What Really Happened


December 26, 2003

False alarm? No evidence found of plot on airliners

US: There are terrorists on your planes!

FRANCE: No there aren't.

US: Yes there ARE!


US: Yes.


US: Are TOO!


Criminal america's Search for Terrorists Should Begin With Terrorist Client-State israel and self

So cogent, accurate, and relevant was Mr. White's well-researched piece, it is reprinted in it's entirety; links follow:

"Israel Must be Sanctioned as a Terroristic State

After World War I. The people claiming to be Israeli's came from Europe under visa from the British government in acordance with the Balfour agreement made between the World Zionists and its leader Adolf Weismann headquartered in Europe and the British government to immigrate Jews to Palestine, later to be labeled terrorists by Great Britaiin. Prior to the Jewish Zionist terrorism only 12,000 Jews were living in the area before the great settlements prior to World War II, when Hitler sent Adolph Eichman in 1935 to rile the Jews and eject them out of Germany sending 135,000 Jews into the area when 12,000 were the limit under immigration agreeement so Germany could have access to fossile fuels; and after World War II when the Jewish Zionists chose to abuse their immigration quoto of no more than 12, 000 Jewish settlers per year and started immigrating hundreds of thousands of Jews per year deliberately stealing territory owned by the Palestinians through genocide and terrorism on the Palestinain people. The thinking of the Zionists is that the Jews had a right to the lands of which there is no truth. As in all schizo affected personalities and mentally diseased personalities or groups being those of of terrorists and tyrrants is the belief that God commanded them to do some evil task out of selfishness excluding the others in the world.

Recently, when the Congress of the United States approved 87 billion dollars for reconstruction of Iraq, it secrectlyt gave Israel two billion dollars to build a wall to force the Palestinians out of their homeland.

The truth is is that the United States Congress promised the Palestinians under the Balfour Agreement that the new Jewish settlors, terroristic Zionists, would live under Palestinian control. The Jewish settlers promised the world community the same. The US congress ratified the Balfour Accords. Obviously the Jewish terroristic zionists revolted and the United States recognized Israel as a nation in 1948. The problem with this is that Great Britain labeled the Israelis as terrorists until 1950 an undeniable fact in history. Thus the Israeli's are not entitled to the land and should be ejected from the Palestinian territory. They are terrorists

Conclusively, Israel must remove it's weapons of mass destruction or be bombed by World justice, if it is to be applied fairly. The world community must remove all nuclear weapons from Israeli soil as well. It is the Israelis who have been irresponsible to their neighbors. All money held in banks belonging to Israel should be frozen no differently than those of Muslim terrorist groups. This includes US citizens who have duel citizenship as well as Jewish citizens are no different that the Muslim or Arab citizen.

So Mr. Bush, Israel is a terroristic nation with a history of genocide and attrocity, which was founded on killing Palestinians and violation of treaty agreement with Great Britain. You know Israel was not recognized by Great Britain until 1950. So close the Israeli embassy and treat it with equity as with Iraq. To take away Palestinain terrority by using weappons of mass destruction as Israel has done warrants world condemnation.
Leeland O. White
Last edited by lee white on 12-23-2003 at 05:24 PM"

jews sink u.s. ship Liberty, kill 34 u.s. sailors. click .

jews despoil medical profession with their avarice. click . ; click .

jews despoil/corrupt legal/judicial profession with their venality, avarice, and lack of moral/ethical compass. click ; click ; and generally, click .

jews spy on, and severely damage the stupid criminal americans who indirectly funded said activities and consequent damage. click ; click .

jews are terrorists. click .

jews kill babies. click .

herod tried (killed all those babies) and the jews finally succeeded (with some roman help) in killing Jesus Christ, to the substantial and continuing damage to this planet.

jews lack inspiration, innate talent/ability, and feel compelled to obsessively (consistent with their neuroses, unbalanced childhoods, etc.) cheat, steal, lie, murder, maim, etc., to eke out an advantage or extra buck.


The web site is: http://peia.250free.com .

'Clucker' (pen name) of the Pravda.ru forum accurately and thoughtfully sets forth the following:

Israel's WMD's ???

If Libya can do it, why not Israel? - We can no longer turn a blind eye to the fifth largest nuclear power.

If weapons of mass destruction are a menace in unstable regions such as the Middle East, if their availability must be reduced, then logic begins to move us closer to the confrontation we never seek with the nuclear power we - let alone Messrs Bush and Blair - seldom mention: Israel. ....

... Ariel Sharon probably has more than 200 nuclear warheads ...

... The US Congress concludes that Israel has "undeclared offensive chemical warfare capabilities" and is "generally reported as having an undeclared offensive biological warfare programme". Bombs, missiles, delivery systems, gases, germs? Tel Aviv has the lot. We only forget to remember because it's not a suitable subject for polite diplomatic conversation. ...

Click . ================

Pressure on Israel to scrap WMD

The US has just finished invading a nation on the mere (and as it turned out unfounded) suspicion that they might have weapons of mass destruction. Unless the US Government takes the same stance with Israel, it will be obvious to all that US efforts at disarmament are directed by Israel for Israel's benefit. Click . Click . =================

Iraqi Scientists Paid $2 Million Retainers (For Prospective False Testimony-Watch).

Fraud is a way of life for the criminal americans,

ie., they never went to the moon, click ;

go along with the u.s. government illegal drug trade or else, and no one leaves the operation, click ;

corrupt u.s. courts protect and perpetuate u.s. crimes, domestically and internationally, click ;

and here, click .

On $2 million retainers, what are they (paid to) required to say (some -non-retained- have been arrested)?

The Web Site is: http://peia.250free.com .