Albert L. Peia                          CAOT97 Week 6 – Assignment                         3-15-04

Concepts Review                                                                                                    Unit F


Various Web Page Capabilities


  1. Map and directions to specified locations (by vehicle).


  1. Directory of telephone and other personal information by name and geographical location (ie., city, state,country, etc.)


  1. Best air travel fairs to specified locations.


  1. Weather(and miscellaneous) details for specified cities (ie., by country).



  1. d. Streaming is playing a sound or video file before it is fully downloaded.


  1. f. QuickTime is a widely supported video file format.


  1. a. Dogpile is a news search tool.


  1. e. WorldPages is a directory of personal information such as address and phone number.


  1. c. Gif is a widely supported graphics file format.


  1. b. MP3 a sound file format.


  1. d. When you save a web page in Netscape the text elements appear.


  1. d. A gif extension is related to graphic files and not sound or video.


  1. b. Spelling and grammatical errors might identify a web page as unreliable.


  1. a. A Cookie is a small text file that a Web site stores on your computer.





Skills Review 1 –  9 are attached.