‘Do you find the
Fed’s announcement of QE 4 confusing? After all, why would the Fed engage in
more QE when it just announced QE 3 three months ago? In this excerpt from my
latest issue of Private Wealth Advisory I outline the real reasons the
Fed announced more QE (virtually no one I’ve spoken to understands this).
I also explain
which investments will profit from this monetary madness and how to best go
about preparing for 2013.
To find out more
about Private
Wealth Advisory as well as its incredible track record (76 of out last 92 trades
made money)…
Last week the US
Federal Reserve surprised yet again by announcing QE 4: a program through which
it would purchase $45 billion of US Treasuries every month.
Between this program
and the Fed’s QE 3 Program announced in September, the Fed will be monetizing
$85 billion worth of assets every month ($40 billion worth of
Treasuries and $45 billion worth of Mortgage Backed Securities) ad infinitum.
Indeed, the Fed’s
new policies are anchored to its goal of getting employment down to 6.5%. This
means the Fed will buy these assets non-stop until employment gets
down to 6.5%.
I’ve spoken to a
number of people in the financial community as well as outside investors and no
one seem to grasp the significance of this announcement.
First and foremost,
QE does not create jobs. The UK has announced QE efforts equal to an amount
greater than 20% of its GDP and has not seen any meaningful job growth.
Similarly, Japan has announced nine rounds of QE for a combined effort equal to
20% of its GDP over the last 20 years and job growth remains dismal there.
Based on this, the
Fed’s decision to anchor its QE efforts to employment is a bit hard to swallow.
Indeed, I would argue that the Fed’s moves have very little to do with
employment and instead are meant to address the following.
To continue reading this… you
need to take out a trial subscription to Private
Wealth Advisory: my bi-weekly investment newsletter designed specifically to
help individual investors cut through the noise and profit from the market’s
Indeed, 76 out of our last 92 trades have made money for Private
Wealth Advisory subscribers. That’s an incredible 82% success rate on our
And we’re not getting complacent by any means. In fact, I’m about
to alert Private
Wealth Advisory subscribers to several trades that will all produce HUGE profits
when the US debt implosion picks up steam in the coming weeks.
You’ll find out what they are the minute you subscribe to Private
Wealth Advisory. You’ll also gain immediate access to my Protect Your
Family, Protect Your Savings, and Protect Your
Portfolio Special Reports outlining how to prepare these areas of
your life for the coming Great Crisis.
These reports outline:
1) how to prepare for bank holidays
2) which
banks to avoid
3) how much
bullion to own
4) how much
cash is needed to get through systemic crises
5) how much
food to stockpile, what kind to get, and where to get it
And more…
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Wealth Advisory now… start profiting from the market’s gyrations (again we’ve made
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Best Regards,
Graham Summers