Business Summary Links By Day


 Graham Eats Humble Pie  September 13, 2012  { This is an especially great opportunity to sell this suckers market/take profits! Nothings been solved! Just because no-recession-helicopter-ben says something, does not mean its true (remember that no recession call of his; and, of course, no QE before the election, prospectively, already discounted many times over by the markets, such as they are, ie., algo buy programs, etc.. ).  All this and now whatever is too little and too late for the uss Titanic which has taken on too much, not water, but b***s***. This was a desperate move, bespeaking desperation.The fact is things are ominously so bad, and worse than allowed to be seen for the moment, that something as this QE which is economically and financially contraindicated and a proven failure for all but the frauds on wall street along with their cohorts including desperate politicos, is resorted to in desperation to divert attention from their unequivocal failure. After all, though having cost so many americans their jobs with wrong calls and policies, bernanke is trying to save his own by inflating the markets (along with everything else, ultimately hyperinflationary)  for fellow failure wobamas sake (wobama rehired failure bernanke, President Romney would have fired, and will fire him goldman sachs knew this dollar debasing failed policy QE 3 would come and at the expense of the muppetsthats their term for all you suckers). I further believe this contraindicated largess to the frauds on wall street is to preserve his post fedship tenure job possibilities by ingratiating himself even further with those nefarious, self-serving interest groups. }   For months Ive predicted we wouldnt see QE 3. Its now clear I was wrong. The Fed just announced QE 3. And while the implications of this will not be positive for the cost of living in the US, or ultimately the markets (inflation will eat away profit margins), the fact of the matter is that on this forecast I was totally and completely wrong. With that in mind, Im openly admitting that this call was 100% incorrect. Ditto for my predictions of the ECBs moves.  The ECBs actions are of questionable value. However, the fact remains that the ECB is monetizing bonds or will at least try to (unless Germany stops them). So I was 100% wrong there too…’,  The Fed Panicked Posted by: Econophile Post date: 09/13/2012 - The Fed panicked. It is extraordinary that the Fed would announce an open-ended "we'll print as much as it takes, as long as it takes" policy. Chairman Bernanke is sending a signal to the markets and...   ,   Daves Daily:  FED IN FOR A PENNY IN FOR A POUND  9-13-12  Basically the Fed has gone too far done the money printing mode to stop now. They believe what their policies will stimulate employment but all operations in this regard have failed. The Bernank will spin this as an apolitical move coming two months before an election that could cost him his jobjust sayin.The highlights include: Fed to keep policies stimulative for a considerable time. The Fed will buy $40 billion Mortgage Backed Securities continuing Operation Twist and extends (aspirationally) ZIRP into 2015. The key language is the following sentence from the official announcement:If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset purchases, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability.This policy is intended to boost asset prices and prevent a Japanese style deflationary cycle. No matter what they say, TPTB will always choose inflation vs deflation every time. Thus far theyve succeeded in supporting their primary clients, the mega-banks. Beyond that these operations might see liquidity trickle down to the 99%. For the rest of us now, it might be better to just toss money out the window like the bank robbers yesterday. At least this would go directly to the people, againjust sayin. Price stability which they believe exists, exits only in the conjured-up data from the flawed structure of the CPI and other measures. My understanding is there isnt enough MBS debt around for them to buy at $40 billion a month. Maybe theyll start going to garage sales to buy stuff thus pumping up prices. The bottom line for us is were long markets from stem to stern so why should we complain? Being disciplined and systematic is more important than raging at the machine. One thing QE has done is to make a hash of normal technical analysis since the more money than brains theme trumps everything. Lets just say everything was higher today with the exception of the dollar and conventional bonds. Volume on this bullish QE day was much higher than recently putting previous light volume melt-ups in the rear view mirror. Breadth per the WSJ was quite positive but shy of a 90/10 overall  ,   QE3: Helicopter Ben Bernanke Makes It Rain Money  ‘…The course that the Federal Reserve has set us on is utter insanity.  Ben Bernanke can rain money down on us all he wants, but it is not going to do much at all to help the real economy.  However, it will definitely hasten the destruction of the U.S. dollar…’  ,  The Punchline In His Own Words: Bernanke Advocates Blowing Asset Bubbles As The Antidote To Depression  If there was one absolutely must see moment exposing everything that is broken with the Fed's brand new policy of QE-nfinity, it was this exchange between Reuters' Pedro da Costa and the Chairman. It explains, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the only goal the Fed now has is to reflate the stock market bubble to previously unseen levels, to focus on generating jobs although not for everyone but only for Wall Street, consequences be damned, because by the time the consequences arrive, and they will (just recall that subprime is contained) they will be some other Fed chairman's problem. Bernake's term mercifully runs out in January 2014  ,  Up  In case you missed it. Markets soared on the back of possibly the darkest day in central-planning banking largesse. Gold and Silver were the biggest winners, though stocks will get all the attention we are sure. Treasuries initially sold off on the news that this was an MBS program (and mortgage spreads collapsed from already record tights) but by the close, Treasury yields had almost round-tripped to pre-FOMC levels. For the first hour or so after the news, all assets moved in sync and correlations soared across risk-assets, but as the afternoon wore on, FX carry consolidated, Treasuries retreated (and 2s10s30s fell), dragging risk lower leaving stocks up near their highs in a world of unicorns and free-money. Notably, it appeared that stocks caught up to high-yield credits' recent exuberance and then found little ability to push ahead. HYG (the high-yield bond ETF) remains notably rich to real bond prices. VIX tumbled under 14% (down almost 2 vols) but notably the term structure of vol collapsed even more - as it seemed the QuEnfinity prompted longer-term hedges to be lifted. A remarkable day in many ways as the S&P crosses over 14x P/E and AAPL over 20% of the Nasdaq-100.  ,  Guest Post: Psychoanalyzing The Fed  There is one last irony in Bernanke's constant promotion of his powers to unleash QE. Having talked up the market for years with his promises/threats of QE, the market has priced in ever higher doses of QE, in effect bidding expectations of QE's effectiveness to the sky. Bernanke has lost the power to surprise the market. Having raised expectations to the sky, he must deliver something beyond the stratosphere to surprise the market. But he doesn't have anything capable of matching the absurd expectations he's inflated, never mind exceed them. The only surprise left is a negative one. Chairman Bernanke and his fellow doves will soon realize the consequences of over-promising and under-delivering. It works better the other way around, but now it's too late.   ,   Fed Releases Latest Economic Forecast Which Will Be Proven 100% Wrong   With a few minutes to go until Ben speaks, the entirely useless projections are out (as noted before by Reuters that the Fed has been constantly wrong in its forecasts). The stunning punchline is that according to the Fed things are not as bad as one would have expected given the dramatic open-ended shart-fest that Bernanke is portraying. In fact, things are improving per the FOMC! Though we assume that these projections are self-defeating since they likely include this new policy. Be interested to see the pre-policy projections.

  • *FED: 2012 GROWTH OF 1.7%-2.0% VS 1.9%-2.4% IN JUNE
  • *FED: JOBLESS END OF 2013 AT 7.6%-7.9% VS 7.5%-8.0% IN JUNE

One wonders, whether in addition to having excel models which appoarently do not recognize circular assumptions, if the Fed's forecasts also assume $10 gas, $100 loaves of bread, and $10,000 gold?







AP Business Highlights 

...Yahoo Market Update…

Metal News for the Day

What’s Happened To The FBI/DOJ?

Compendium of Important Business / National / World News / Topics / Articles / Headlines


FBI Nazi Bikers Bust FBI Nazi Bikers - What's Up At The FBI/DOJ?


Impeach Obama 2012. Join the National Campaign | Now is the time to put an end to Obama’s treasonous and tyrannical behavior.

Nancy Pelosi Wants to Amend the First Amendment Kurt Nimmo | When Pelosi says “special interests,” she means interests opposed to establishment Democrats. [ Here’s a look at the pelosi / wobama styled new california  ( 16 Reasons To Move Away From California  ) . pelosi’s incompetent / senile in that chronological order. At this point, wobama the b for b***s*** is just incompetent but acts and seems as if he’s senile, particularly with regard to previous things he’s said and prior promises that he’s made. ]

Wobama’s Choom Gang Bangin’ { This brief video (11 mb) is well done and worth a watch!  } 


PAPER: Obama's grandfather tortured by the British? A fantasy (like most of the President's own memoir)... {  }




Drudgereport: Obama: 'Sometimes I Forget' Magnitude of Recession…{ Oh! How conveniently forgetful, though the vast majority of americans don’t have wobama’s luxury of feigned amnesia suffering from what wobama did and didn’t do contrary to promises last time around the perpetual campaign trail littered with his typical jive-talking b***s***! The following headline will help him remember some of his sordid, pot-clouded high school past! }...
FLASHBACK: Obama's Sordid High School Past...
By Ben Shapiro ‘While the Washington Post has been diligently digging into relatively innocent high school pranks by Mitt Romney, they’ve spent the last few years diligently ignoring President Obama’s far more controversial high school days.Obama, by all accounts, was a habitual drug user in high school. He tried cocaine, he admits in Dreams From My Father; he “tried drugs enthusiastically.” The Chicago Tribune reported back in 2007 that Obama thanked the “Choom Gang” in his high school yearbook; “chooming” was Hawaiian slang for smoking pot. The Honolulu Advertiser reported that Obama’s senior portrait “prominently displayed … A package of ‘Zig-Zag’ rolling papers and a matchbook.” One of Obama’s close friends was arrested for drug possession during high school.In his memoir, Obama talked about routinely getting high. “Junkie. Pothead,” he wrote. “That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man.” But, according to Obama, he only got high because he was contemplating deep matters: drugs could “push questions of who I was out of my mind.” Obama told students in 2007 that this activity constituted “goofing off” and “wasting time”:"I will confess to you that I was kind of a goof off in high school as my mom reminded me," Obama said. "I went to high school in Hawaii, so there's a lot of opportunity to goof off because the weather is really good all the time …"You know, I made some bad decisions …. You know, got into drinking and experimenting with drugs. There was a whole stretch of time where I didn't apply myself. It wasn't until I got out of … high school, and went to college that I started realizing, man, I wasted a lot of time.”The New York Times, however, went out of its way to find Obama’s classmates to testify that drugs played only a “bit part” in Obama’s youth. Yet Obama would later brag on the campaign trail that he “inhaled frequently … that was the point.”During his high school years, Obama hung out with communist radical Frank Marshall Davis; in 2007, the Los Angeles Times reported that during his high school days, “he felt the first stirrings of anger toward whites. He says he also delved into black nationalism.” He was “offended or even enraged when white classmates adopted black street slang or revealed their underlying consciousness of his race by going out of their way to tell him how much they admired a black musician or athlete.” This activity is certainly more reflective of Obama’s ideological history than Mitt Romney’s pranks on teachers and fellow students. And as for the drug use – well, that seems just a bit more serious than walking a teacher into a door or cutting a student’s hair. But leave it to the Post to ignore or downplay all of that in favor of continuing stories about Romney’s dog, his high school hijinks, and whatever other nonsense they can use to protect President Obama from his own incompetence.Ben Shapiro is Breitbart News Editor-at-Large.  Follow him on twitter @benshapiro.
Cracks in the Washington Post story on Romney’s ‘pranks’ emerge
Correction Request: Washington Post Uses Falsehood in Romney Hit Piece
Media Downplays Obama's Past, Tries to Define Romney with Teen Prank
If we're going to delve deep into a candidate's past, let's delve deep into a candidate's past. Here's Obama in his own words admitting to physically shoving a little girl named Coretta. Yes, it was at this moment that the first shot in the War on Women was fired.

 No doubt that after expending all that energy bullying an innocent little girl, young Obama readied himself for round two by eating a Golden Retriever. More on this breaking story here.If you're wondering what the rules are regarding a candidate's past; how far back we're allowed to go in an attempt to define them -- the answer is simple: the corrupt media will let us know.
Washington Post Disgraces Itself By Targeting Romney's 'Anti-Gay' High School Pranks

Obama WILL NOT pursue gay marriage as part of party platform...
STONE: 'Playing a cruel and cynical game'...
Unites Republicans?
New Black Panther Niggers Plan Newspaper Cover With Zimmerman In Noose { and civilized people everywhere should respond with niggers in nooses and contributions to the Klu Klux Klan! } ...
LOONEY CLOONEYLAND: BIG CAMPAIGN BOXOFFICE FOR NIGGERO – Meanwhile, looney clooneyland ain’t doin’ so well with the niggero model – see next headline! ...

Failed Wobama model illustrated: 16 Reasons To Move Away From California
Postal Service loses $3.2b in first quarter...
78% of California 8th graders fail national science test...




                                                                       { some prior links of current interest }


A Warning Sign For The World  , Inventor of World Wide Web Savages Government’s Big Brother Plans , 16 Reasons To Move Away From California  ,  20 Signs You Might Be A Typical American Worker , 10 Signs That America Is Decomposing Right In Front Of Our Eyes , Soylent Pepsi is People | Ground up dead baby fetuses… just business as usual. {  Well, let’s not kid ourselves; there’s likely canabalism in wobama’s line! How totally disgusting. I’ll never drink pepsi ever again! } New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union And A One World Economic System { The truly astounding thing here is that without exception, these respective nations, from largest to smallest, can’t even manage themselves, their own nations properly, efficiently; and then there’s the inevitable corruption, ‘bigger and better?’. Come on! More obfuscation! In a world such as this, human nature being what it is, ‘bigger is definitely not better’! They’re pushing on a string! Time for accountability! Time to pay the piper! Additionally, people must come to grips with the reality that wobama hasn’t the slightest idea what he’s doing; hence, the over-vacationed teleprompter reader whose ‘handlers’ have literally taken over policy, with some ‘slick’ maneuvering to try and repackage him; ultimately to no avail inasmuch as his disastrous results at home and abroad speak volumes. If only he had done what he said he was going to do last campaign, this nation and the world would have been in a better position today! } , Military Winning War Over Pensions Bruce Krasting 05/02/2012 Why is the Military Retirement Fund exploding higher? , This Is the First Time In History that All Central Banks Have Printed Money at the Same Time … And They’re Failing Miserably Washington’s Blog | Simultaneous Global Printing Is Failing Miserably. Why New York Times Economist Paul Krugman Is Partly Right But Mostly Wrong  , NBER's Martin Feldstein Bashes The Deplorable US Economy, Says Bernanke Has Engineered Another Stock Bubble Tyler Durden 5-2-12 , Hugh Hendry On Europe "You Can't Make Up How Bad It Is" ,  Biderman Makes Friends: "Bankers Are As Dumb As Politicians" , Guest Post: 3 Likely Triggers Of The Next Recession {  Financial Crisis Phase II Is Ahead at Forbes Bert Dohmen ‘ In late 2007, I wrote the book Prelude To Meltdown, predicting the global crisis that occurred the following year.  I now see a similar confluence of events .. “the new recession has started.”… Over the past 33 years, we have called the start of every recession..Currently, the GDP deflator is 1.8%, which hardly reflects the true rise in prices. Therefore, what is counted as “growth,” is actually price increases. Actual now more than 11%. Using that to adjust GDP for inflation, would show that the economy is now in a very sharp contraction…’ }   ] , Zuckerman To CNBC: "The Recession Never Ended" 8 Reasons Why The Greek Debt Deal May Not Stop A Chaotic Greek Debt Default , 55 Interesting Facts About The U.S. Economy In 2012  ,  , Double-dip recession setting in across eurozone: EU , America 1950 vs. America 2012 , Society’s Five Stages of Economic Collapse ,  No Housing Recovery - Case Shiller Shows 8th Consecutive Month Of House Price Declines, Goldman: Germany Is Now On The Hook By €1 Trillion (Or 40% Of GDP), 20 Economic Statistics To Use To Wake Sheeple Up From Their Entertainment-Induced Comas  , Central bank balance sheet expansion since end 2007  Mar 1st, 2012 by News (ZeroHedge) — SNB +230%; Fed +222%, BOJ +125%, BOE +87%, PBOC +93%, ECB +51%. USA Gold / PG View: Pretty strong evidence that the rally in bonds — and by extension the rally in stocks — is nothing but a charade. , 10.7 Percent: Unemployment In Europe Is Worse Than It Was At The Peak Of The Last Recession , Inflation Is A Tax And The Federal Reserve Is Taxing The Living Daylights Out Of Us  , 15 Potentially Massive Threats To The U.S. Economy Over The Next 12 Months , 1 Through 30 – The Coming U.S. Financial Crisis By The Numbers Greece Has Defaulted - Which Country In Europe Is Next? , Five Charts That Prove We’re in a Depression and That the Federal Reserve and Washington Are Wasting Money gpc1981  , Broken Promises: Pensions All Over America Are Being Savagely Cut Or Are Vanishing Completely .  , America Is Being Transformed From A Wealthy Nation Into A Poor Nation At Breathtaking Speed , ECRI Stays with Recession Call  New American | The vicious cycle is starting where lower sales, lower production, lower employment and lower income [leads] back to lower sales…BOB ADELMANN New American Tuesday, March 13, 2012 , Consumer prices rise on high gas costs But outside higher pump prices, inflation stayed mild. (Washington Post) [ Wake up! They’d have a hard time denying what’s in plain sight for everyone to see. Yet, apparently they’ve not gone grocery shopping lately; you know, all that catered food for fools in Washington.  , Financial Crisis Phase II Is Ahead at Forbes Bert Dohmen ‘ In late 2007, I wrote the book Prelude To Meltdown, predicting the global crisis that occurred the following year.  I now see a similar confluence of events that warns of phase II of the global crisis… My work shows that “the new recession has started.”… Over the past 33 years, we have called the start of every recession, often on the exact month, or within one month, of the official start as determined one year later by the official arbiter of recession, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)… However, inflation is far understated for political reasons. Currently, the GDP deflator is 1.8%, which hardly reflects the true rise in prices. Therefore, what is counted as “growth,” is actually price increases. Actual inflation, according to free market economists who calculate inflation as it was done in 1980 before the politician re-engineered it, is now more than 11%. Using that to adjust GDP for inflation, would show that the economy is now in a very sharp contraction…’ , Conned 2012: Joseph Kony Is A CIA Contractor  [ Yeah, cia, mossad, kony, they look like and are a bunch of spooks. ] Saman Mohammadi | Former European MP, journalist, and author Richard Cottrell says Lord Resistance Army is backed by CIA and Mossad. , 11 Reasons Why America Would Be A Better Place Without Goldman Sachs [ If only it was just 11 and not an endless number of reasons why the aforesaid is true! And, though america particularly, not just america, but the entire world as well! ]   , The Obama Flag: Who Decided That It Was Okay To Replace The Stars On The American Flag With The Face Of Barack Obama?   [Aside from the desecration issues, from a purely aesthetic perspective, that picture on the flag of that ugly monkey obama is an absolute disgrace and affront to any rational person’s aesthetic sensibilities!] , Who Decided That It Would Be A Good Idea.... , Chimps Throwing Poop And 29 Other Mind Blowing Ways That The Government Is Wasting Your Money  , Failed Wobama model illustrated: 16 Reasons To Move Away From California  , No Housing Recovery Until 2020 In 5 Simple Charts
, The Mother Of All Infographics: Visualizing America's Derivatives Universe   Fasten Your Seatbelts: High Frequency Trading Is Coming To The Treasury Market    [ , As US Rakes Largest Monthly Deficit In History, 2012 Tax Revenues Net Of Refunds Trail 2011Guest Post: Money from Nothing - A Primer On Fake Wealth Creation And Its Implications (Part 1)What is fraud except creating “value” from nothing and passing it off as something? Frauds interlink and grow upon each other. Our debt-based money system serves as the fraud foundation. In our debt-based money system, debt must grow in order to create money. Therefore, there is no way to pay off aggregate debt with available money. More money must be lent into the system to make the payments for old debts. This causes overall debt to expand as new money for actual people (vs. banks) always arrives at interest and compounds exponentially. This process is called financialization. Financialization: The process of making money from nothing in which debt (i.e. poverty, lack) is paradoxically considered an asset (i.e. wealth, gain). In current financialized economies “wealth expansion” comes from the parasitic taxation of productivity in the form of interest on fiat lending. This interest over time consumes a greater and greater share of resources, assets, labor, and livelihood until nothing is left., Guest Post: Money from Nothing - A Primer on Fake Wealth Creation and its Implications (Part 2) Only in a debt-based money system could debt be curiously cast as an asset. We’ve made “extend and pretend” a quaint phrase for a burgeoning market for financial lying and profiteering aimed toward preventing the collapse of a debt- (or lack-) based system that was already doomed by its initial design to collapse. , Guest Post: The Audacity of Bonuses At MF GlobalIn the spirit of George Orwell’s Animal Farm commandment: “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal then others” comes the galling news that bankruptcy trustee, Louis Freeh, could approve the defunct, MF Global to pay bonuses to certain senior executives. This, despite the fact that nearly $1.6 billion of customer funds remains “missing” or otherwise partially accounted for, yet beyond the reach of those customers, perhaps forever, since before the firm declared bankruptcy on October 31, 2011...