1.4 BILLION Spent On The Obamas In 2012 – British Taxpayers Only Spent 57.8 Million On The Royal Family





{ Yeah! These are typical, mooching, failing (but fun-lovin’/party-animals), unproductive niggers; and non-niggers should be outraged!  }

 ‘While most of America is suffering through one the worst economic downturns in U.S. history, the Obamas are living the high life at your expense.  During 2011, U.S. taxpayers spent an astounding 1.4 billion dollars on the Obamas.  Meanwhile, British taxpayers only spent 57.8 million dollars on the entire royal family.  Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?  So where did the 1.4 billion dollars go?  That money paid the salaries of their staff members, it paid for their transportation and housing costs, it paid for entertainment and vacations for the Obamas, and $102,000 was even spent on a "dog handler" for the family dog Bo.  In his new book entitled "Presidential Perks Gone Royal: Your Taxes Are Being Used For Obama's Re-election", author Robert Keith Gray reveals some absolutely shocking details about the enormous amounts of U.S. taxpayer money that are being spent on the personal needs of the Obamas.  At a time when the U.S. national debt is absolutely exploding this kind of outrageous spending is completely and totally inappropriate, but of course the mainstream media is not going to report on this because they don't want to do anything to put the Obamas in a bad light this close to the election.

Some of the things that Robert Keith Gray has uncovered are absolutely mind blowing.  The following are a few facts from his new book....

-Never before has so much money been spent on a president and his family during a single year

-The Obamas have the "biggest staff in history at the highest wages ever"

-While Obama has been in office, Air Force One has been "running with the frequency of a scheduled air line"

-Obama has 469 senior staff working under him, and 226 of them make more than $100,000 a year

-There is always at least one projectionist at the White House 24 hours a day just in case there is someone that wants to watch a movie.

-The "dog handler" for the family dog Bo reportedly makes $102,000 per year and sometimes he is even flown to where the family is vacationing so that he can care for the dog

Are you outraged yet?

When the Obamas are at the White House the expenses are outrageous, but the expenses really kick in to a whole new level when the Obamas go on vacation.

And the Obamas sure do love to go on vacation.

Over one recent 12 month period, Michelle Obama spent 42 days on vacation (and that does not even count Saturdays and Sundays).  The following is an excerpt from a Daily Mail article about the legendary Obama vacations....

The First Lady is believed to have taken 42 days of holiday in the past year, including a $375,000 break in Spain and a four-day ski trip to Vail, Colorado, where she spent $2,000 a night on a suite at the Sebastian hotel.

And the first family's nine-day stay in Martha's Vineyard is also proving costly, with rental of the Blue Heron Farm property alone costing an estimated $50,000 a week.

The source continued: 'Michelle also enjoys drinking expensive booze during her trips. She favours martinis with top-shelf vodka and has a taste for rich sparking wines.

'The vacations are totally Michelle's idea. She's like a junkie. She can't schedule enough getaways, and she lives from one to the next - all the while sticking it to hardworking Americans.'

As I wrote about the other day, many Americans are working so hard just to survive in this economy that they don't ever get to take any vacations at all.

But it doesn't seem to trouble the Obamas that many of their vacation trips cost more than many American workers will make in an entire decade....

The following is from a recent Newsmax article....

A trip to Spain in 2010 by Michelle Obama, family, and staff cost taxpayers $467,585 and a trip by the First Lady and family to South Africa and Botswana last year cost $424,142 for the flight and crew alone, according to Judicial Watch.

Yes, when the family of the president travels it is going to be expensive, but this is ridiculous.

It can even be insanely expensive for the Obamas to take a vacation even if they don't leave the country.

For example, in 2010 an Obama family vacation to Hawaii ended up costing U.S. taxpayers more than a million dollars.

So how much is too much?

It has been reported that Michelle Obama spent over 10 million dollars of U.S. taxpayer money on vacations during just one recent 12 month period alone.

At a time when there are 46 million Americans on food stamps is this an appropriate amount of U.S. taxpayer money to spend on vacationing?

It seems that Barack Obama does not have his priorities in order.

Barack Obama may not have time to meet with important world leaders such as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but he sure always seems to find time to play golf.  In fact, since he has been in the White House Obama has played more than 100 rounds of golf.

A lot of hard working American men have not played that many rounds of golf in their entire lifetimes.

Sadly, the Obamas are not the only ones that are blowing U.S. taxpayer money as if there is no tomorrow.

In a previous article, I detailed how the U.S. Congress is also living the high life at your expense.  The following are a few facts from that article....

-In 2010, the federal government spent $33,387 on the hair care needs of U.S. Senators.

-In 2010, U.S. Senators pulled $72,370 out of the "Senate Restaurant Fund".

-In 2010, U.S. Senators took $166,673 out of something called the "Senate Gift Shop Revolving Fund".

-In 2010, an average of $4,005,900 of U.S. taxpayer money was spent on "personal" and "office" expenses per Senator.

-Insider trading is 100% legal for members of Congress, and they refuse to pass a law that would change that.

So why don't these politicians get voted out?

Well, the truth is that both political parties are deeply corrupt, and both parties have learned that they can buy votes by promising lots of free stuff and benefits to the voters.

I have written previously about how the U.S. government gives out free cell phones and free cell phone minutes each month to welfare recipients.

In the video posted below, a protester outside of a Romney campaign event explains that one of the main reasons why she is going to vote for Obama is because he gave her a free cell phone....

Meanwhile, our national debt is growing out of control and the middle class is being absolutely crushed by taxes, regulations and the declining economy that Obama is overseeing.

According to one recent survey, 55 percent of all small business owners in America "say they would not start a business today given what they know now and in the current environment."

The economy is completely and totally falling apart, and yet the Obamas are partying as if it was 1999.  Their attitude seems to be "let them eat cake".

So what do you think about the crazy amount of money that is being spent on the Obamas every year?  Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below....




17 Numbers That Prove That The Redistribution Of Wealth Has Greatly Accelerated Under Obama

What is the number one job of the U.S. government?  Well, at this point the federal government in spending more time and money on redistributing wealth than it is on anything else.  In fiscal year 2012, 62 percent of the federal budget will be spent on entitlements.  How much farther do we have to go until everyone finally admits that we have become a socialist nation?  Our government has become the largest engine of wealth redistribution in the history of the world, and the redistribution of wealth has greatly accelerated during the presidency of Barack Obama.  Yes, wealth redistribution as a share of the economy also grew under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, but Barack Obama has taken things to an entirely new level.  Back when Ronald Reagan took office, less than 30 percent of all Americans lived in a home where at least one person was receiving government benefits.  Today, an all-time record 49 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives government (Read More....)



Authorities All Over America Are Cracking Down On Home Bible Studies And Other Expressions Of The Christian Faith

Could you imagine being fined $250 every time you have your friends come over to watch football?  Could you imagine having the government authorities take you to court over a Friday night card game?  Well, down in Venice, Florida authorities are cracking down on Shane and Marlen Roessiger for holding a Bible study in their home on Friday nights.  The meetings consist of at most 10 people gathering for a time of prayer and Bible study, but authorities in Venice insist that this is a "zoning violation" and Shane and Marlen Roessiger are being threatened with a fine of $250 per meeting.  Sadly, this is not the first time something like this has happened.  The truth is that authorities all over America are seeking to suppress home Bible studies and other expressions of the Christian faith.  It isn't enough that they have essentially removed every trace of Christianity from (Read More....)



Why Are So Many Young Adults Moving Back In With Mommy And Daddy?

In the United States today, more young adults than ever are living with their parents.  Right now, approximately 53 percent of all Americans in the 18 to 24 year old age bracket are living at home.  But many of them are still in school, so that is to be expected to a certain extent.  What is even more frightening is that one survey found that 85 percent of all college seniors plan on moving back in with Mommy and Daddy after graduation.  But isn't college supposed to be about getting the skills and education that you need so that you can become independent and start a life of your own?  Something has gone seriously wrong.  Even more frightening is a different survey that found that 29 percent of all Americans in the 25 to 34 year old age bracket are still living (Read More....)



Food Inflation, Food Shortages And Food Riots Are Coming

A devastating global food crisis unlike anything we have ever seen in modern times is coming.  Crippling drought and bizarre weather patterns have damaged food production all over the world this summer, and the UN and the World Bank have both issued ominous warnings about the food inflation that is coming.  To those of us in the western world, a rise in the price of food can be a major inconvenience, but in the developing world it can mean the difference between life and death.  Just remember what happened back in 2008.  When food prices hit record highs it led to food riots in 28 different countries.  Today, there are approximately 2 billion people that are malnourished around the globe.  Even rumors of food shortages are enough to spark mass chaos in many areas of the planet.  When people fear that they are not going to be able to feed their families they tend to get very desperate.  That is why a recent CNN article declared that "2013 will be a year of serious global crisis".  The truth is that we are not just facing rumors of a global food crisis - one is actually starting to unfold right in front of our eyes.  (Read More....)



40 Signs That We Have Seriously Messed Up The Next Generation Of Americans

What in the world have we done to our kids?  If you spend much time with them, you quickly realize that the next generation of Americans is woefully unprepared to deal with the real world.  They are overweight, lazy, undisciplined, disrespectful, disobedient to their parents, selfish, self-centered, and completely addicted to entertainment.  And that is just for starters.  We feed them insane amounts of sugar and high fructose corn syrup and then when they become overactive we pump them full of prescription drugs to calm them down.  Instead of raising our children ourselves, we allow the government schools and the entertainment industry to do it.  By the time they reach the age of 18, they have spent far more time with their teachers, their video games and the television than they have spent with us.  Our young people are #1 in a lot of global categories, but almost all of them are bad.  Young people in the United States are more obese than anyone else in the world, more sexually active than anyone else in the world and they become pregnant more often than anyone else in the world.  Of course it probably doesn't help that we have the highest divorce rate in the world either.  Our families are a complete and total mess and it is our kids that (Read More....)



16 Sickening Facts That Show How Members Of Congress And Federal Workers Are Living The High Life At Your Expense

Once upon a time, working for the federal government was considered to be a sacrifice and it often involved a significant reduction in pay.  Millions of Americans felt that serving their country and making a difference more than made up for the reduced wages that they would receive.  Unfortunately, those days are long gone.  Today, the federal government is the place to go if you want a cushy, high paying job with tons of benefits.  It is incredibly hard to be fired from a federal job, and if you stick around long enough you will be guaranteed a huge pension for the rest of your life.  The laziness at some federal agencies is absolutely legendary.  Trust me, I used to work in Washington D.C. and I have seen the mindset firsthand.  Some federal buildings are absolute ghost towns at 5:01 PM.  Hordes of federal workers are just putting in their time, collecting their fat paychecks and counting down the days until retirement.  And members of Congress are some of the worst (Read More....)



84 Statistics That Prove That The Decline Of The Middle Class Is Real And That It Is Getting Worse

The middle class in America is being systematically destroyed.  Once upon a time the United States had the largest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the world.  The rest of the globe looked at us in envy and wondered what we were doing right.  But now everything seems to be going wrong for the middle class.  Millions of our jobs have been shipped out of the country and competition for the remaining jobs is keeping wages at depressed levels.  Meanwhile, the cost of living just keeps going up and up and middle class budgets are being stretched and strained like never before.  Millions more Americans fall out of the middle class and into poverty every single year, and government dependence is at an all-time high.  Finding a solution to the decline of the middle class is absolutely central to fixing the economic problems in this country.  Without a large, thriving middle class this would not be America.  The truth is that people from all over the world want to come here because they want to work hard, buy a house, raise a (Read More....)