a Commerce Department contract that allowed him to retain his security clearance
by Charles Meissner. Shortly thereafter, Meissner died in the crash of a small plane.   He was an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy.

William Colby: Retired CIA director was found dead on May 6,1996 after his wife reported him missing on April 27,1996. Apparently, Colby decided to go on a impromptu canoeing excursion and never returned. Colby who had just started writing for Strategic Investment newsletter, worried many in the intelligent community. Colby's past history of divulging CIA secrets in the past were well known. Strategic Investor had covered the Vince Foster suicide and had hired handwriting experts to review Foster's suicide note.

Admiral Jeremy Boorda: Died on May 16,1996 after he went home for lunch and decided to shoot himself in the chest (by one report, twice) rather than be interviewed by Newsweek magazine that afternoon. Explanations for Boorda's suicide focused on a claim that he was embarrassed over two "Valor" pins he was not authorized to wear.

Lance Herndon: Herndon a 41 year old computer specialist and a  prominent entrepreneur who received a presidential appointment in 1995 died August 10, 1996 under suspicious circumstances. He   appeared to have died from a blow to the head. Police said no weapons were found at his  mansion, adding that Mr. Herndon had not been shot or stabbed and there was no evidence of forced entry or theft.

Neil Moody: Died -August 25, 1996 Following Vincent Foster's murder, Lisa Foster married James Moody, a judge in Arkansas, on Jan 1, 1996. Near the time Susan McDougal first went to jail for contempt, Judge Moor's son, Neil died in a car crash. There were other reports that Neil Moody had discovered something very unsettling among his stepmother's private papers and was threatening to go public with it just prior to the beginning of the Democratic National Convention. He was alleged to have been talking to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post about a blockbuster story. Witnesses said they saw Neil Moody sitting in his car arguing with another person just prior to His car suddenly speeding off out of control and hitting a brick wall.

Barbara Wise: Wise a 14-year Commerce Department employee found dead and partially naked in her office following a long weekend. She worked in the same section as John Huang. Officially, she is said to have died of natural causes.

Doug Adams: Died January 7, 1997- A lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their life savings. Adams was found in his vehicle with a gunshot wound to his head in a Springfield Mo. hospital parking lot.

Mary C. Mahoney: 25, murdered at the Georgetown Starbuck's coffee bar over the 4th of July '97 weekend. She was a former White House intern who worked with John Huang. Apparently she knew Monica Lewinsky and her sexual encounters with Bill Clinton. Although not verified, it has been said that Lewinsky told Linda Tripp that she did not want to end up like Mahoney.

Ronald Miller: Suddenly took ill on October 3rd,1997 and steadily worsened until his death 9 days later. (This pattern fits Ricin poisoning.) Owing to the strangeness of the illness, doctors at the Integris Baptist Medical Center referred the matter to the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's Office. The Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's Office promptly ran tests on samples of Ron Miller's blood, but has refused to release the results or even to confirm that the tests were ever completed.

Had been investigated by authorities over the sale of his company, Gage Corp. to Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. was the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned those tapes (and other records) over to congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were sentenced to prison for campaign finance violations, using "straw donors" to conceal the size of their contributions to various candidates. Indeed, Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. had hired Ron Brown's son Michael solely for the purpose of funneling $60,000 through him to the Commerce Secretary, according to Nolanda Hill's testimony.

Sandy Hume: On Sunday, February 22nd, 1998, Sandy Hume, the 28 year old son of journalist Britt Hume, was reportedly found dead in his Arlington, Virginia home. Aside from the statement that this was an "apparent" suicide, there remains in place a total media blackout on this story, possibly out of concern that the actual facts will not withstand public scrutiny. Worked for Hill magazine, about Congress for Congress.

Jim McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally, sent to prison for  eighteen felony convictions. A key whitewater witness, dies of a heart attack on March, 8 1998. As of this writing allegations that he was given an injection of the diuretic lasix has not been denied or confirmed.
Died on March 8, 1998

Johnny Lawhon: 29, died March 29, 1998- The Arkansas transmission specialist who discovered a pile of Whitewater documents in the trunk of an abandoned car on his property and turned them over to Starr, was killed in a car wreck two weeks after the McDougal death.. Details of the "accident" have been sketchy -- even from the local Little Rock newspaper.

Charles Wilbourne Miller: 63, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998  in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun near Miller's body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun's cylinder had been spent.

He had long served as executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the successor to Jackson Stephens' Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House's "Big Brother" data base system and that was behind the administration's plan to develop the secret computer "Clipper" chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America.

Carlos Ghigliotti: 42, was found dead in his home just outside of Washington D.C. on April 28, 2000. There was no sign of a break-in or struggle at the firm of Infrared Technology  where the badly decomposed body of Ghigliotti was found. Ghigliotti had not been seen for several weeks.

Ghigliotti, a thermal imaging analyst hired by the House Government Reform Committee to review tape of the siege, said he determined the FBI fired shots on April 19, 1993. The FBI has explained the light bursts on infrared footage as reflections of sun rays on shards of glass or other debris that littered the scene.

"I conclude this based on the groundview videotapes taken from several different angles simultaneously and based on the overhead thermal tape," Ghigliotti told The Washington Post last October. "The gunfire from the ground is there, without a doubt."

Ghigliotti said the tapes also confirm the Davidians fired repeatedly at FBI agents during the assault, which ended when flames raced through the compound. About 80 Branch Davidians perished that day, some from the fire, others from gunshot wounds.

Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the congressional committee chaired by Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said that police found the business card of a committee investigator in Ghigliotti's office. Corallo said Ghigliotti's work for the committee ended some time ago.

Tony Moser: 41, was killed as he crossed a street in Pine Bluff, Ark on on June 10, 2000. Killed 10 days after being named a columnist for the Democrat-Gazette newspaper and two days after penning a stinging indictment of political corruption in Little Rock.

Police have concluded that no charges will be filed against the unnamed driver of a 1995 Chevrolet pickup, which hit Moser as he was walking alone in the middle of unlit Rhinehart Road about 10:10 p.m

Police say they have ruled out foul play and will file no charges against the driver because he was not intoxicated and there was no sign of excessive speed.


For Those Who Wonder About the bush-clinton-bush Stranglehold on the Nation, Realize That Their Criminal Cooperation Began With Their Lucrative Relationship Vis-a-vis What Was Known as the Mena, Arkansas Drug (cocaine from Central/South America) Run As Set Forth In This CIA Agent's Affidavit/Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury.

The Vietnam war was a painful time for America. Many young Americans were drafted and died thousands of miles from their loved ones. Young men of priviledge had a clear advantage - few of them went to Vietnam, securing positions in the National Guards of their respective states. George W. Bush was one of these men, securing a place in the Texas Air National Guard in spite of a waiting list of several hundred. However, he claims that he did not receive special consideration, which is clearly a lie.

Most of the young men lucky enough to get into the Guard fulfilled their obligations. George W. Bush did not. He was absent without leave, AWOL, for over a year. Not surprisingly, this got little attention from the corporate media.

There are no witnesses left to verify whether or not Bush fulfilled his Guard duty, and no witnesses left to verify that he did indeed receive special treatment. In spite of a substantial reward that has been posted, no one has come forward to claim that he fulfilled his commitment.

George W. Bush's legacy is crystal clear: he will be remembered as the man who hijacked the Presidency. There will be an asterisk * after his name in history books.

During the election debaucle in Florida, there were reports of voter intimidation. The Choice Point list of "felons" kept thousands of eligible voters off the rolls. There was furious litigation by the Bush campaign to stop the c ounting, at any cost.

History will not be kind to this Administration. Although the media has been compromised, and is now little more than a propaganda organ for the corporatist elite, you can still make sense of the lies if you're willing to search for the truth. The Internet has been our best defense against the propaganda, a place for all of us to gather and compare notes, and dissect the lies.

George W. Bush would like for all of us to think that he is tough on corporate crime, when in truth, he is one of the criminals.

Enron recently filed what was at the time, the largest bankruptcy in US history (since then, WorldCom has that distinction). Enron executives helped shape White House energy policy - a fact that Bush and Cheney tried diligently to keep secret.

Enron was Bush's and the GOP's largest campaign contributer. Over 50 high-level officials in the Bush Administration, including the White House, the Departments of the Treasury, Commerce, and State, the U.S. Trade Representative's office and EPA, had ties to Enron. Indeed, Bush is so tight with former CEO, Kenneth Lay, that he calls him, affectionately, "Kenny Boy".

The Bush Administration has tried to cover up their close ties with Enron, and while they have succeeded to some degree, at least with our major media, sites like The Daily Enron present the truth.

In November of 1986, the nation learned that Vice President George H.W. Bush, CIA Director William Casey, and Lt. Col. Oliver North had been the architects of a scheme to trade arms to Iran.

In October 1980, President Jimmy Carter was running a close race for President against Ronald Reagan. Carter was negotiating with Iranian officials for the release of 52 Americans held captive by extremists in Iran. The Reagan/Bush campaign knew that if Carter successfully negotiated the release of the hostages, he would be certain to win the Presidential election in November. The Reagan/Bush campaign referred to the possible release of the hostages under Carter as Carter's "October Surprise" and were determined that he would not succeed in gaining their release.

Iranian officials were approached by Reagan/Bush officials and offered a deal: use their influence on the militant Iranians holding the hostages, and delay the release until after the election. In return, the Iranians would receive arms for their war against Iraq. The deal was struck, and the hostages were kept prisoner until after the election, hours before Reagan's inauguration.

After the hostages' release, the arms shipments to Iran continued. Profits were funneled to another pet cause of the right wing - the Nicuaraguan terrorists known as "freedom fighters" or "Contras". Another Contra source of income was trafficking in narcotics, running cocaine into the United States, with the full knowledge and cooperation of Administration officials. In the 80's there was a huge increase in the flow of cheap crack cocaine into the inner cities of America and countless lives were destroyed.

A series of investigations led to the convictions of Oliver North and Vice Admiral John C. Poindexter, head of the National Security Council, on charges of obstructing Congress and unlawfully destroying documents, but both their convictions were later reversed. In 1992 President George H.W. Bush pardoned many of the top government officials who had been charged or convicted in the scheme. The main perpetrators of Iran/Contra and associated events remain free today, and many of them work in George W. Bush's Administration.

After the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, Kennedy was blamed by the CIA for refusing support to their plan to overthrow Fidel Castro. Were they angry enough to plot his assassination? There are many unanswered questions about Kennedy's murder to this day. We will probably never know the full truth.

George H. W. Bush supposedly became CIA Director without ever having served in the CIA, a questionable claim. In fact, a memo from the F.B.I. to the State Department a few days after the murder would seem to indicate otherwise. The memo stated that information about both pro-Castro and anti-Castro groups had been passed along to "George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency".

It's evident to anyone who has seen him make a speech that George W. Bush is not the man in charge, despite numerous attempts by the spin-meisters to paint him as a strong leader. We are not fooled. Forty-three is merely a puppet, a stunt double for Forty-One, the man who lurks behind the scenes and is known affectionately as "Poppy," George Herbert Walker Bush.

The Bush campaign sought to reassure the public about Bush's intellectual shortcomings, pointing to "trusted advisors" as a sop to our concern. It doesn't surprise us that these advisors also held key positions in Bush the Elder's Administration.

According to Mother Jones, "he often calls National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of State Colin Powell to share his thoughts on foreign policy, which are relayed to the president. Since a large number of Bush Jr.'s aides worked in his father's administration, Bush Sr.'s calls are always answered and his ideas given unusual weight."

Of the three generations of Bush men mentioned on this site, the most evil and most dangerous by far is George Bush, Sr.

The Bush family came by their wealth on the backs of 11 million dead. Prescott Bush, along with partner E. Ronald Harriman, supplied financial aid and raw materials to Hitler's Third Reich.

In 1942, Bush/Harriman companies were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act: the Union Banking Corporation, the Holland-American Trading Corporation, the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation and Silesian-American Corporation.

After the war, the CIA recruited many former Nazis to work for them, escaping prosecution for war crimes. Klaus Barbie, infamous for ordering the murder of French children, was among them. He was, however, eventually caught and returned to France to stand trial.

It is a Bush family tradition to rub elbows with evil men. What do Hitler, Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Pinochet and Iranian extremists have in common?

George W. Bush knew.

Bush claims that he had no inkling of what was going to happen in America on September 11, 2001, but this is clearly a lie. There were many warnings, even 2 intercepted by the NSA on the day before the tragedy that indicated an attack was imminent. Intelligence in Israel, Egypt, France, Jordan, Morocco, and England warned the Bush administration about pending hijackings and plans to attack American targets.

On September 10, the day before the tragedy, a group of Pentagon officials canceled their travel plans because of security concerns. Why?

Two of the hijackers were known terrorists to the CIA and the FBI at the time they were attending flight school. They informed their instructors that they were not interested in learning how to take off or to land, just how to maneuver the plane while it was in the air. They were known terrorists, and they were not arrested or detained and interrogated. Why?

Shortly before the 9/11 attacks, John Ashcroft stopped flying commercial and started flying on government-chartered planes. Why?

In fact, the George W. Bush received many warnings that he disregarded. Bush knew, and he did nothing. Why?

Oil, that's why. And a free rein to rape the Constitution.

The Bush Administration did not hesitate to take advantage of the aftermath of the World Trade Center tragedy. They began pushing their agenda immediately, including the Patriot Act, with a total disregard for rights guaranteed our citizens under the Constitution. He wanted billions for defense and he got it, especially after a series of anthrax-contaminated mail was sent to Democrats, killing postal workers in its route. The American people were frightened, and rightly so, but the one they should fear most is the one who calls himself their President.

Their voices are silenced only when OUR voices are silent.
David Blomstrom of The Invisible Republic

The Poop on the New Pope: The Former Joe Ratzinger, Now Pope Benedict Seems Very Comfortable With War Criminal Bush As He Should Be Expected To Be, Having Before Becoming Pope Headed That Part Of The Catholic Church Charged With Carrying Out the Inquisition (in years past) in Which His Policy On Priestial/Beastial (anal sex, etc.) Abuse of Children Was to Assert Jurisdiction and Refuse to Turn Over Information on Said Abominable Criminal Acts Until Ten Years After the Victimized Child Reached Majority (so statute of limitations defense could be asserted/obstruction of justice consumated). Shame and Disavowal are the Order of the Day.

While It Is Not For Me To Decide Who Burns In Hell, The Probabilities Are High That Ratzinger Will See bush At Least Once More For That Purpose Alone.

UFOetry: We Never Went To The Moon - The Award-Winning Documentary/Music/Video by John Lee [The $40 Billion Scam (More than $100 Billion in today's worthless dollars)]

This is the MP4 Version Which is Smaller file size / Faster and also great with Ipods, Iphones, etc.

Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed A treasured piece at the Dutch national museum - a supposed moon rock from the first manned lunar landing - is nothing more than petrified wood, ...BBC NewsBBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed Prized moon rock a fake - A PIECE of moon rock given to an overseas politician by the United States is actually a lump of petrified wood, museum authorities revealed yesterday. ... 'Moon Rock' in Dutch Museum Is Just Petrified Wood Aug 27, 2009 ... Fake moon rock at Dutch national museum. Rijksmuseum / AP. This rock, supposedly brought back from the moon by American astronauts, ...



In reality it is just a piece of petrified wood ... Another piece of evidence that shows again that Apollo program is indeed a fake and a fraud


In the Lands of Two-Eyed Men and Women
The Three-Eyed Man is King

The Corollary to the Foregoing is Also True:
In the Land of the Blind
The One-Eyed Man is King

My Eye Site

Dumber and Dumber

obama had a mandate for real and positive change. his lack of courage changed that. bringing in the insiders at substantial taxpayer (bailout of a massive fraud) expense proved this. his, as bushes' before him, is a failed presidency!

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FOUND: MISSING LINK BETWEEN APES AND MAN.... These stories, and the many like it, are old news and I subscribe to the more studied view that there is no 'missing link' per se and in my view are distinctions without significant differences. I previously wrote:

To Learn More About From Whence Man Came, This Link's For You

  [To the Professor at the beginning of the course]    

10-5-09 Postscript: Professor *****,
I felt compelled to thank you again for the add; not to curry your favor but indeed to express profound thanks inasmuch as this is probably the last formal course at a formal educational institution I'll ever take; and among the most important. While I had bought at discount a library-discarded 1993 Anthropology by Embers text, though meaning to read same never quite got to it. I am astounded by the substantial amount of time involved in the evolutionary process, not that I ever stopped to think about it, and one must come away with the sense of 'and all that...for this?'. This course should be required curriculum along with psychology, sociology, etc., but probably won't be owing to what is, as it should be, a very humbling educational experience for any member of the human race.
                                  Al Peia

Interestingly, my intuitive (but unstudied) thoughts prior to closer examination of the compelling subject of Biological Anthropology remain what I believe to be the correct scenario. Specifically, very simply stated, for the most part, the more 'enlightened' (but not by much; by mutation, accident, luck, intervention, etc.) left the unvarying confines of their Sub-Saharan origins, experienced diverse new environs, challenges, etc., experienced what has been described (by neuroscientists, psychologists, etc.) as neurogenesis in varying degrees and forms thereby over time, which trait was selected for and is consistent with the purported multi-regional evolutionary model which does not overtly contradict ultimately, initial African origins. Races, sub-species, missing links, etc., are subsumed in this very humbling and sorrowful tale of the 'dawn of man'.


Defacto Bankrupt, Meaningfully Lawless, War Criminal Nation america, the leader of nations ... in crime:

Though having but 5% of the world's population, america can boast of having 76% of the world's serial killers, followed by Europe with England/UK then Germany leading the way for the eu [excerpt, 6 minute video, Serial Killers: Real Life Hannibal Lechters     (as is consistent with crime generally, see infra)]. Defacto bankrupt, fraudulent america also spends more on offensive (defensive a misnomer / propaganda) military spending than all the nations of the world combined, and by a large margin at that. Do you see a pattern emerging here [ I unfortunately only belatedly did, and the feds, fed employees, cia, all 3 branches of the u.s. government, etc., are included in this evolved american trait of inherent criminality in the most nefarious sense  (         )   ]:





# 1  

United States:



# 2  

United Kingdom:



# 3  




# 4  




# 5  




# 6  




# 7  

South Africa:



# 8  




# 9  




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# 11  

Korea, South:



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New Zealand:



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Czech Republic:



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# 48  

Saudi Arabia:



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# 50  




# 51  

Hong Kong:



# 52  




# 53  




# 54  




# 55  




# 56  

El Salvador:



# 57  

Costa Rica:



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# 66  

Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of:



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# 72  

Papua New Guinea:



# 73  




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# 82  









Weighted average:



DEFINITION: Note: Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime  (I believe, and facts support, crime in america to be substantially under-reported and under-prosecuted owing to pervasive corruption, arbitrary enforcement of the law, etc.) than actual prevalence.

SOURCE: The Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2002) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention)


Yes, the beat goes on ... the great fraud continues ... Christian, Biblical, among other scholars refer to the great fraud, whore, fallen america ... Topical Index *****NOTE 4-27-14: I'm here in San Diego County in my new/old 39 foot Chevy Motorhome. I can't get a signal for my Verizon LG smartphone (I'll be taking a spin in my Ford Explorer in search of a signal; my VOIP phone, magicjack requiring a broadband connection, is currently not up except for voicemail). The wifi internet connection also limits the uploading of files so not all the images in the folders/directories to interim updates are included (I'll create a separate complete update page later with broadband connection). The following are currently the updates with said limitations:

11-26-17: Ravaging, raging fires ... blame it on 'climate change/global warming' ... riiiiiight! ... wrong! ... I personally believe the vast majority of these life/property altering/destroying wildfires are the result of arson ... hardly a new phenomenon for america where a vast majority of people are criminals or mentally ill ... breeding populations in the worst manifestation of evolution/devolution in action ... I've experienced two arson fires here in california (but plenty of criminality in the mob infested regions back east), the last of which occurred in san diego county where my 39 ft. holiday rambler was set ablaze with all my belongings, ie., computers, storage drives, clothes, id's, etc.. I barely escaped with my life ... Of course, the fire department did their usual laudable competent best though it was a total loss ... But, it was the Red Cross that provided the most immediate assistance thereafter ... a few scars, singed hair, I survived ... with hindsight seeing what should have been obvious signs of my impending peril ... an existential experience, to be sure, as I reached in to save/retrieve my laptop and wallet which seemed safely within reach since though burning my arm/hair did not seem lethally hot ... adrenalin at work, I deferred to an intellectual assessment 'not worth it' which, looking back, saved my life when the 'rv blew' ... Mission accomplished ... for quite some time rico defendants and their ilk/sympathizers/facilitators and typically corrupt goverment people (state/local/federal) have sought the same ... coverup/corruption/criminality/insanity , thy name is america ... Yes, trump is correct in stating the truth about the pervasive corruption/criminality in america/american government which he knows directly having been part of same as pointed out elsewhere on this website, ie., (hopefully he'll do the right thing and resolve this as set forth therein since, his sister played a significant role for the mob defendants who were laundering substantial sums through trump casinos and refused to recuse herself in light there ... do not look for a formal commitment of bookkeeper peter baratta inasmuch as in new jersey/new york particularly, if the mob tells you to voluntarily commit yourself to discredit statements/testimony, you commit yourself which upon information he did at their direction), ... When you think San Diego, you think Camp Pendleton Marines, ships, Navy ... Reality check ... Did you know of san diego's rich mob history? ... wop al capone's home away from home (corrupt criminal land chicago) and loads of mafia wannabes ... As surprising was the toally backward nature of the county where thier own breed of hillbillies who like mafia wannabes will do anything for a buck ... shortly before the torching I was paid a visit by sheriff's deputies in swat regalia including serious weaponry, in search of a serious hillbilly fugitive (yes, they got him) ... and yes, at night you can hear serous gunfire ... Did you know of san diego's rich mob history? ... wop al capone's home away from home (corrupt criminal land chicago) and loads of mafia wannabes ... As surprising was the toally backward nature of the county where their own breed of hillbillies who like mafia wannabes will do anything for a buck ... shortly before the torching I was paid a visit by sheriff's deputies in swat regalia including serious weaponry, in search of a serious hillbilly fugitive ... and yes, at night you can hear serious gunfire ... nothing like putting me in the line of fire ... accidentally on purpose ... lies, fraud, corruption, criminality ... yes don, thy name is america! (I'll be further adding to/updating this...)

Why buy an rv? My LA rent was going up by over $400/month. Interestingly, pulitzer prize-winning author John Sanford had a snobbish, despicable character in one of the many books of his I had read, albeit after the fact of my purchase of my holiday rambler. Said character lauded and loved his holiday rambler. The succinct takeaway by Sanford, he states: regardless of the rv model/make, ultimately you're still in a trailer park (and all that entails) (ie., for electric/water/sewage/garbage, etc.). As with boats, I posite that the only happier day than the day you buy the rv is the day you sell it. < /br> Indeed, it was always something. And, they could easily make it something (sabotage). One of the local hillbillies, a certified rv tech, greg mingle diagnosed a need for a new carborator. Well, after paying for same and labor, it turned out to be not the carborator. He brought a strong arm with him who said his last name meant mafia in italian. Mingle confessed he didn't like LA or San Francisco because unlike san diego, the people there were snobby (that hillbilly inferiority complex). This was around the time of Clint Eastwood's 'american sniper' and in passing he stated is service experience was that of a sniper, rated/good for 1200 yards (riiiiight 'american mental case', you belong with thousand trails san diego county). < /br> I did secure the services of an honest former military man shortly thereafter who was an absolute genius for such things which included a degree in computer science. To litigate this rather small case against mingle in court would not be worth my time and would still require a leap of faith by me in the american system ... which based on direct experience I do not have. < /br> Why San diego county? The couple from whom I bought the rv lived in lakeside in san diego county. Then the problem of what park/availability/in proximity, etc.. The only available slots were at a large park run by chicago-based thousand trails (yes, a chicago company run by a guinea as I later learned ... how very "capone". I did a month-to-month rental of $550 including all utilities. I was ahead from a rent perspective. Problem: thousand trails did not have the proper permits/zoning for such rentals. Other options became suddenly encumbered by politically contrived/motivated problems despite prior acceptance and hence, waiver. I had bought an additional rv for the mountain location but got resistance as follows. Many employees, particularly regional employees, had real self-esteem (inferiority complexes) problems; some, as in one related mountain park, having been born and raised in such (ie., hillbillies, etc.). Then there was the nearness to the border and the defensive attitudes of hispanics as a consequence of the enforcement emphasis by the new administration. < /br> The person from whom I purchased the second rv (and returned because the same was rejected by the mountain park manager/hillbilly. I had to remove same and returned it to the hillbilly from whom I bought the 24 foot itasca rv and took the financial hit. Ultimately, through another contrived scenario I was required move the 39 ft. holiday rambler, and moved same to another part of jamul (hillbillyland) where the hillbilly who owned the itasca owned 40 acres and was setting up an rv park. This hillbilly, karl dykema, seemed to be a hard worker; and, having a mishapen chest/deformity, etc., engendered my sympathy (never again). He also did not have the proper permits (see letter from county here). Moreover, it turned out that as is so for many of the hillbillies, pot was his hidden crop for which he served jail time. He was a lying scumbag and threatened to lie to the sheriff which all seemed "set to music". He also had other fugitives hiding out in rvs on the premises who provided manual work in lieu rent. There were nights subsequent to the deputies' search for the hillbilly fugitive that I lay awake concerned that if they did their worst, being in the hills of hillbilly land, the same would defy detection. This has been among the worst experiences of my life and there should be warning signs throughout san diego county.

Interim Updates 102613-11714 Interim Updates 011814-030914 Interim Updates 031014-041514 Interim Updates 041414-050114 Interim Updates 041414-052014 Interim Updates 052014-061814 Interim Updates 061914-072914 Interim Updates 072914-092614 The radio reception is also limited which led me to 'sample' some limited AM offerings which included shallow sean hannity the hallmark of insanity, and 'rush revere' [limbaugh … he's totally burnt out (the consequence of his being 'tired of carrying the water for the republican party'? - his own words), relegated now to authoring children's illustrated books of a simplistic nature]. Shallow sean's latest 'crusade' (beyond the same note/key obvious debacle of wobamacare) was defense of the indefensible mobster but friend of sean's, donald trump (trump should be in jail). In defense of t_rump, he offers up the itsy-bitsy, teeny weeny wohlman skating rink project as evidence of t_rump's contribution to NYC (too small for high new york priority given the magnitude of New York substantial problems, some largely the result of trumpish tastes, ie., solid gold trump tower fixtures, etc., that trump's 'pre-packaged bankrupcies' seem to fail to touch, and which extravagance must be paid for by someone, but not him). Shallow sean's excoriation of new york city never seems to link the obviousness of t_rump's grandstanding responsibility for same. After all, someone ultimately has to pay for trump's disproportionate non-value-added livin' large. No talk of trump's ingratiating bribe strategy for protection ( ie., 'retainers' to law firms linked to state attorney generals, viz., {kimmelman} wolf and sampson, chris droney's brother, his sister's protection/corruption and quid pro quo from the federal bench, etc., and as well, protection of drug-money laundering through his now nominal only casinos … See, ie., RICO Summary to FBI Under Penalty of Perjury Filed RICO Docs Correspondence to FBI Former LA Field Office ADIC Martinez (Waylaid Twice by USPS and Ultimately Delivered by Courier UPS) . Trump's a fraud! I won't be listening to 'rush revere' or shallow sean prospectively. They're a waste of time and preposterous given their unbridled support of war criminals bush, cheney, etc., and the failed debacles they created, etc. ..... CIA AGENT EXPOSING HIGH-LEVEL ILLEGAL DRUG SMUGGLING LINKS ( *** NOTE: BUSH, BARR, CLINTON ET ALS *** ) CIA Agent Affidavit ...... FBI Agent Affidavit ..... *** Please Note: This is an interim update page, chronologically based with important articles noted since 5-31-13 ......... ... As of this day, 5-31-13, there will be a hiatus in updates to this website owing to matters that for quite some time have required and continue to require my substantial attention; and, as a matter of candor, the same includes a long overdue fishing trip; so, in the words of those famous american poets/philosophers, quoting: 'See you, in September, see you, when the summer's through, Here we are, saying goodbye for the summer, summer vacation, is taking you away, Have a good time, but remember, there is danger, in that summer moon above ...' ... Danger indeed, the lunacy of fraudulent wall street having spread nation-now-world-wide, the now ubiquitous consequent disaster afoot, I hope you sold in May and go away ..... ***** ... IT TAKES MORE THAN A TYPICAL JIVE-TALKING, LATENT GAY, MENTALLY TROUBLED MULATTO NEGROE WHO HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING OF SUBSTANCE IN HIS LIFE TO CHANGE THE CONTINUING COURSE OF DECLINE OF A CORRUPT BANKRUPT NATION AS AMERICA
The Poop on the New Pope: The Former Joe Ratzinger, Now Pope Benedict Seems Very Comfortable With War Criminal Bush As He Should Be Expected To Be, Having Before Becoming Pope Headed That Part Of The Catholic Church Charged With Carrying Out the Inquisition (in years past) in Which His Policy On Priestial/Beastial (anal sex, etc.) Abuse of Children Was to Assert Jurisdiction and Refuse to Turn Over Information on Said Abominable Criminal Acts Until Ten Years After the Victimized Child Reached Majority (so statute of limitations defense could be asserted/obstruction of justice consumated). Shame and Disavowal are the Order of the Day. ..... Click for Noteworthy News Stories ..... Ten polls had Obama ahead of Clinton by double digits the day before NH primary: The Spin: the humane connection with the (female) voters. Reality: the contrived (there's always a reason) coffee klatch, the crocodile tears (were real but for herself given lady macbeth's perceived reality of loss), but not to fear (we'll just have to win say criminal clintons again ' which means america and the world loses again as has been so since bush/clinton/bush) and remember, the diebold voting machines are the bush/clinton friends. Indeed, in New Hampshire approximately 45% of the vote is hand-counted (hard to rig) while 55% of the vote is diebold machine tallied (by tech manager/contractor with narcotics trafficking conviction, prospective clinton pardonee)...You guessed it. Obama won the hand-counted vote and whoops, the pollsters were right, the criminal clintons won the machine tallied vote. Time to put the bushes/clintons in jail where they belong. What a failed, corrupt, banana republic criminal america is......Diebold Voting Machine Contractor Executive Has Criminal Background January 10, 2008 Company responsible for machines throughout New Hampshire directed by convicted drug dealer. .....It has been revealed that a high ranking executive at the company that was contracted to program all of New Hampshire's Diebold voting machines has a criminal record and has previously defended the illegal act of "swapping out" memory cards for the machines during live elections. ..... ..... THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST RELEASED ON DVD! The Great Mel Gibson Keeps His Perspective and Eye on the Truth and Says: 'F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world... Are you a Jew?' VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul marked the 26th anniversary of his pontificate. CONGRATULATIONS! ..... The Pope Ascends (Without "Worldly Baggage" and Through The Grace Of God Having Been Spared Bearing Witness To Well Deserved Tribulation, Particularly As To Fallen Meaningfully Lawless Criminal Nation america) To A Better Place..........Among The Few People I Really Like, I Will Miss Him For Now......The vatican says preparing to break its ties with Taiwan and establish diplomatic relations with mainland communist China, ending more than 50 years of mutual hostility and warming relations with Beijing..... and supporting illegals in america.....They must be preoccupied with the catholic priestial abuse of children, both little boys and little girls, to think clearly on the issues. Let the catholic church pay for the illegals instead of the other way around which is apparently their venal motivation. The papacy of the New Pope has failed even before they have begun.....


When Mueller was appointed, Trump said 'This is the end of my Presidency. I'm f***ed.' [ In a rational non-corrupted country of meaningful rules of law that would be true; but, then there's reality ... there's this: CIAAgentAffidavit1 ... william barr (emphasis added!).....' Russia Says 'New World Order' Being Formed... [ Indeed, no joke; and, guess what nation is no longer at the top of the New 'New World Order' as had been promulgated once upon a time by poppy bush (deceased) ... Borrowing the words of Timothy Dalton's Prince Baron to Sam Jones' Flash at the close of (underrated) 'Flash Gordon' they say ... 'We owe it all to you', (flash in the dust pan of history) Don! ..... Hmmm! ] Barr Has a History of Writing Summaries That Obscure the Truth A 1989 memo Barr wrote summarizing the 'principal conclusions' of a D.O.J. ruling apparently left out several of those principal conclusions. [ Duh! ... CIAAgentAffidavit1 ... william barr (emphasis added!).....'..... that's what he does This country, america's a total fraud! .....' 'HARDBALL' Matthews Fumes: How Could They Let Trump off Hook? [ How? That's what they do ..... That's all that they do ... Their raison d'etre america the great fraud Politics FOX News Videos Mainstream media stunned as Mueller report filed with no new indictments planned The mainstream media is stunned as the Mueller report is filed with no new indictments planned. [ Stunned? Suddenly they're interested in the truth? ... america's a fraud ... ... About Me ... ]

COMPLETE MUELLER REPORT (pdf) (recommended)
MUELLER REPORT (18 page summary) (pdf)


9-26-19 - Synopsis
Acting spy chief tells Congress the 'whistleblower did the right thing'

Trump says he wants the identity of the person who supplied the whistleblower with information
Listen: Audio leaks of Trump comparing whistleblower's sources to spies
Opinion: Greeks had a name for what could bring down Trump
Teaming up: Lewandowski may lead Trump's impeachment team

Bash: This one other thing in transcript broadens things

The part of the complaint that poses Trump's biggest threat
The complaint: Whistleblower says White House officials intervened to 'lock down' records of Trump-Ukraine phone call
Maguire hits back at Nunes: The intel community can keep a secret
GOP: House Republican says Trump's conversation with Zelensky is 'not OK'
Pelosi: Speaker taps House Intel to lead narrow impeachment push over scandal
Economy: Markets predict that Trump will be impeached but not removed from office 
CrowdStrike: What is this company and why is it part of the whistleblower complaint?
Fact check: Trump falsely claims Democrats' letter made threat

Analysis: GOP hanging defense of Trump on thin thread Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large 
Now, circle back to Trump's conversation with Zelensky. To revisit that conversation:
1. Trump, after congratulating Zelensky on his win, very quickly establishes that the United States has been very, very good to Ukraine. 
"I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are."
2. He then makes clear that the US does a lot more for Ukraine than Ukraine does for the US.
"I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very, very good to Ukraine."
3. Trump directly asks Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.
"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."
4. He suggests that Zelensky should talk to his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General Bill Barr.
"I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it."
5. And then Trump reiterates that suggestion.
"I will tell Rudy and Attorney General Barr to call."Soooooooooo, yeah.
Graham and Sekulow are technically correct that Trump didn't directly tell Zelensky that if he wanted what the US had to offer (like hundreds of millions of military aid) that he had better look into the Bidens. (There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden, by the way).
But come on, man! Put yourself in Zelensky's shoes for a minute and ask whether it is at all possible that the message you would have received from that call was something along the lines of "We do a lot for you. If you want us to keep doing it, you need to do this one thing for me."Plus, there's this: Impeachment -- which the House embarked on formally this week with the beginnings of an inquiry -- is a political process, not a legal one. Meaning that even if you buy Graham's no-quid-pro-quo argument, which you shouldn't, there is no requirement for proof that Trump said the words in order to impeach him.
Know who got this all exactly right? Lindsey Graham. In 1999 -- when he said this: "A president doesn't even have to be convicted of a crime to be impeached. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office."

Trump sought interference in election and White House tried to cover it up, allegation says
Read: Inspector General report on complaint

Transcript breakdown: Key lines from Trump's Ukraine call

Keep up with the latest news and analysis

Analysis: Wildest lines from Trump's press conference on Ukraine Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large 

1. "The meetings I had on up bilat or close were pretty staggering. I think we set a new record but you'll have to check that out."
Yes, the first thing Trump said was how he probably set a record for meetings with foreign officials at UNGA. And away we go!
2. "We have a tremendous trade deal with Japan. And that doesn't get covered because you waste your time on nonsense."
The "nonsense" to which Trump is referring is a transcript released by his White House of a phone call in which he very clearly pressures the Ukrainian president to look into debunked corruption allegations against the former vice president of the United States, who, by the by, is the frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic nomination.
3. "I think we'll make this little announcement to you because, important, you know, the so-called whistleblower, the one that didn't have any first-class or first-rate or second-tier information, from what I understand, you'll have to figure that out for yourself."
Er, what? What Trump was going for -- I think -- is to make the point that the whistleblower who raise the issue did not have first-hand knowledge of, among other things, the President's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Worth noting here that while that's true, the whistleblower's description of the call between the two men -- as relayed in the complaint -- is a very accurate depiction of what went on, according to the transcript of the call released Wednesday.
4. "I fully support transparency on the so-called whistleblower information even though it was supposedly second-hand information, which is sort of interesting. And other things have come out about the whistleblower that are also maybe even more interesting."
What other things? Trump doesn't say! Also, remember that Trump has described the whistleblower as "partisan" although he also had acknowledged he didn't know who the whistleblower is.
5. "But also insist on transparency from Joe Biden and his son Hunter on the millions of dollars that have been quickly and easily taken out of Ukraine and China. Millions of dollars, millions and millions and dollars taken out very rapidly while he was vice president. And I think they should have transparency for that."
Four Pinocchios. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden.
6. "It's all a hoax, folks. It's all a big hoax."
"I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. ... There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me." -- Donald Trump to Zelensky, according to a White House transcript of their phone conversation
7. "I've been up from early in the morning until late in the evening."
8. "CNN reported that senators Robert Menendez, Richard Durbin, and Patrick Leahy wrote a letter to Ukraine's prosecutor general expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical. In the letter they implied that their support for US assistance to Ukraine was at stake and that if they didn't do the right thing, they wouldn't get any assistance. See, doesn't that sound familiar? Doesn't that sound familiar?"
Let me quote CNN's Abby Phillip on this: "I''m going to repeat this, because it's very important: What Trump is talking about right now ... accusing Senators of threatening Ukraine ... is WILDLY misleading. Senators questioned why Ukraine stopped cooperating with a lawful US investigation into HIS former campaign manager." 
The letter in question is here -- so you can read it yourself.
9. "So Senator Chris Murphy literally threatened the president of Ukraine that if he doesn't do things right, they won't have Democrats' support in Congress. So you can look all of this up."
I did look it up! What happened is this: Murphy traveled to Kiev earlier this month with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin). They met with Zelensky and, according to Murphy, he made clear that the Ukrainian government should not involve itself in American elections. "[Zelensky] wasn't surprised that I brought it up ... his response was pretty simple: that they have no intention of getting involved in an American election," Murphy said of the meeting.
10. "We're going to have much bigger trade deals with a lot of countries that have a opportunity to come and they all want to do business with the United States, especially now."
Bigger is always better.
11. "And the Democrats did this hoax during the United Nations week. It was perfect. Because this way it takes away from these tremendous achievements that we are taking care of doing, that we're involved in, in New York City at the United Nations."
To be clear: The reason we know if the existence of the whistleblower complaint is because Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general, alerted the relevant congressional committees to it. Know who appointed Atkinson to his role? I'll give you one guess. Yup! Donald Trump. In 2018!
12. "Impeachment for that? When you have a wonderful meeting or you have a wonderful phone conversation?"
"I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. ...There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me." -- Donald Trump to Zelensky
13. "So many leaders came up to me today and they said, 'sir, what you go through no president has ever gone through, and it's so bad for your country.'"
The chances that this actually happened are very small. And if it did happen, it's because of Trump's known love of being told how great and right he is.
14. "The wall is being built, by the way. It got little coverage."
[narrator] It's not.
15. "And we are building an incredible wall. It's going to number one."
Everyone will be telling the wall "You're number one!"
16. "It's going to be virtually impossible to cross unless you are one hell of a mountain climber."Paging Alex Honnold!
17. "They've -- we had people going out, and real climbers, telling us which is the toughest to climb. But these are anti-climb panels, very tough to get across."
There is no evidence that the Trump administration had "real climbers" test their prototype border walls.
18. "And the wall is going up. Many miles a week."
Again, no.
19. "Well, that's what he did, isn't it, really, when you think about it. Look, that whole witch hunt was started -- and hopefully that'll all come out, but there have been some fantastic books written that just came out, whether you look at Gregg Jarrett are McCarthy's book that just -- just came out recently and so many other books -- I mean, a lot of books are coming out. When you start reading those books, you see what they did to us. What they've done to this country is a disgrace. They've hurt this country very badly and no other president should have to go through what I've gone through."
The question Trump was asked that elicited this response? "Can you explain to the American people why it is appropriate for an American president to ask a foreign leader for information about a political rival and what you would have said if you had discover that Barack Obama perhaps had asked a foreign leader for information about you before you campaigned for the presidency?" So, yeah.
20. "You take a look at that call. It was perfect. I didn't know it. There was no quid pro quo."
"I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. ... There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me." -- Donald Trump to Zelensky
21. "I'm very happy -- yesterday, I guess we had a -- a 53 poll and a lot of people say add 10 points to anything -- anybody voting for Trump, you can add -- anytime you get a poll, you can add 10 points or seven or six points, take it anyway you want."
Riiiiiiight. The poll Trump is referring to is conducted by Rasmussen Reports. You can read more about that firm here.
22. "A -- an investigation started called the Russian witch hunt, affectionately, and it was a total phony scam. It was set up by people within the government to try to stop somebody from getting elected, and after that person -- namely me -- won and convincingly won at 306 to 223 in the electoral college -- which by the way, when you run a race, if you're running electoral -- no -- if you go by the college, Electoral College, that's a much different race than running popular vote."
Putting aside the seemingly obligatory Trump reference to the Electoral College here, what he is describing as a "total phony scam" -- the Mueller report -- determined that not only did Russia seek to interfere in our election to help Trump but also that they did so because they believed Trump was better for their interests. And, oh yeah, that the Trump campaign welcomed it.
23. "And it's like the hundred-yard dash or the mile. You train differently. And I can't help that my opponent didn't go to Wisconsin and should have gone much more to Michigan and Pennsylvania and other places, but that's the way it is."
Yes, he is still talking about the Electoral College. The 2016 election ended 1,052 days ago.
24. "We are having great polls. We have internal polls, Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania is looking good, North Carolina."
So, uh, I don't know how to break this to you but ... this.
25. "He said, I can't believe it, I never knew you could be this really nice to a person. He said, I cannot believe it. You were so nice. I didn't think you had that in you to be so nice."
This is Trump, quoting Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), after the senator read the transcript of the call between trump and Zelensky. Which, well, OK.
26. "I'm nice to a lot of people. People don't understand that. But I was."
27. "The Mueller report. No obstruction. No collusion." 
"(I)f we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. ... Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." -- The Mueller report
28. "I used to get great press until I ran for politics. I mean, I used to be the king of getting good press. I was very good at it and I got good. I mean, they covered me well for what otherwise I probably wouldn't be here."
He said the quiet part out loud.
29. "They said they don't know if one man anywhere in the world, with all the men they know -- or woman that could handle what I've had to handle. And I think that's true. But I handle it. To me, it's like putting on a suit."
"Easy, guys... I put my pants on just like the rest of you -- one leg at a time. Except, when my pants are on, I make gold records." -- Bruce Dickinson
30. "I know a lot about Venezuela. I've had many, many friends of mine come from Venezuela. They live many Miami. A certain section of Miami. I won't mention the name because they'll say I'm thinking about my business and I'm not."
[nods head slowly]
31. "Just put this in the back of your mind. It's all going to be fine."
This feels like a good place to end.

Acting DNI receives complaint about White House coverup, goes to White House first

NYT: Trump tells staff he wants to know whistleblower's sources, says they should be dealt with like 'in the old days'

Acting DNI Maguire: 'No one, none of us, is above the law'


Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump's Ukraine Conduct Released 

A PATTERN OF SOLICITING HELP ABROAD WASHPOST Whistleblower claimed abuse of office by Trump, coverup attempt
Complaint alleges president sought foreign interference in 2020 election 5 key takeaways, allegations in complaint NYTIMES Whistle-Blower Alleged White House Cover-Up of Ukraine Call
Whistle-Blower Is a C.I.A. Officer Who Was Detailed to the White House The Whistle-Blower Complaint: Full Document LATIMES Pelosi decries White House 'cover-up' as whistleblower complaint becomes public Trump is on track for a level of defeat in California not seen since the Civil War    Good-bye Donnie Dimwit!

'HARDBALL' Matthews Fumes: How Could They Let Trump off Hook? [ How? That's what they do ... That's all that they do ... Their raison d'etre 

Politics FOX News Videos Mainstream media stunned as Mueller report filed with no new indictments planned The mainstream media is stunned as the Mueller report is filed with no new indictments planned. [ Stunned? You mean suddenly they're interested in the truth?       ]

Schiff pushes back after Trump attack

Al Peia   It was astounding to me that trump carried on his blatantly illegal activities with impunity. The corruption pervasive; some of his people carried ak47s, his frauds and mob connected activities/money laundering were unimpeded and the eyes wide shut mentality of the feds seemed an endorsement of sorts. You've mentioned nazis ...well, america was so impressed with them they did 'operation paperclip'. America's a total fraud; hence, my email (to be followed up) to Madam Pelosi in light of her cliched proclamation, 'No one is above the law' (except those who are above the law, wink, wink). Sorry for the sometime redundance; but, the same is for the monitors. Al Peia

Listen: Audio of Trump discussing whistleblower at private event: 'That's close to a spy'
President Trump slammed the whistleblower who first warned that the president was trying to strong-arm a foreign leader for personal gain as "a spy," and ...
Los Angeles Times
This is what the whistleblower complaint says
Whistleblower alleges White House coverup: Live updates
A whistleblower's complaint about President Trump's communications with Ukraine has been declassified. Follow here for the latest news and updates on ...
An alleged cover-up, a secret server and more bombshells in Trump whistleblower complaint
Damning allegations against President Donald Trump and White House officials were exposed Thursday with the release by Congress of a complaint by a ...
Don't buy White House spin - at this point Congress must salvage integrity of US presidency | TheHill
It's about the sanctity and integrity of the office of the presidency - nothing else.
The Hill Opinion

Whistleblower Is CIA Officer Who Was Detailed to White House...
Complaint alleges White House officials acted to 'lock down' record of call...... 
'Unique and unprecedented'... 
Trump Attacks Whistleblower's Sources... 

Alludes to Punishment for Spies... 
'Know what we used to do in old days when we were smart with spies and treason?'  
Majority of House members now support impeachment...
Rep. Tlaib Leads Crowd In Profanity-Laced Chant...
First Republican governor comes out in support... 
Seven-day scramble ends with big gamble... 
President's Team Bets Backfire!
RUDY: 'These morons -- when this is over, I will be the hero'...
Voters react with joy, fury, ambivalence...

Trump Suggests Executing the Whistle-Blower's Sources Like "in the Old Days..." by Bess Levin September 26, 2019 


Yes, the beat goes on ... the great fraud continues ... Christian, Biblical, among other scholars refer to the great fraud, whore, fallen america ... Topical Index