Albert L. Peia                          CAOT97 Week 11– Assignment                      5-10-04

Concepts and Skills Review                                                                  Unit D HTML

Concepts Review 

Elements of Browser Screen for Form Include:


1.      Radio Buttons.

2.      Radio Button Labels.

3.      Checkboxes.

4.      Select box.

5.      Text box (hidden/password).

6.      Submit button.



7.      Labels are the descriptive text that accompany a field.

8.      Back end are the programs that reside on an organization’s computer system, and which are responsible for processing the submitted data.

9.      Field is a form element that allows user input.

10.  A form is a group of HTML elements that facilitates interactivity.

11.  CGI is the protocol for exchanging information between a Web server and processing software.

12.  <form>…</form> are the tags used  to create a form.

13.  Checked is an attribute you can use to preselect an item in a radio button list.

14.  Checkbox is the form field that requires.

15.  <option> tags mark a menu item in a pull down menu.

16.  The ‘value’ attribute allows you to customize the text on a push button.

17.  The web page that users see in their browsers is called the Web site’s front end.

18.  E-commerce software in form submission is part of order processing and confirmation .