


Elements of Internet Explorer Web Browser Window:


  1. Back button.
  3. Status bar.
  4. Scroll bar.
  5. Location address.
  6. Back button.
  7. Search.
  8. Status bar.
  9. Scroll bar.
  10. History button.



  1. b. The WEB BROWSER is software that runs a computer to make it work as a web client.


  1. d. HTML is a standard (code) used to format text displayed in web browsers.


  1. e. LINK is a reference to a web page containing related information.


  1. a. START PAGE is the first page that opens when the Web browser starts.


  1. c. URL is a four-part addressing scheme.


  1. f. ENCRYPTION is a security feature.


  1. a. HTML ANCHOR TAGS are used by web page authors to link HTML documents.


  1. c. IP ADDRESS is the numerical address that identifies each computer on the internet.


  1. d. gsb.uchicago.edu is an example of an “easy” URL.


  1. c. ac is not one of the new top-level names but firm, web, and info are.

