Albert L. Peia                          CAOT97 Week 11– Assignment                      5-3-04

Concepts and Skills Review                                                                  Unit B HTML



Concepts Review 



1.      <font face= “arial, helvetica, sans serif”> is a tag with attributes that formats the text font style, in this case “without serif”.

2.      <font color=”#A52A2A”>  is a tag with attributes that formats the text font color.

3.      <em> </em> is a two-sided logical (as opposed to physical) character tag that formats the text font style for emphasis, usually displayed as italics.

4.      <strong> </strong> is a two-sided logical (as opposed to physical) character tag that formats the text font style for ie., emphasis, usually displayed as ‘bold’.

5.      <ul> </ul> is a two-sided tag that formats an unordered or bulleted list.




6.       color modifies <font>.

7.       align modifies <p>.

8.       type modifies <ol>.

9.       start modifies <ol>.

10.   face modifies <font>.

11.  size modifies <font>.

12.   <ol> </ol> is a two-sided tag/html code that formats an ordered or numbered list.

13.   <strong> </strong> is a two-sided logical (as opposed to physical) character tag that formats the text font style for ie., emphasis, usually displayed as ‘bold’.

14.   <font color=”#A52A2A”>  is a tag with attributes that formats the text font color.

15.   <p align =center> modifies <p> and center aligns a paragraph.

16.   <u></u> should not be used to avoid confusion (with hypertext links).

17.   <strong> </strong> is a two-sided logical (as opposed to physical) character tag that formats the text font style for ie., emphasis, usually displayed as ‘bold’ and is interpretable by web interfaces other than browsers.

18.    <ol> </ol> is a two-sided tag/html code that formats an ordered or numbered list where order is important.