Angeles,CA 90013, hereby certify and declare under penalty
as follows:
calledupon to testify I could and would competently
testify(truthfully) to the following facts of my own
was without anyfunds whatsoever for transportation to the
courthousein Van Nuys, CA or funds with which to contact
thecourt telephonically. I did not receive funds to
facilitateeither of the same until 8-3-02 which date was
beyondmy control and can be confirmed with the county.
Parenthetically,it should be noted that I was the subject
of a robbery indowntown LA, police report and inventory
are annexed heretoas Exhibit “A”. I have not had funds
sufficient toreplace my cell phone which was among the
items stolen andwhich would have enabled me to
call the court. Iwas, however, able to walk to the federal
courthouse to reviewthe “related” RICO case, discern a bad
faith answerinterposed by defendant DeArenosa therein, and
prepare and file thesummary judgment motion in said matter
which is annexedhereto as Exhibit “B”.
compensatoryand $1,000,000 punitive. The matters involved
inthis case are egregious, numerous, and involving inten-
tionaland criminal acts and the claims meritorious. In my
therein representeda compromised amount to resolve the
matteras to all parties (particularly in light of as set
forththerein the priority of a separate and very
substantialextent RICO matter back east). Indeed, the
dismissalas to a remaining joint-tortfeasor/co-
conspiratorwith defendant Ojeda, viz., defendant Robles
[formy costs of discovery motion, $750 ($850-100), in
setforth in my opposition thereto, particularly with
regardto the requirement of diligence, with the
aggravatingcircumstances of purposefulness, and the
criminalact of perjury] and the substantial prejudice to
plaintiffthereby (the “State Farm insured” defendants
settledout for $10,000).
followingis apposite, militates against reclassification,
andis asserted by plaintiff herein:
purportedOrder to Show Cause regarding the foregoing
priorto my review of the record on 8-6-02. Indeed, the
casehistory/docket appears to contain several errors;
viz,ie., there was no 3rd Amended Complaint (only a first
amendedcomplaint, and no notice of the Order to Show
enteredin the record in error on 12-10-02. Indeed,
adequatenotice, record, and opportunity to be heard are
wantingin the instant case militating against same. See
Dated: 8-10-02