Albert L. Peia, ProSe
P.O. Box 370434
Reseda, CA91337-0434
-------------------------) PERJURY/FRAUD/RICOVIOLATIONS.
or as soonthereafter as counsel may be heard in courtroom
3 of the HonorableDean D. Pregerson, U.S.D.C.J. of the
above entitledcourt, located at 312 N.Spring St., Los
Angeles, CA.,Plaintiff Albert L. Peia will move this court
for Summary Judgmentagainst defendant Rene Lopez De
Arenosa inaccordance with Federal Rules of Civil Proce-
dure, Rule 56 (L.R.56-1), in the amount set forth in
Plaintiff’sSchedule of Damages, trebled pursuant to TITLE
18 U.S.C. SECTION1961 ET SEQ., RICO, attorneys fee,
and punitivedamages. Plaintiff also respectfully requests
the criminalreferral of the clear, uncontrovertable crime
of perjury bydefendant De Arenosa and such other relief as
the court deemsjust.
papers, schedule,exhibits, declaration, and memorandum.
trebledpursuant to RICO for a total of $45,000
plus punitivedamages, attorneys fee, and costs of suit (to
court) be entered.
uncontrovertablecrime of perjury by defendant De Arenosa
be made herein.
Dated: 8-02-02