Lew Rockwell: Ron Paul will NOT Endorse Mitt Romney

Prisonplanet.com | Lew Rockwell joins Alex to discuss the latest in the Ron and Rand Paul controversy.

{ I include this and infowars/prisonplanet headlines so as not to be accused of first amendment obstruction. Yet, I’m constrained to point out that I was censored on the alex jones sites who despite endlessly complaining about censorship, do so themselves (particularly regarding American inherently criminal predispositions, which of course lead ineluctably to much of what alex jones complains about, especially corruption). Jones et als complain about jivetalking pre-disposed failed president and dictatorial despot wobama yet seek to be wobama’s best friends in embracing whatever it is that yields proven failure and ominously worse by a petulant attitude that ignores the reality of flawed americana. Fortunately, the grueling primary battle of which Ron Paul was a willing participant has yielded the ultimate winner in November in the person of President Mitt Romney. Sadly, jones remains ‘mr. tubby not too bright’ (he really isn’t that bright) from Texas who just can’t help himself as the moth to the flame in ineluctably embracing losing whenever he can, chiding others for not  following his lemming path beyond the precipice (ie., the wiser Rand Paul – Ron Paul was 77 and never resonated despite equal opportunity to do so), which makes him a loser in spades. He’s really become quite an embarrassment to anyone who has ever appreciated his attempts to call a spade a spade! Signed: Al Peia  I’ve logged in for this one comment only and will post no others, and will delete the account registration in short order.  http://albertpeia.com }












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Signed: Albert L Peia     Dated: 6-17-12