June 16 , 2007   




St. Marks 5th St. Part A CA LTD Part                                    

1317 E. 7th St.

Los Angeles, CA 90021


Dear Sir/Madam:  


  6-16-07 ante meridian: The tenant(s) in #412 over objection continued her/their loud music/partying beginning after 6:00 am and continued through much of the hour, over objection, having awakened me. This is a frustrating time of the month for these animals inasmuch as they've dissipated their welfare funds on illegal drugs/alcohol and are just miserable and as always, irrational. These animals should be in prisons. Indeed, these addicts should not be "partying/criming" at taxpayer expense, should be stripped of welfare (which should be abolished as set forth above) and their subsidized housing, and immediately be required to submit to mandatory/closely controlled drug testing (cost deducted from their benefits/per test) while steps to abolish same move forward. The smell of marijuana is often in the air; ie., bathrooms, even the hallways, etc.. As you probably know, crack cocaine is a stimulant (along with methamphetamine) which would explain the all-night partying sessions.


A relatively new tenant, the ignorant animal in #412 has for the second time in almost as many days continued the playing of loud music, which echoes even louder into the alley with her window open. I don’t know the name of this tenant but she is a female and a negroe as best a description I can give. This constitutes a violation of the rules and as well, a breach of warranties, express and implied, quiet enjoyment, etc., and I am damaged thereby.



                                                      Sincerely Yours,    ______________________                                                                                                       

                                                                                       Albert L. Peia

                                                                                       611 E. 5th St., #404

                                                                                       Los Angeles, Ca. 90013      




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